By DeepCaster LLC
The U.S. Federal Reserve asked a federal judge not to enforce her order that it reveal the names of the banks that have participated in its emergency lending programs and the sums they received, saying such disclosure would threaten the companies and the economy…
"Immediate release of these documents will cause irreparable harm to these institutions and to the board's ability to effectively manage the current, and any future, financial crisis," the central bank argued.”
Fed Urges Secrecy for Banks in Bailout Programs
Jonathan Stempel, Reuters, August 27, 2009
Via The GATA DISPATCH 8/27/09 www.gata.org
“The Social Security and Medicare Trustees Report for 2009…(shows) Social Security and Medicare have a combined unfunded liability of almost $107 trillion…
The nation can’t pay for Social Security and the health entitlement programs it has now…
Are Members of Congress Out of Touch with Reality?”
www.dailymail.com, opinion/editorial, 8/21/09 Here
“What is a crying shame is, if they were going to print 10 trillion dollars, they would have done a lot more good rebating it to households, rather than sending it down the black hole of too big to fail institutions. In the hands of consumers, that cash would have trickled up to the larger institutions. As taxpayers, wouldn’t you rather have the money and decide how it is spent, rather than let the Central Planners have it and decide how it is spent? If you decide, we have capitalism. If they decide, we have socialism. What a blown opportunity. If the Central Planners change policy and decide to defend the Dollar rather than let it devalue, interest rates will rise sharply and destroy what is left of this fragile economy.”
Official Numbers vs. Real Numbers
Annual Consumer Price Inflation reported August 14, 2009
-3% 5.5% (annualized August Rate)
U.S. Unemployment reported August 7, 2009
9.5% 20.5%
U.S. GDP Annual Growth/Decline reported August 27, 2009
-3.9% -5.9%
All the above Real Numbers are calculated by Shadow Government Statistics the old-fashioned way i.e. with the methods used before the official gimmicking of these numbers began in the 1980’s and 1990’s. See shadowstats.com and click on ‘Alternate Data’.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
ReplyDeleteI had already read this article on Rense.com, which many may know is a conspiracy based news site. I am also noticing that The Comming Depression/blogspot breaks stuff about the same time as Jeff Rense. I think this is good, although many would discount Rense.com. they do provide a lot of good articles. Rense is good on financial armegeddon based stuff, some of which is no doubt true. They are also hard on Zionists Neocons Illuminati, take that as you will. I dont go for the UFO stuff, even though there may in fact be little green men (or greys and dracos as they call them), but anyway on that one--------------.
ReplyDeleteAs I said I read The Comming Depression/blogspot, Rense.com. and Financial Armegeddon daily. I get a lot of good data from these.
Jeff Rense follows this site using these articles. I follow this site first. The others are old news.
ReplyDeleteIt is not nutty to believe in alien life. It is nutty to not believe. I mean billions of star systems and people actually believe we are alone. There have been tens of thousands of sightings by respected people that have nothing to gain but ridicule for telling their stories.
ReplyDeletePeople do, however, trust in scripted man in the sky religions. Now that is nutty and sad. www.truthism.com
Jeff Rense predates this site by quite a few years.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, this site does the same thing Rense and others do, they gather up stories and compile them in a single location.
Say it with me... "End the FED" "End the FED" "End the FED"
ReplyDeleteAh, feels much better. So close...
Pffft. They don't build 900+ fema camps without the intent to use them.
ReplyDeleteJust like nobody loads a gun without the gun saying 'go ahead and shoot something'
Hmmm... I have several guns and none of them talk to me. I think that's a little weird! Does your Yugo talk to you while you're stuck in traffic!
ReplyDeleteI'd rather have a loaded gun in my house than a Yugo in my driveway!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think I am very different, because it appears at times I am the only person in the world who has NOT seen a UFO. I am just saying I have not personally seen one. I am pretty sure that is ok with me, as I would not want to see one. I will admit that I have never looked for one. I have not really thought about looking for one. Maybe it's just that I have never been where one was.
ReplyDeleteYou've just sewn the seeds of an inevitable sighting.
ReplyDeleteOn a stretch of lonely highway years ago, a UFO paced me over my car. About 40' above me traveling at the same speed than darting out about 300 yards in front of me. It then reverse accelerated at me at high speed, went over my roofline and shook the car while doing so.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I was neither drunk or tired, I thought I had hallucinated. There was no way to avoid something coming at me at that rate of speed if it was intent of colliding with me.
I looked over and saw my girlfriend who had been sleeping in the front passenger seat shaking and sweating. She had awoken to see the same exact thing.
We didn't report it as we didn't see any point in doing so.
Later research in life revealed to me that NAZI/NASA - NASA in the 60s was run by NASIs brought over via operation paperclip - had been hiding proof of aliens as they still do today. Aliens make the elite's power plays of politics, nationalism, religion appear to be non important; and they are. So they discredit and hide such proof.
At some point they will reveal the truth about alien life and use it to their advantage. All the nations should come together as one, etc.
And who knew the aliens were really so dumb?
ReplyDeleteNah, they haven't. This site is all about us soon living in cardboard boxes and clubbing a rat for dinner. Can't wait.
ReplyDeleteI hope rat tastes like chicken
ReplyDeleteHate to say it but sounds like your wife and maybe you were abducted.
ReplyDeleteHere’s a thumbnail of what it takes, in my view, for a society to be prosperous:
ReplyDelete1) An inventive / innovative class; people have to want to invent things and processes;
2) Cross-culturalization, where multiple inventors get together and compare their inventions, and newer \ better inventions are created;
3) Seaports or trade route intersections;
4) Business flowing from invention / innovation;
5) Decent Jobs flowing from business, so people can take care of their families with pride;
6) A reasonably decent life flowing from more people having jobs; and
7) Education encouraging the repeat of the process
Either some force in society sets this in motion, governs the process, and maintains it, or it does not. If you leave it to chance, you might be on top for a while but you will not be on top indefinitely. But that is a cost of freedom, when you do not direct people what to do with their lives.
My suspicion is that China will be the next world power because they tell more people what to do, and they are more controlling. More free? Of course not. But more planning, organization, consistency, and coordination take place under their model. We in the U.S. use the “herding cats” model, and there are benefits and costs associated with it.
We’ve needed more inventors for years, and few in our country have paid attention to that issue.