In 2008, America gambled on hope, as hope is all it had. A new administration faced the growing catastrophe in the only way it could understand, frantically pumping in dollars to resuscitate a prostrate consumerism. An insane amount of debt piled up, the annual deficit soaring through $1,000,000,000,000.00. One trillion dollars. Absolutely none of it was used to purchase plasma TV's, hot tubs, or bling. The richest of Americans - as they always have - prospered along Wall Street and summered in the Hamptons while the drought stricken middle class waited for a rain that will never fall.
The American middle class will not spend its way out of disaster, if only because it can't. There are no savings. The house is worthless. The credit cards are gone. Jobs are disappearing. Today is bad and tomorrow looks worse. People are nervous, frightened, worried. They are behind in the mortgage, and struggle to make health insurance payments. All the while, they watch the stock market explode, the bonuses arrogantly roll on, and their government lie to their faces that the "recovery" is underway. China is booming, so is India and Brazil. Beneath the hope, patriotism, and the flag, the American middle class can feel it all slipping away.
In a nation consumed by politics, where pandering and lobbying are two sides of the same platitude, what will the increasingly angry gentle folks of Ohio, Iowa, and Florida demand of their philandering representatives in Washington? What form of instant remedy will some baseless political hack come to offer them as the snake oil for what ails them? How will those decisions come to dominate the lives of those in Canada, Ecuador, and Ghana?
More Here..
World Bank President - 'millions going hungry, sick' due to Economic Crisis
Link Here
Record 3 million households hit with foreclosure in 2009
Everyone in the Congress and Whitehouse, except Ron Paul should be dismissed, then we start over, filling Congress with ordinary people who know how to maintain a budget.
ReplyDeleteConsider Haiti. Earthquake on Tuesday and by Friday, roving bands of really pissed off and armed citizens, killing anyone who gets in the way of their search for food and water. You think it can't happen here?
Good job on the numbers in the article;however, American do not live in a direct democracy. They live in a representative republic. Thomas Jefferson's vision for colonials was for everyone to be a farmer and help each other; maybe we are returning to his vision.
ReplyDeleteIt will be a good start if we can for the first time in 70 some years take the Kennedy's out of Mass. on Tuesday; that'll shake B.O. up.
ReplyDeleteI agree; if we had a couple dozen more Ron Paul's
we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
I'm not saying Haiti can't happen here; but having been there twice in my military career i can tell you; the country has no redeeming qualities and the Voo-Doo runs deep. We are talking about a country that still engages in human sacrifice.
114 moron, blame it all on obama 1 year in office and you are ready to hang him, but bush screwing up everything for 8 years you have no problem with. Your service in not recognized!
ReplyDeleteNot a real Representative Republic of course. That was just the original sales pitch. Not a democracy either.
ReplyDeleteWe are in fact an Oligarchy. A small group of extremely wealthy families in Europe determine every course we take. The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Morgans, and others own us. Unfortunately, they also have no respect for us at all due to their level of control.
In other words if our government was not totally corrupt and you could have a Fed audit and know who the owners are; THOSE are the folks that control everything in America. Not voters, not a puppet President or Congress.
People that believe otherwise are in a Matrix of control.
Our voting, our politicians, Dems vs Reps ... All that is a stage show. Meaningless. Your vote, your wants, mean nothing.
A good video is Jordan Maxwell's slide show presentation that explains how the elite use symbolism from day one in American to put a stamp on their ownership of America.
We live in a Clandestine Empire where the citizens are completely disassociated from reality.
ReplyDeleteMost people are not either open minded or intelligent enough to look outside their cage.
Oh piss I copied that link wrong. Just search from the video Matrix of Power by Jordan Maxwell.
ReplyDeleteFORGET the Bush vs Obama crap. They both work for the exact same employers, don't make any decisions whatsoever on their own, they are both cardboard standess.
That is ALL!! They purpose is to absorb the blame and misdirect the sheeple masses.
They are NOBODYS.
2:19 what do you think would happen if we got a 3rd party ( a legit 3rd party ) ???
ReplyDeleteVoting is futile; if a good patriot ran, he'd never win. Third parties have never been effective thru many decades.
ReplyDeleteNot possible. Even if a Libertarian/3rd party gained some strength, the Congress and the courts were bought off long ago.
ReplyDeleteLook at an honest person like Ron Paul. He is easily marginalized and dismissed as misguided. Those who were more vocal like Cynthia McKinney were run out of town on a rail. Ron Paul was never feared by the elite because he was still in the bubble, ie, even accepted the pathetic 9/11 official story. No blowback. Staged BS.
There is no hope at all. When I say that I mean for real freedoms.
The bankster families have a vise grip lock on it everything. Media (most important), banking, courts/law, false patriotism, nationalism, Pharm drugs, CIA money laundering and drug trades, Fema, bias, politics, religion, military, ALL forms of control are at their disposal.
