Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Worst Economic collapse COMING!

Synopsis: Celente states this will be worse than anything we have ever seen. Who is going to rent all this empty retail space? Commercial retail collapse will dwarf the residential collapse. Unemployment rate is really 13.7% much worse to come. Americans should NOT listen to official figures. BUY GOLD! Health Jobs will be the growth industry. Engineer jobs too. Alternative energy. If US attacks Iran, Word War 111 will start. More here , 11 minute video:


  1. wwIII is inevitable after an economic collapse.

  2. It would be more believable if they could get his lips to be in sync w/ what he was saying.

  3. Yes that was my only concern with that video was the lip syncing of some sorts

  4. well i agree, situation hopeless but why would health jobs increase if nobody has money? i also have a long background in wall street since 1960 and gold at times. we are going into complete social unrest and if someone has gold the person with the bigger gun takes it. guns win over owning gold all thru history! many people are stocking up on food and water- my reply i'll come and take it can you stop me? all the bs on gold is ok as long as people are rational that wont happen. the social fabric will fall apart we are on the road to hell. the end of living the beginning of survival. your reply?

  5. The Anonymous of 10:51
    You wrote "my reply i"ll come and take it
    can you stop me?" My friend I hope you do not mean that. If you did, have you no fear of the Lord? If I had food, even a little
    I would share with you. Just so you know,
    we are told of these things to come in Gods Holy word. Evil wants us to do evil, for he hates God. Jesus loves you!!!!!!!! So lets love one each other. Lets give thaks to the Lord. God is good all the time!
    James Van Patten

  6. 50-50.. no idea yet.. maybe there is a miracle yet to happen.

  7. You are right that they don't have intelligence. They need artificial intelligence to do this... but... none of them can do.


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