Thursday, November 19, 2009

China: You Think You Have Problems?

By Bill Bonner

Chinese authorities are no dopes. They know they have a “floating” population of some 150,000 million people who are looking for work. They know that if they don’t find some way to keep these people occupied they are likely to cause trouble. Trouble is the thing China’s leaders most don’t want.

“You think you’ve got trouble,” Premier Hu Jintao might have replied to Mr. Obama. “Did you know that there are something like 200 million Chinese who still get by on as little as a dollar a day? Let’s face facts. You’re sitting there in Washington, comfortably talking about how much free health care and unemployment benefits to give the American people. We don’t have the time…or the money for those kinds of things. Too many Chinese people. They don’t earn enough to afford the kind of cradle-to-grave bribes you give your people. We have to keep them working; there’s no other way.

“Besides, we don’t quite see why we should pay for your mistakes. It wasn’t our economy that blew up. It wasn’t our financial industry that sold houses to people who couldn’t afford them. It wasn’t our consumers who spent more than they had and went too deeply into debt.

“It’s the debtor who’s supposed to pay, not the lender. We’re the lender!”

Behind all the superficial arguing, accusing and kvetching, however, is a sick relationship. It has give and take. But the US is all take. China is all give. And now, on both sides, public authorities make the same mistake. In the US, they try desperately to prod Americans to take more…to continue doing what they were doing wrong. They offer incentives of every sort to lure consumers to consume even more. And their solution to the debt overhang is to hang on even more debt.

In China, meanwhile, the authorities desperately prod their people to give more…to produce more. Or, at least to build more plant and equipment with which to turn out more goods.

Education Fees Hiked So Much Riots Breakout!
Students, furious at the increase that will bring their yearly fees above $10,000 for the first time, rushed the UCLA building where the regents were meeting, throwing food, sticks and vinegar-soaked red bandannas meant to look like blood.

1 comment:

  1. Only the uneducated still pay for education.
    The wise grow their own food and know that nature educates much much more than all the libraries in the whole world.


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