America the experiment is done.
Gone should be the efforts to fix it. American is now like the '74 Pinto with a blown motor. The motor costs $3,000 and the car running is worth $750.00.
Now is the time to do your best to look out for numero uno.
Those that try to fix it will find themselves surrounded by mind controlled zombies. Those that believe the liars and puppets will be truly left for dead.
Don't go out like a bitch screaming about how bad Bush or Obama is or is not. That is like bitching about the minimum wage tax collector at the IRS counter. Just minions. Suits. No one to care about at all.
Pull your pants up, see the reality of the situation.
As for voting it is all a shame.
ReplyDeleteEven the people that has programming the voting machines to tally for the 'chosen' candidate have come forward at risk of their lives to tell you it is a fraud.
But bias and delusion marches on.
The bankster family's media determines who wins elections. In the very rare case they fail, the voting machines do their part.
Anyone who VOTES is a tool and a misguided fool.
Not worth your gas money to get to the voting booth.
Don't vote, don't participate in politics in any way.
If you do you are as dumb as a poker player betting his life savings on the table KNOWING that all the cards are marked and there is a camera reading their cards.
It is all fake. All of it.
3:18 I tend to agree on both your posts. 5 STARS!
ReplyDeleteIt's all so very frustrating. Senators Boxer and Finstein both know very well that the majority of California citizens and legal residents, absolutely hate illegal Mexican immigration. They come here with little or no education, they have nothing to offer, yet the senators continue to vote in favor of the illegals. Enough of that crap that they only work the jobs Americans won't do! I have been a "bus boy" "dishwasher" "car washer" and I'm a Lilly white boy.
ReplyDeleteThey simply won't listen to the will of the people. They need to disappear.
I get a half dozen emails a day from a friend making fun of Obama or critical of what he is doing. I just cringe. He just doesn't get it. A puppet does what a puppet is told to do.
ReplyDeleteThe elite put Obama in as a personality cult. That is what all the hope BS talk was about. Look to the man not the issues. A savior of sorts.
NOTHING CHANGED folks because he is only a puppet under the same Oligarchs. They want their invasions and occupations for profit, the puppet complies. They want draconian laws to stay in place, the puppet complies. They want even more power for their greatest scam, the Federal Reserve, the puppet complies.
STOP looking at the fake political system and its puppets for help or answers. All of it is put in place to enable your eventual open enslavement or destruction.
If you can do one thing at least know WHO did it to you.
Although I am not a fan of '90% truth, 10% lies" Alex Jones I thought his online movie The Obama Deception was pretty good at explaining all of this on a basic level. If you haven't watched it, it is worth your time.
Don't worry about illegal imigration. Within two years they will be running for home. It will be better there than it is here.
ReplyDeletePoliticians don't care about it because they know the eventually goal is the unification of the North American under one flag.
Relevant song predicting (this song is circa 1992!) where we are now:
ReplyDeleteSatanic Reverses by Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy
In the 1970's
The OPEC nations began to dominate
The world's oil economy
In the 1980's Japan became the world's
Number ONE ecomonic power
In 1989 the nations of Eastern Europe
Attempted to restructure
While in the United States civil rights have
Collapsed at the hands of fundamentalists
And national insecurity's at an all time high
Exxon and on and on and on
The ministers of double speak
New meaning of clean they
Tried to teach us
They staged the phoney shampoo of the
Valdez greases
Completely jheri curled the beaches
Pipe bomb for the NAACP
And a hit on Salman Rushdie
The Berlin Wall comes down and the U.S. cracks down
On illegal aliens
Ban the freedom of choice for those
Wanting abortion
And enforce capitol punishment
Twenty four hour radio ban
For indecency determined by the F.U.C.C.
Why are we so anesthetized to the lies
Because we do it in our own lives
We believe all the things that we want to hear
But then we also love to criticize
Bailout the banks loan art to the churches
Satanic Reverses
In 1992 the European economic community will reform
In 1997 the city of Hong Kong will become a part
Of the People's Republic of China
In 1999, and this is no coincidence,
The nation of Panama will control it's own canal
While in the United States civil rights have
Collapsed at the hands of fundamentalists
And national insecurity's at an all time high
Helms said ban the photograph
Of the piss Christ
It's sacreligious not an art piece
While we all try to discern between
Our cup of tea and what we call obscenity
The house's legislation
Ripped the phoney foundation
Off what we thought inherent
Sent Joey to the Supreme Court
'Cause he made a statement
They called it desecration
Of the symbol that was meant to represent
The freedom of so called choice and dissent
They almost had me believing it
They were bleeding him
He said, "Burn baby, burn"
'Til the street samurai
Said to my face that
Any flag that's worth a shit
Was woven from fire in the first place.
