Thursday, July 16, 2009

Max Keiser: Furious with Goldman Sachs


  1. Are the commanders in the American Armed Forces (Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force) paying attention to the actions of Goldman Sachs? Will Americans lose their country to communist/collectivist enemies within their own government and operating on American soil?
    What would the men buried in Arlington have to say about this? And who will stand up to preserve their sacrifice??????

  2. The banksters have always created wars and conflicts to fill their vaults. They have very little regard for military men at all. Their death and suffering means nothing to them - just a means to gain profits.

    The 'fight for freedom' mantra should be changed to 'fighting for a trillionaire bankster.'

    I pity anyone in the military or anyone who has had a loved one die for an elite banker.

    As Henry Kissinger said - "Military men are dumb, stupid animals." Now that is exactly what they think of their military pawns.

    How can a soldier shooting at Afghans right now think they are defending this country? Pawns. Oil, pipelines, protect the CIA poppy fields, incur outrageous costs to enrich the banksters. That is the real mission.

  3. I wish the Obamamaniacs could put two and two together and understand that their hero is just a banker puppet. Like every other puppet president since JFK.

    He is every bit the lowlife GWB was, but much more dangerous because of the trust blindly given to our first black president.

    Right now he is rallying to give the Fed even more extreme powers. Why? Because he is bought and paid for; a Judas; a treasonous snake.

  4. True 'nuff


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