Saturday, January 16, 2010

Federal Reserve Involved in Fake Gold Bar Swaps?

In a Sept. 17, 2009, letter on Federal Reserve System letterhead, Federal Reserve governor Kevin M. Warsh completely denied GATA’s appeal. The entire text of this letter can be examined at gata pdf
The first paragraph on the third page is the most revealing.”In connection with your appeal, I have confirmed that the information withheld under exemption 4 consists of confidential commercial or financial information relating to the operations of the Federal Reserve Banks that was obtained within the meaning of exemption 4. This includes information relating to swap arrangements with foreign banks on behalf of the Federal Reserve System and is not the type of information that is customarily disclosed to the public. This information was properly withheld from you.”
above statement is an admission that the Federal Reserve has been involved with the fake gold bar swaps and that it refuses to disclose any information about its activities!
The above statement is an admission that the Federal Reserve has been involved with the fake gold bar swaps and that it refuses to disclose any information about its activities!
More Here...


  1. The house of "golden" cards is nearing the collapse of all collapses and the political & financial thieves are in charge. Where is the gold that was stored under the Twin Towers? I recall reports of numerous dump trucks near the towers that day…just coincidence? We see Timmy Geithner starting to sweat…as he realizes the Banksters are setting him up as the preeminent fall guy, fodder for the masses. Hopefully he’ll crack! What we need is our own Robespierre justice with mobile guillotine…off with their traitorous heads and use their body parts for those awaiting life giving organs so some good can come from such evil! I hear the people and they are getting mad…every day the noise of frustration is getting louder ad we are ignored more and more by the criminals is DC. It is now a matter of when,not if the tinder box is it!

    Andrew Jackson

  2. Everyone start writing "Audit the FED!" on your currency.

  3. will this post get deleted?January 16, 2010 at 1:44 PM

    All fodder.....won't make any difference as they are too powerful, even comments here get deleted if someone opposes the views of those who "think" they know what will happen

  4. I delete nothing but insults..unless of course you have a LINK

  5. One would think if Americans knew the govt had stolen a trillion dollars in gold, they would be out in the streets, along with the Police, Duetchland Security agents and soldiers, demanding their gold back.

    But no,the sheep are at home waiting for the cowboys game to start.

  6. What is wrong with posting links? Insults can be a vague guideline, too. The only things that should be deleted here are the real obvious trolling and that bigotted crap we always see.

  7. Just marked all my bills with "Audit the FED!". I'm gonna carry a sharpie in my bag for just such marking of ALL my bills.

  8. 404 I am doing this now to all my bills, everyone should do so.

  9. Here is something else to write: "money is coercion".

  10. everyone carry black sharpie on you all the time, write audit the fed everywhere you go, tables, walls bathrooms, hotels everywhere you can get away with it without getting arrested or being seen on camera

  11. Blah, who cares. We could audit the fed but it would get white-washed. And even if it didnt? We are still collapsing. Why not audit the CIA? Audit the White House and all its indiscriminate wars its waged on humanity an innocent civilians. There are a ton of things we could audit. How about simply "no more government", because these things are always inherent to governments and empires, no matter how you slice it.

  12. In the online movie MONEY MASTERS he covers a bit about Fort Knox. Like the Fed, Fort Know has not been audited at all (well, since the 50s).

    There is always a reason.

    In the case of Fort Knox the reason is that it has been looted long ago.

    Americans have very little held Gold.

    The plan to leave Americans in the same boat as Argentina and Zimbabwe requires that we do not have real money, only slips of paper.

    We were robbed, cleaned out long ago. We just don't know it yet.

  13. The elite banksters are GOLD HUNGRY. They know gold's value.

    Before the towers fell in NYC they were sure to get in their days before and move their 30 billion in gold from the basement vaults. After all, it was the elite that carried out 9/11, not some caveman.

    GOLD and PMs are desired so badly by the elite because it is valuable. They laugh at us with our fiat slips of paper. Do you think the Vatican has worked for 500 hundreds years collecting slips of paper? The purpose of the crusades was to gain land, power, and GOLD for the pope.

    Overnight our slips of paper can be deemed worthless. They know better. So should you.

  14. If that were the case they would be BUYING UP THE GOLD. But its not. Wealth and power is what they are after, but your assessment is wrong. And because 911 was not carried out by caveman? Precious.

  15. Rather quick to call people moron, aren't you? You're like most of the other pots calling the kettle black.

    Yes, CHINA and some other countries ARE buying up gold. I already know that. The US is not doing so. You said the BANKSTERS are lusting for gold, but where is the proof they are buying it all up?

    It's mostly the public that is doing that, jerk off. If they wanted it badly enough they would come and take it or make some wild legislation change.

  16. Derrr I have a hole in mah head so forgive whatever thoughtless contents spill out uv it in the process a typin'. It's da banksters fault.

  17. No, dipshit. I just dont base intelligence on whether someone has read the latest conspiracy article on so and so website, and yes I have already read that, dipshit, but it doesn't mean the banksters have all the gold as you contend, not even close if China is buying it by the ton and it is still being traded and mined widely, dipshit. Why don't you get a clue and stop being a broken record, how does that sound? I think the only two thoughts you have are "banksters" and "jesus is a myth", which I dont disagree with, but neither of them are original. so I guess you're shit out of luck then.

  18. 2:23 is as dense as the night is black.

  19. He mindless twirp. Jesus the myth has nothing to do with this. Stop making irrelevant arguments. The only word you know is sheep. The only intellectual argument you know is "it's the banksters, stupid sheep". Maybe you can send off for an original thought through a Sears catalog cuz you're all out here.

  20. Mark all bills; US DEBT. Large Sharpie works best.

  21. Hello All... this is my first time coming to comment here. Kudos to the sponsor for all of his work keeping us informed. As a reasonably intelligent individual, I am strugglig to understand why several respondants here would waste their time bashing each other & talkin crap! We are screaming for someone to show us that we are not completely powerless in what is happening to our country! Give us some meat! Tell us what we CAN do that WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Tell us what we can do to empower ourselves to make positive change! Many of us feel hopeless and that it is already too late for us to have an impact on changing the direction of our country! I had this conversation yesterday with several people... we all agreed that we never imagined we would see our country destroyed as this our LIFETIME! Negative never attracts POSITVE! Be the teachers... show us a way! I have a voice & I know many who listen. I am active online and ready to spread the word. Whatcha' got for us? Give us something we can work with! Any suggestions for those of us teetering on the brink of just giving up hope completely? Thanks...Peace


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.