I would like everyone that reads this fantastic site to not be overly concerned about the weeks market events. Although, I must say I did feel a few beads of sweat. My recent feelings of worry have subsided. The reason is, I know why Gold, Silver, and Platinum are going to save us. For those of you that don't want to hear the bad news, please view another commentary. The reason is: the president is still in "campaign mode" trying to sell the people of Cleveland, Ohio his " recovery ideas", who did their best to believe him. This country has been set on a collision course and we're all on board. The main mission of the persons' in power is to break "us" up, the middle class. Look at what recently happened to Iceland and Venezuela. Each country was fiscally robust one day, then destitute by evening. There must be some other reason why Hugo Chavez so graciously asked his people to blackout the country for a few days.
My friends, the only real money is metal, and the soon you recognize this fact, the far better off you'll be. Attain some Gold, Silver and Platinum.
What's the maximum I should have in my portfolio? Who cares! But you'd better get some (physical only) and you'd better get it soon! I personally know a few people that are actually attempting to exchange every Federal Reserve Note (us dollar$) they can get there hands on. Good for them. So for those of you that see what I'm saying, you can pull yourself back from the ledge. Take this opportunity to buy metals at lower prices. Trader D.
whenever I tell a friend or family member about pms they look at me like I am speaking japanese to them, no matter who I tell, they think I am nuts, oh well, I wont be helping anyone when TSHTF
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly right. Those that respect you and help you NOW, help them later. The people that are too high and mighty with their big cash CDs, IRAs, stocks, and $ savings, screw them they should have listened to reason and opened their eyes and minds to reality.
ReplyDeleteI don't hope bad things for anyone, but right now is where the last choices are made. Either trust the government, authority figures, politicians, and corporation media or not.
Either you can think for yourself or not. 90%+ of the sheeple cannot. They will always get sheared. This time around they will suffer a cruel death. Death by slow starvation.
In a time of falling prices, like today and yesterday, you may want to wait until you think prices bottom, are close to bottom, or even start going back up a bit. Personally, I think prices will continue to fall for a while. To each his own though.
ReplyDeleteI just bought at stack of 100oz silver Apmex bars, tested, for $1000 each at an Estate sale. Luckily, lemmings do not know what real money is or its importance.
ReplyDeleteThere are still great deals to be had on PMs. Search your local Craiglist for garage/estate sales.
Last year a buddy of mine bought a 20gal drum filled with <'64 silver 90% coins at less than half melt value that a man had been saving his whole life.
The daughter said she wanted to get rid of 'that ugly barrel.' She probably ran straight to Nordstrom with the sale money.
Face it, you might as well look for ways to profit from the sheeple's ignorance. Preachers do it every Sunday; so should you.
a little more fall, then later this year dollar collapse, then pm skyrocket
ReplyDeleteAt this point in time, I sort of kind of am looking forward to several friends and family of mine loosing it all, those who laughed at me and talked down to me because I told them 3 years ago what is coming, and to get out of the stock market and buy physical gold and silver (oh, gold was around $800 then). While some of them may be quite wealthy now with their stock and debt notes, when the collapse comes, I look forward to seeing the expressions on their faces and hear what they have to say. They are sheeple, as most of my friends and family are, addicted to their TV's...
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, those of us who are living in reality know what is coming, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Better prepare now, time is very short....
The next wave of home mortgage resets is nearly four times larger than the first one back in 2007/2008. On top of this, the commercial sector is collapsing right now. Corporate revenues are falling, and Wall Street has noticed. The bold traders will play the shorts, everyone else will begin fleeing the coupe before long.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how this is going to end.
Those of you who reside in the States had better get your hands on non-perisable food, bottled water, guns/ammon, portable gas/diesel and have a viable exit strategy if you live in a heavily populated area, complete with safe haven destination.
I expect America to deteriorate to the point of civil war. This will be caused by one or more Constitution-friendly faction in the military. Expect use of tactical weapons of mass destruction.
Many of us have learned that the goal is to reduce America's population to 100 million by 2050. This obviously isn't going to be achieved through natural cause.
Those of you who can migrate to Canada, you just might want to do this, say... NOW!
Canada: the last First World nation in the Americas. Sure we'll go through a period of distress and adjustment. However, unlike the rest of the G7 nations, we're the only one who has the resources, including >>>>OIL<<<< to sustain 33.6 million people, and then some.
5:29 you probably don't know this, 99.9% don't either. CANADA in 1994 relinquished all of its commodity rights to the US. In other words CANADA owns NOTHING. If the US's lights go out they have the right to take all the electricity from a neighboring Canadian province, putting CANADA in the dark.
ReplyDeleteOne of the advantages of living in a Clandestine Empire. What we don't have we will steal.
