The recent Supreme Court decision will allow foreign corporations and governments to control elections, candidates and policy, now that the court struck down restrictions on corporate campaign contributions.
The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, lifted restrictions on corporate campaign contributions, citing freedom of speech issues as the Constitutional grounds for the decision. Now, corporations can contribute to any candidate, with any amount of money, to ‘buy’ the candidate who supports their interest.
Republican legislators, Fox News’ commentators, and corporate lackeys hailed the decision as too long in coming, and lauded the court’s allowance for big business the freedom to speak as a private citizen, a right it bestowed on corporations as a very generous gift; or was it a payoff.
The American people will pay for the immature decision the majority of Justices made. By allowing an institution the same rights as an individual citizen, those rights will lead to a foreign government taking power here in America through the election process.
Forget that the banking industry will pay to have regulatory commissions disbanded, or that Monsanto will buy enough candidates to abolish environmental regulations, or that drug manufacturers will purchase the candidates who can undo regulatory enforcement power for safe drugs. The real danger is Chinese, Saudi, or Russian companies buying candidates to influence foreign policy decisions.
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Ah, the good old days. Remember Gore and Johnny Chung?
ReplyDeleteyawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn what time does idol start tonite
ReplyDeleteWashington has already been bought and sold so many times its lips are cracked, cloths are torn and dirty, it stumbles when it walks and probably has a hard time sitting as well. Oh those invisible hands.
ReplyDeleteI gave up on voting decades ago..a total waste of time and manipulated by the elitists..only losers/puppets run for office anyway.
ReplyDeleteBoy I hope they buy more of our stuff so's we can buy more ofin' there's after all we are jist all one big happy femlee ain't 'twee??
ReplyDeletewell ain't 'twee ?
we have plenty good Chinese right here in the USA
place here all legal like - I gots a whole passel of 'em right down the street. Good hard worken folk yep - yes siree
One world you bet - one world & I hope yer all happy with that - all the same height, color, creed, religion
Ain't it Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat !!!!!!!!
So now the companies buying our leaders will claim to be apart of another country instead of America. Big deal they all serve the same master.
ReplyDelete5:16 while I understand your point, what's with all the pornographic commentary? It's kind of offensive.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is pathetic and starting to wreak even worse. Yeah, FEAR the Chinese! They are the ones with troops everywhere around the world outside the borders and you know what, their military budget is also 10 times that of of the second biggest military spender, not the US! Put that in your pipe and smoke it, crack heads!
ReplyDeleteGoldman Sachs already has this game in the bag.
ReplyDeleteAlong with the Mossad.
ReplyDeleteThe content of this site is slipping. Ask yourself this, has the government and its functions improved since McCain/Feingold? Nope. All M/F did was further empower those already in office which lead to further expansion of the Federal Government...
ReplyDeleteShameful business ,only amerikan corporate "persons" should be allowed to buy other governments with dollars.
ReplyDeleteWhat do they think, that they can treat amerikans as if they were amerikan Indians ? money talks dont you know?
The only foreign legal "person" that should be allowed to operate and print dollars in the USA
are the dear old fed and their partners gollem snatch
No No No
ReplyDeleteNot ONE ethnic group there Cochise ---
Not soooooo fast
WE got 'em ALLLLL every damn one of them and you know what ?
EVERY "group" will stop at nothing to get there own way. That's why we've become this nation of convoluted mish mash with zillions of laws to cover everything from spitting in the wind to calling a Donkey an ass.
We're so screwed up we cannot even agree on
what to put into history books for our children. Christmas good ?
No Chrsitmas very very bad.
Ben Franklin good ?
Oh your kiddin' me - wasn't he gay? That's bad right.
Hey - what's wrong with bein' gay idiot straight person - come over here and say that.
We have rights !
Miranda rights good ?
No ! very very bad
Blah blah blah - It's all so very --- convoluted it makes me tired
On the face of it, foreign companies being allowed to advertise during campaigns is lousy, right?
ReplyDeleteExcept for this...we have dozens of foreign companies with operations in the USA, with thousands of American employees. To say nothing of the pension funds that hold shares in multi-national corporations.
Let's say that Dick Durbin or John McCain announces tomorrow that they are going to try to pass legislation to tax foreign companies at twice the rate of domestic companies. Should they be allowed to respond via advertising? Well, how about if YOU worked at one of these places...?
If I worked at one of these, I'd want them to be able to respond, in order to save my job!
We, the starving well armed american people, would like to gladly welcome our tasty looking Chinese friends to dinner.
ReplyDeletePlease bring plenty rice, firewood and meat sauce when attending.
Nothing has really changed, America has always been a big fat lie. Raise the flag, rah rah rah!
ReplyDeleteLearn world history fools, this corporate country was a minor blip in the big scheme, an anomaly. You were warned by the founders that holding it would be nearly impossible. Once the western expansion was finished so was your freedom.
No go back to your TV sports, watered down beer and processed GMO junk food.
4:37 you are very confused and in the dark my friend. What exactly do you want, uniformity or diversity and freedom? If you are a fascist national front moron then we know the answer.
ReplyDelete6:54 I agree, although there have been many corporate blips that have come and gone. We are just one example, "the best country in the world", to great to fail (yeah right).
4:37 I might be in the dark but at least I know the lights are out.
ReplyDeleteWe have neither of your cute little conformist
answers and I am Libertarian.
Mao and Stalin had the best uniformity going - some of our progressive friends in Washington even think so - how wonderful.
Diversity ? Your saying we have this wonderful diversity now and therein' lies our freedoms?