Bail-out the banks loan art to the churches
Satanic Reverses
ReplyDeleteThe word is nativism
They wii become convenient scapegoats for much of Americas misery kinda like the Jews in Germany during the intial onset of national socialism
I always wondered if Americans somehow got wise to the lies of government, religion, and money if America would somehow recover.
ReplyDeleteamerica would have recovered if the above was caught early, it was not and now everything is in the hands of corporations, that own congress, GAME OVER!!! Fascism is Alive and Well in the once great USA!
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I am waiting on the loan to close on my new Mcmansion. I am getting a great Opt-ARM.
ReplyDeleteI just wish my credit cards were not all maxed out, that is the pitts I can't get a 60 inch HDTV for my bonus room. The wife wants all stainless steel countertop appliances to go with her new granite tops. DAMN will have to wait until I can get a home equity loan next year. And well bad news this week--I got laid off (again). At least I was not fired like last year. Guess our new Lexus can sit in the driveway until I get my unemployment check (if the government extends it again out to a full two years). I guess the wife's boob job will have to wait.
I love your wife's bo.bs, they are nice in my mouth
ReplyDeleteWhahahahaha,,,,,,you dump idiots think there will be a revolution....keep dreaming, there is no reason anymore for such thing. The current economic recovery is getting stronger day by day and nothing in the whole world is going to stop this and certainly not idiots like you here.
ReplyDeleteWhat recovery? I was at a local mall yesterday, the first time I have been there in about 6 months. As we pulled in, I saw so many vacant parking spaces, I knew things were NOT normal.
I had to visit the Apple store. In the past, anytime I entered an Apple store, it was shoulder-shoulder, packed with people. This time, on a Sat. morning, the place was hardly busy. Many of the employees were surfing the net, waiting for someone to assist.
Passing by the food court, showed mostly empty tables and lots of people, begging us to try a free sample, hoping we would choose them for a meal.
We entered the mall through Nordstroms. I saw a really nice looking shirt on the rack. It was made in Malaysia, the fabric felt like it was mostly polyester and the price was $155.00! If I hear that Nordstroms is filing for bankruptcy, this will be why.
My neighbor has a full size, Dodge truck for sale at $5700. Low miles and nearly perfect body. He has had one person call him in the last 6 months.
The ammo case at WalMart is still mostly empty.
Yea, we're recovering alright...
I keep hearing people in the news media say don't take up arms to make change but get out and vote. But all of that is a joke. Voting will not make a change. Even Fox news plays into the hands of the government. They figure if they tell those of us who are fed up with the government, the things that we want to hear, that they can appease us long enough to gain full control of us. Democrats and Republicans all in the same and only these two-in-one parties control the elections and the government.If the American people had the hearts and minds like George Washington we would make a real change.
ReplyDeleteObama is doing a superb job waking up sheep.
ReplyDeleteYou are the man!
Media, and education for that matter, is always used by the system to perpetuate itself. At least until it implodes under its own weight.
ReplyDeleteAs scary as this is, and I fear for my children: our fat TV lobotomized as*es DESERVE what we've got coming.
ReplyDeletewe never had children, we are miles ahead of the game and we are prepared!
ReplyDelete"Even Faux News"?? They ARE a propaganda arm for the Pentagon and corporations. It has been documented and proved that the Pentagon actually wrote and provided pre-Iraq invasion stories.
ReplyDeleteWatch the online video "Outfoxed"
All MSM news is just worthless propaganda for the sheeple. That includes so-called comedy news shows.
Having young children right now, not good but you play the hand you are dealt.
ReplyDeleteAs for others, buy the thickest toughest industrial grade rebar strength condoms you can buy.
1:30 you have a point, but it is sloppily made. The CIA and pentagon etc. have vested interests in the media. It is heavily controlled at times by subtle tactics and a certain status quo is maintained by forcing people to play ball or quit, although it doesn't mean that all news, stories, or even entire programs are all scripted and owned by the pentagon. The FCC certainly plays a role too. In other words, it is not as obvious as Stalin's Russia, but it is close enough, and gives the illusion that we are an open free country.
ReplyDeleteI suppose a lot of people here were once part of the sheeple that they lament and they have recently "woken up", hence their often flimsy understanding about what is going on (reducing everything to simple 7th grade reasoning) and their intolerant distaste towards the rest of the people who have not come aboard their way of thinking.
It is not surprising. It is reasonably common for people to reprimand others for their own past faults. It makes them feel superior to others...
My Bush supporting co-worker's reply was always the same whenever I asked him to name one good thing his crooks have done for us. He'd say we have a good economy. Now of course everything is going wrong because of Obama. As long as we have so many stupid people in this country there isn't much hope.