ReplyDelete5:34, think it through.
ReplyDeleteYour elites know your nation is dying due to lack of resources. They expect mayhem, starvation and destruction.
Why would they cannibalise their northern neighbour to save the Titanic? Canada, resource-wise, works. America does not. Also, why is there a compact in place that puts Canadian military personnel on your streets to maintain the peace?
You forget the Canadian and U.S. elites work hand-in-hand. There is not Canada and USA in their world. It's all one big, massive landmass.
Canada is the fallback plan.
You really think your elites are going to Mexico when all hell breaks out??? Get real!!!
And, yes. It's like that boys and girls.
ReplyDeleteTalk about a considerate effort here on all parts. Metals will save ya. ya right.
sure ~
such urgency in this post. How many worked on it? Nicely done except its not true.
~ yawn
Lead/Copper/Brass is your SHTF MasterCard. Accepted at more places than silver & gold.
ReplyDelete5:55 spoken like a true gov't sponsored sheeple. Well trained.
ReplyDeleteObama: I told you they would listen and obey me.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see you trade a lead pipe for a loaf of bread or a gallon of gas.
There is nothing better than silver .999-.9999 coins. Nothing except the essentials. Get as many as you can possibly afford then go on with your life knowing when SHTF and the entire monetary system and the dollar collapses you will have something worth your trouble.
ReplyDeleteThere is no vanity in owning PMs. You can't put spinner rims on it and drive it around. You can't be the big man on the block with the latest Ferrari.
What you have though is piece of mind and that is better than any vanity item.
I just graduated from college 9 months ago and I'm still unemployed. I'm having a hard time finding a minimum wage job too.
ReplyDeleteThese losers on CNN Money Show last year were saying that we will see a recovery by the start of 2010. All mainstream media clowns are saying right now we are in a recovery...WHAT RECOVERY??? WHERE IS IT??? WHERE ARE THE JOBS?
I've been telling my friends and family about this economic collapse and how they need to prepare for it, they laugh everytime. They say "your crazy, don't worry its going to get better soon, if not soon in a year or 2."
I got no job and I'm deep in debt with college loans. I only bought a few silver coins. I'm not really worried about having a lot silver or gold. I'm more worried about having a lot of FOOD and WATER. I'm going try to have enough food and water stocked for at least a year.
ReplyDeleteJobs are a lagging indicator. Always remember that. Cant gauge it exactly that way. It's turning around for sure, howbeit slowly.
6:44 you're delusional, unfortunately its getting worse, have you read the latest articles here? Or have you just arrived from space?
ReplyDelete6:47 Me delusional?
ReplyDeleteHardly bub. One thing I have over you is I know wealth is never lost, it just exchanges hands. Obviously its not going in your hands as it others. don't make me teach an economics class here. I would hate to disappoint your view. Your the one delusional.
~ Touche
7:06 you're not for real are you? When you lose your wealth you don't have it anymore. In other words you're penniless. The wealth is gone. When something exchanges hands, like a baton it means you don't have it anymore.You probably teach "The Administration" economics. You know, the deceiving one? Teacher of economics, please.
ReplyDeleteObtain some gold, silver, platinum...and God. LOL.
ReplyDeletePlease, give me a break. This article says nothing new or important.
In Jan, 2008 Gold was $922.00 per oz.
ReplyDeleteJan, 2010 it's $1089.00 as of 01/22/2010. That's about an 18% increase.
Meanwhile my savings account currently pays .04%, that's four tenths of one percent! Good thing I converted 95% of my cash to PM's
I think what s/he already said is that it just *changes hands*. Real wealth is in a measure of what makes your life rich, provides happiness, and shelter, etc. There is no guarantee metal will keep you "wealthy", but it is a hedge for the current time.
ReplyDeleteAlso, try not to think of economics as "deceiving". That would indicate it was put in place with the intention of lying to the world so that the elite could have all the wealth and the "lemmings" would have no gold". Economics is obviously flawed and not really even a legitimate "science", but that notion is kind of preposterous, to say the least, and founded in ignorance. The only grain of truth is that education in general serves the bourgeoisie and rich.
I have several 100 round boxes of shotgun ammo. It will be as good as PMs (got that too) when the SHTF. Nothing beats a shotgun when you have no choice but to get up front and personal with the enemy.
ReplyDeleteI am ready for anything, I have Pm's, 2 years food and water, Years of Ammo, Solar Generators, wind up everything, Reinforced Home, with Bulletproof Glass, and Steel Framed Doors, I can stay home for a long time without leaving.Bring it On!
ReplyDeleteBring it on huh?