So it's a good thing when I go to florida and the Hispanic population is so large in places
that unless I speak fluent spanish I cannot rent
a car. or pacific northwest and asians or N.Y. and indians Pa. and amish yada yada yada
Some of these populations have grown so large they have almost become a little mini state within' the state - which I guarantee you won't end there as they expand evermore; so do their
ethics. morals etc.
Mind you - they are not interested in the melting pot theroy anymore.
That is why we now have calendars with Rosh
Hashannah on 'em.
No, you're too dense to understand what I said I'm afraid. You want uniformity in morals, in race, in lifestyle, yet you cry about state communism that sought the same thing. Your vision isnt clear enough to know what you want.
ReplyDeleteOf course the national front racism idiots think we need a pure race state and fascism. We already have (corporate) fascism, just not the racial purity/uniformity which you crave.
You want an ideal fantasy which never existed before, and never will, therefore you live in a cartoon.
And you - denser than I didn't hear a word i said.
ReplyDeleteI don't have the answers like you do; maybe you should be running the country your obviously way more intelligent than everyone else.
What I said and continue to correctly point out is we really don't know who we are and all these
different ethnic groups ( which have grow large enough to be courted by every politician in the land) are all vying for the same resource.
Now - won't it just be too interesting 10 years from now when we wake up and our nations history has been completely re-written by a progressive
genius like you we will start with all 7 major ethnic groups holiday's that way the mail oughta start being delivered - oh; sometime in mid-April.
racial purity ? there has never been such a thing we are all heinz 99's. The issue currently in this country is as I state - listen closely !
We have too many LARGE concentrations of ethnic
groups that have not and never will fully integrate into America - they cripple the rest in ways too numerous to mention.
These people are nothing more than displaced
manipulators of a system ( way to corrupt ) that
is incapable of treating them in any other way than what they are - a VERY LARGE special interest group.
Put them all together & walla ! We all of a sudden have this train with one engine and Waaay
too many cabooses
I don't think even you know what you are trying to say very clearly.
ReplyDeleteYou moron. You could apply this to almost every country with problems, and certainly all of them have serious ones. You are trying to explain the ills of the world through the narrow lens of things like race and loss of culture.
ReplyDeleteWell, dill-weed, it's a little more complicated than that. Americas junk culture is not the least of our problems: fast-food, over-consumption, corporate piracy, and altogether the disease that is inherent to capitalism racing towards its end-state. We have reached the later innings of the mass spectacle, where dollar signs and corporate government continue to vie for the attention of the individual in full duplex playing the same old tricks that just aren't quite working the same as before.
Could congress ever get anything done? Yes, they have made it possible to establish over 900 military bases around the world, causing turmoil and strife in nearly every third world country, starting wars and continuing others indefinitely. All of these things ad nauseum, and all you want to do is blame it on racial unawareness and cultural forgetfulness.
For you, it is time to get a clue. You have said a lot and yet you have said absolutely nothing.
Fascist paradigm ? WTF ? Your totally delusional
ReplyDeleteyou need to go back & re-read the thread a little my Lennist\friend.
I know what I know. One of those things is you are a prime example of the kind of parasitical
existances that this country is forced to support.
95% of this country's population are caring, loving, hardworking people with high morals, great work ethic and a mind of a higher being to keep them on a straight and narrow path thru their short; but meaningful journey here on this planet.
But then there's you- the 5% .
You people are so fucked up in your modern progressive movement and mindset that the best you can come up with to justify your existance
is too constantly gnaw at the same teet that you recieve nourishment from - and without which - NOWHERE else in the world would you be able to go and spew forth such venom against such good.
Read the constitution Mr. Lenin the founding fathers warned of you. Other progressive leninists have had there day with the constitution and even with a few bullet holes in her; she is the single most awe inspiring thing ever written on our soil and I believe with divine inspiration.
You and your kind on the other hand are merely forced to counterpunch an enemy who doesn;t really even exist fot it is yourself.
I want to see one person able to go a year without buying one iten china made
ReplyDeleteThe postal service wants to put Mother Theresa
ReplyDeleteon a stamp.
Some fucked up Athiest organization ( here in the good ole USA) is up in arms & boycotting
the postal service.
The dude that has been beating on that issue in this column is right - we are way screwed up. To have an organization in this country with enough
power to do that against a person like her !!!
I do not know whom that country is - but it ain't us. The founding fathers are all rolling over in their graves.
Al Gore gets the nobel peace prize for not knowing what the hell he's talking about; barrack Obama gets it for something he'll surely do down the road and the ONE person whom so deservedly gets it for a lifetime of good for all humanity - we can't agree to put on a stamp
there's being a vote on June 13th 2010 on changing the US dollar, to Yuan. Now that it has began do you believe it yet?
ReplyDeleteTo everyone who posts
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to see all of your various opinions and positions. It is also interesting to see that many of you are very disrespectful when you do not agree on something with another. It is very apparent in all of your posts that America is getting what it wants. It wants you all to focus on what's different, they want you to disagree to keep you fighting so they can maintain control. This is analogous to divide and conquer. It is crucial that in order to maintain our rights and freedom we are able to overcome hostility with each other and have a significant and intelligent argument with each other. We are fueling their fire when we fight with one another and by never coming to a conclusion because we keep disagreeing and by never do anything about anything. And I know someone is going to reply and say hey you dodo dunderhead you don't know what you're saying or something around those lines. But whoever decides to reply try not to do that. Show me your able to critically think and respond with an answer worth reading. Prove to me you know how to have an intelligent argument. Because if you can not it can only mean America has one, for their goal is to prevent you from critical thinking so they can keep you distracted and naive so they can continue on with systematically eliminating our freedoms. It is important you all try as hard as you can to give this a good response and not an offensive comment. Just try it.