Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Will The Ukraine "Baxter" Viral Flu Collapse The World Economy?

(NaturalNews) Here's what we know with some degree of certainty about the H1N1 virus in Ukraine right now: nearly 300 people have died from the viral strain, and over 65,000 people have been hospitalized (the actual numbers are increasing by the hour). The virus appears to be either a highly aggressive mutation of the globally-circulating H1N1 strain, or a combination of three different influenza strains now circulating in Ukraine. Some observers suspect this new "super flu" might be labeled viral hemorrhagic pneumonia (meaning it destroys lung tissue until your lungs bleed so much that you drown in your own fluid), but that has not been confirmed by any official sources we're aware of.

Complete Details Here
There are now 1.3 million infected in Ukraine, and over 75,000 hospitalized -- IN FOURTEEN DAYS. This is very serious! Based on previous clinical data we can expect over 8,000 to be dead or soon to be dead. Forward projection of the epidemic is difficult because the clinical attack rate is unknown -- but myself and my associates remain concerned it may be quite high. Deaths globally may be in the millions. Let's hope this is not the case.

2 Million Infected NOW-Thousands Dead


  1. Pneumonic Plague IS going to Tank the World Economy.

    First to suffer will be the airline industry. Then global trade, and then is SPIRALS from there. I guess the W.H.O and Baxter gets their wish.

    Say Goodnight Gracie!

    P.S. Oh just wait until this news reaches the brown shirt ostrich crowd...

  2. Viruses don't "naturally" mutate in such a short time.

    Paybacks are a bitch and Russia is paying back the US for meddling in their affairs.

    The Zionist control Europe/US and want to keep both Russia and China at bay. The Zionist see Russia and China and a hand full of Middle Eastern countries as their last hold outs. The last thing the Zionist want is for a new empire to emerge in this case a Russo/China alliance.

    The Zionist don't want anymore competition and are striking while the iron is hot.

    Unfortunately Russia had to set an example and retaliate which is costing 100,000s of lives.

    What Russia telegraphed to the Western Europe/US/Zionist is if you F@CK with us this is what we can and WILL do.

    P.S. For the brainwashed folks let me reiterate that I am all for Semitic people but not for war mongering European Jewish converts. Wake up!

  3. Research MMS miracle water. Will kill any virus in the body. Cured 75,000 cases of malaria in 4-8 hours. The FDA and the elite do not want you to know about such things. Research and protect yourself.

    Not a multilevel scam, nearly free and will stop this swine flu nonsense dead in its tracks. Spend $5, save your life.

  4. Yes, if you know about MMS and other treatments you have absolutely nothing to worry about whatsoever. Let the sheeple put their faith in the FDA and big Pharms.


  6. There are many things you cannot change. Protecting yourself and your family from this lab made BS is NOT one of them.

    Just like cancer was cured decades ago. You never have to worry about cancer in your family. Break free from the billion dollar doctor hospital chemo slice and dice crap.

    Think of all the people that would still be alive had they only not trusted the doctors and pharms.

    Watch G. Edward Griffin's World Without Cancer.

    There are a lot of well-meaning doctors out there but like their fluoride dispensing dentist counterparts, they are clueless.

    Entire populations on this planet are 100% cancer-free. Why? Their diet.

    You owe it yourself to not let ignorance bind you.

    Change the things that are within your grasp to change. Your health is one of them.

  7. The elite love fear. Fear makes you run to the for help. There is nothing better than the fear of a gruesome death to get you to let them inject you with mercury, squalene, estrogen/sterilizers, and death or autism for your child.

    Study up on vaccines and how they (don't) work.

    Learn that the current flu strains cannot develop naturally. They are lab made. It is a delicate project for them. They need to do just enough to scare the shit out of people and get them to submit, but not enough to wipe out their slave workers and co-conspirators.

    Fun times.

    You have not heard the last of this Flu scare and what it can do. They are busy with their test tubes trying to strike a balance.

  8. Facts are that naturally occuring contagious and life threatenings diseases *do* exist and we have discovered the means to identify and eradicate the agents, and to cure people infected with them. However, we must also recognize two other "agents" in the world: 1) humans that weaponize these agents and 2) humans that utilize these agents for monetary gain. These agents play both sides against the middle. The only hope is that we all try to educate ourselves in human anatomy, biology, chemistry, genetics, etc. that we may identify and eradicate the dangerous human "agents" hidden all around us. The soils, the natural genetics, the air and waters are all at risk. Be Informed!

  9. rob all sheeple
    kill all sheeple

  10. You are a sheep in little boys clothing
    Stuck in the mess as it is still unfolding
    Stuck like the rest but more forboding...
    If you're half as smart as you are outspoken
    You'll get off your high horse while it's still holding

  11. Moderate posting....Need to be more informative.....
    I hope this blog will do better in next time.



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