ReplyDeleteI love it. You guys are all ready for war. Now, what happens when a gang of hoods busts in and takes all your food or shoots you in the head? You can't defeat them all, and if you kill one you know they will be back for blood.
The point is, you think you are prepared but you probably arent as prepared as you could be. How long can you survive in the basement eating canned beans? After they run out, then what? You aren't thinking sustainably. Even in Red Dawn they knew how to hunt and took to the woods to survive. See you on the other side of the prisoner wall.
Good for you 7:47!
As for wealth trading hands instead of disappearing altogether, I've got news for you.
What happens when real estate deflates, stocks deflate, currency deflates and there's not enough commodities to go around for a dead economy? Answer: wealth is DESTROYED.
Still don't get it?
Ten people bid on a rare painting. Final bid $10 million. So the $10 million goes in the bank and the painting is hung on the wall. Six months later, the currencies around the world implode. Bye bye $10 million in the bank and for the fellow with the painting, good luck in finding buyers that will give you $10 million in real value. Result: wealth was DESTROYED.
In the end, economic mumo jumbo isn't going to save you. Good information, common sense, planning and resourcefulness will.
What a heated fist fight!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the statment above that says "wealth is never lost
it just exchanges hands". I personally have many friends who
invest and from what I hear the markets right now are just
fantastic. Don't buy into all this horror. When the dust settles many
of us are going to be very wealthy.
752 you are not too bright, let me spell it out for you, military training, not afraid of a group I can take them all out quickly, and my body armour will protect if they get lucky enough to hit me
ReplyDeleteWho the HELL would buy pm's when big brother will just end up taking them back anyway?
ReplyDeleteCONFISCATION is the red headed step child that everyone refues to talk about. I will stick with CASH, cash is king...........for all you pm boners out there, I would sell before Uncle Stosh decides to take it back " for the greater good"
Errr I do beleive all of you are avoiding
ReplyDeletethe topic of all out civil war.
I wonder why?
Perhaps you need to go back and re-read George Washingtons Vision at Valley Forge?
Civil War Bitches.
It's what's for dinner.
7.06 your 100% right there will be a humungous exhange of wealth between hands.Knowing that how can you be so obtuse to naively believe were in recovery mode."Employment is a lagging indicator".In normal times that may be be the case .However it apprears you've been doing a Rip Van Winkle the last year or so while this crisis has snowballed for the worse.The current crisis in unlike any since 1945 vis a vis typical recovery patterns.I would advise you to educate yourself to the realities of the current crisis and not fall hook line and sinker for the ludicris propaganda mulch being churned out by the Govrenment,it's corporate facist conspirators and our friends over at the World's #1 Sheeple Media conglomerate CNN.God bless Wolfe and Rich Sanchez and crew.When it comes to Cnn's Money show, Ari Velchi and company are addmittely very highly intellingent and articulate people..The fact they can sit there[and with a straight face] and spew out this verbal garbage about an ongoing "recovery" and "lagging Employment" is testimony to either their own complicity in aiding and abetting the " Sheeple recovery myth" or they blinded and being suck into the vacuum of elitist bullshit that they have themselves completely become delusional.I think not in the case of the latter scenario.
ReplyDelete7.06 just take a look at the most recent Federal and State unemployment claims #s Take a friendly vistit to Shadowstats.com.The reality is a U6 22% plus National unemployment rate with no signs of abatement in the foreseeable future.
7.06 my friend it is you who is completely "Delusional" about the current state of our zombie economy.
At risk of sounding like a smartass and accussed of elitist tendecies, I sense by your usage of the word "Bub" that your educational level may be somewhat limited in both a macro and micro perspective within the current ecomomic landscape..My adise "bub" is do some research before you fire off your mouth on things you obviously have a limited conceptual grasp of.
For all you "BuBs" out there,hear the call of Mr Bojangles and buy Gold and Silver now if you are financialy able.Mimimize and or protect your family and yourself against the hurt thats being perpertrated on the American middleclass.
If you dont have the financial capacity to buy said Gold and or Silver buckle down the hatches.Unfortunately when the SHTF youll need cover.
Dont expect or hope Obama,Congress or any other of the ruling political or corporate elites to help you.These bottom feeding corporate fascist know what coming.Creating money from a printing press with not solve anything except prolong the absolute certainty of systemic failure.and or WAR.Dont be fooled by the corporate fascits and their political puppets.There will be no happy ending for the middle class unless something very radical happens.
Do you really think our President is going to take down the Bankers and look out for the Sheep.Please....................................
The President lacks the courage,and political will required to let the economy self correct.The strings are tight with very little if any give.
