Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Airport Scanner (Video) A MUST SEE!


  1. This is just it, isn't it? I don't care if they offer free flights to London from New York, I am not going. I would rather swim than be subjected to the brutality of the Department of Homeland Security.

  2. Looks like the majority of the people in the poll to the right agree with you.

    It is all based on bullshit and staged terror like underwear boy. Disgusting. This is the government that we are supposed to trust?

    No thanks, I'll pass on flying for now on also.

    Just amazing to me how gullible the sheeple continue to be since 9/11. The plotters don't have to even get creative or do anything that dramatic to have our lemming populace shitting their pants.

  3. The people that will look at the monitors and whack are the ones in the back rooms watching recordings. Of course they will have to scan through 200 people to find an appropriate person to be the subject of their affections. After all we are a nation of hippos.

    Just hard to believe the sheep have given up so much so fast.

  4. 5 if you are flying to Nigeria hahahaha great stuff

  5. Welcome to the Fourth Reich.

  6. Great video - funny now but not too far from the truth anymore - exactly why I don'tmiss my old job flying each and every week.

  7. Exactly - all

    If the traveling public are smart; they will adapt and overcome.

    Don't fly & use alternative trans, - it's everywhere.

    there is absolutly no reason whatsoever to be degraded in this manner ---- none.

    Once the bookings go to 20% of capacity - someone will get the message.

    The ones that get the message will say " gee - maybe we should actually communicate with our intel sources"

    now there's a novel idea !

    We in this world have for the first time since the beginning of modern man - EVERYTHING at our disposal to live peacefully. Will we utilize ? probably not.


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