Friday, January 15, 2010

Global Tax on Banking, Internet Activity Says (Who)

The World Health Organization (WHO) is considering a plan to ask governments to impose a global consumer tax on such things as Internet activity or everyday financial transactions like paying bills online.

Such a scheme could raise "tens of billions of dollars" on behalf of the United Nations' public health arm from a broad base of consumers, which would then be used to transfer drug-making research, development and manufacturing capabilities, among other things, to the developing world.

The multibillion-dollar "indirect consumer tax" is only one of a "suite of proposals" for financing the rapid transformation of the global medical industry that will go before WHO's 34-member supervisory Executive Board at its biannual meeting in Geneva.

The idea is the most lucrative — and probably the most controversial — of a number of schemes proposed by a 25-member panel of medical experts, academics and health care bureaucrats who have been working for the past 14 months at WHO's behest on "new and innovative sources of funding" to accomplish major shifts in the production of medical R&D.


  1. So tax us so that there is nothing left to live on after you work. And how is this going to benefit me and my family? I don't know about any body else, but the main concern in my life isn't about health care. There are other important things in my life that I need. If all this impending world government wants to do is suck the life out of every working individual on earth I say lets stop them now. We need to start our own economic system where you get real things for your work. I fought using direct deposit for as long as I could because I didn't want anybody telling me I had to put money in a bank unless I wanted to. These lifesuckers want nothing more than to just be able to dictate to every person what they will eat, drink, and think. Buck these lifesuckers every chance you get. Every day there is something new that the government wants to tax us on. Paper money, silver and gold will all be worthless in the near future. Food. clothing, water, shelter these are the things that will matter the most. They will take that away too someday. Learn to survive and don't let them get the upper hand. The UN the b@stard make me sick. So does what our government is doing to my beloved land.

  2. All I hear on the news media is don't take up arms just vote. Poppycock! Democrats, Republicans, politicians. Everyone of the lifesuckers are out for thierselves. Voting does not make a change anymore they all have the same agenda. We do need leaders in this country, but who will really stand up for the constitution?

  3. Meet Your Master by Nine Inch Nails. Sums up how the United Nations and the World Health Organization views every human being on this planet.

    Bow down in position
    Against the polished steel
    This is something different
    You'll like the way this feels
    No time for asking questions
    No time for wondering
    We've heard it enough from you now
    We've heard everything

    We're going to play a new game
    You'll put on this blindfold
    You'll do what we tell you
    You'll do as you're told
    Used to be the leader
    Now comes the time to serve
    Maybe we show some mercy
    Maybe you get what you deserve

    Count down to the end
    Gotta make it come faster faster
    Right around the bend
    Is a coming disaster
    Count down to the end
    And we're headed there faster
    Come on down my friend
    It's time to meet your master

    You've left quite a mess here
    Under your stewardship
    You thought you figured it out but
    You'll learn your place in this
    Might take some convincing
    For you to see the truth
    There are so many things
    We've got in store for you

    Count down to the end
    Gotta make it come faster faster
    Right around the bend
    Is a coming disaster
    Count down to the end
    And we're headed there faster
    Come on down my friend
    It's time to meet your master

    Come on down

  4. the song does sum them up

    It is inevitable It will happen

    The one who wants to be called the master will reveal himself to the world and all the world governments will give him the power to do so. They will carry out his every whim. We are just starting to experience the beginning of his preparation for the world stage.

  5. Useless Sheep of Armageddon (USA)January 16, 2010 at 12:29 AM

    I beg you to please tax my puppies' pee and poo.

  6. I laughed at that one 9:29, but I think "they" are suggesting that the pets are part of the over population problem with carbon dioxide and eating too much food. Probably don't want the dogs around to let us know that they are at the door I say.

    You must work for them because you just came up with an idea that sounds good to "them". Enjoy your bonus before time runs out.

  7. wake up people of earth -

    you are all slaves to the elite-

    they will tax you into submission - they will force you to beg them for everything you need. they have dumbed you down with public education, they have dumbed you down with flouride in the water, they are brainwashing you with the hi resolution digital tv signal, they allow poisons in from china, they now want to zap you dna with hi energy airport xray scanners to speed up your death with cancer and who knows what else.

  8. Club of Rome documents, as well as CFR, Bilderberg and other elite organizations that run the world documents state that world citizens will be taxed 90+% or their incomes. We will pay most of our income to taxes. Just look at Europe now, they pay 60+%.

    This tax is not unexpected, and there will be many, many more to come...just look at (fake) Global Warming taxes (which will come back soon), the new proposed "War Tax" and the new so called "health care" taxes (if you don't pay, you go to prison), these alone will contribute significantly more to the US sheeple's share of disposable incomes.

    Of course this is not important, what is important is who is on amerian idol this week or if the jets can beat the chargers, these are what the dumbed down idiotic mind controlled tv addicted americans are worried about.

  9. 90% tax? Please, shut the hell up. You know that will never happen. The workers would revolt by not working any longer. It simply wouldnt be worth driving to work any longer.

    By the way, the maximumn income tax rate (depending on income) in Europe ranges from around 10%-50% depending on the country.

  10. My sources are saying it is closer to 99% by October.


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