And that ladys and gens is the correct VIEW of a true pessimist who is fearfully destroyed and one who has hit rock bottom. RIP to 8:46
ReplyDelete8:46 he doesn't lack the courage, he is just a traitor. He IS a banker essentially. He works for Goldman Sachs, not us.
ReplyDeleteOur government has always been influenced by the Wall St and international bankers, now it is 100% owned by them.
PMs are a way to get off the grid and distance yourself from their corrupt systems of control.
As our puppet politicians do the bidding of their employers the last thing they will care about is you.
PMs = an escape from the corrupt monetary system and our fake economy. PMs = real money. PMs outlast nations.
ReplyDeleteAnyone that tells you otherwise is a tool.
hey guys theres a rumour and its only a rumour but Paula may be coming back to judges panel with simon on his new show X factor.Isnt that great lifes not the same without Paula .Man I love that show such drama'human emotion,pain,disappointment,the potential for a big payoff,humour warmth and love.Where would we be without these kind of shows? I hope Idol runs another 10years at least will have something to live for in those so called coming Fema Camps.
ReplyDeleteI love Barack he's on our side just like Pelosi Barney Frank Bonner and Christopher Dodd.
True American Patriots.Lincoln Hamilton Washington Kennedy Franklin and others of the revolution would be proud.
ReplyDeletePrecious metals help you after the smoke clears and a new paradigm is in place after the dramatic economic collapse. It is rather useless in the transition phase where there is war and choas. In those times you will need an abundance and tangible lifelines like food and water. The social upheaval and caliminty could go on for years.
ReplyDeleteCash is King?? WTF!!
ReplyDeleteWatch THIS.
And let's be clear. When we say that you should get gold and silver, we mean PHYSICAL metal, not sheets of paper.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope the war is short and sweet and like to be able to enjoy the fruit of my labors.Specifically a whole shit load of silver.
ReplyDeletePutting aside armed revolt Im starting to see more and more coverage of silver. Backwardation is rearing its head again.When I started buying the stuff there was more action in the over 70 Russian hooker business.My friends and especially my Banker looked a me like I had there horns on my head.
Things are unfolding in this market just like Schiff Butler Douglas Casey Celente kioysaki Maloney lewis etc. .Im starting to buy the idea I could actually be rich one day in the not too distant future.Considering my intial investment up to now thats f****** amazing.In retropect Im begining to think converting my stocks and contiuing to buy bullion has and will be "the" defining moment of my life.Time will tell of course but by buying most of my bullion at below 12 I am starting to believe this investment may be the real killer investment of the coming decade and beyond.
Screw private and governmet Pension funds paper etf and stocks denominated in Us Dollar the preceeding will eventually be worthless ruining millions of innocent good people.The clock is ticking we are close to a carefully timed collapse.
If you got the coin buy as much pms as possibe.Stick with silver the fundamentals are way better than gold in the long run.
Dont let this morally bankrupt Investment stock houses and Bankster institutions and the free spending politicians sodomize you out of every penny you got.
I firmly believe more than ever we have the Worlds biggest Ponzi sheme in exsistence which is being carefully managed by the most corrupt bunch of public and private groups ever to cwarl along the surface of the earth.
Throughout my whole life I naively thought that Uncle Sam was a paternalistic entity looking after the peoples best interest and guarding us against the vagaries of the corporate bankster scum that polute our shores.Man what a dumb fuck I was.Thank God the either wore off in time .Unfortunately there a long of either being distributed out there of a high potency long life nation.
I thank the powers to be for my decision to buy Pms.during the last two years.I firmly believe once the collapse accelerates and implodes P.Ms aside from the obvious essentials ie food water heat clothing .
If you got Cash Buy now due to manipulation and various other factors Silver is still undervalued big time.
The Sheep will eventually wake up.by that time it will have been too late to exit with a small fortune and guarentee of a comfortable lifestyle be it here or in another land.
F*** the Federal Government and The bottom feeding Corporate Elite.Their day of reckoning is close at hand .The screwed over Sheeple will show mercy when the SHTF big time
10:24 - exactly. I am also very grateful that I woke up in time to see the train coming.
ReplyDeleteWhether it be PMs, guns and ammo, food or water, what have you, the best way to survive in chaotic times is not to attract attention to yourself.
ReplyDeleteThis is especially difficult to do in urban areas but not impossible. Many will not know how to 'melt into the background' and will make life-changing permanent errors figuring this out too late.
The point is, laying low will ultimately do more than every other conceivable preparation. This is not to say you shouldn't be prepared with food, water, PMs, etc., what it means is that you need to think through how will you survive without getting caught in the act of surviving?
If you're one of the ones that is surviving with minimum pain and anguish then others that aren't so fortunate will eventually notice. It'll only take one to make your life more difficult.
You all need to be able to 'sort out' in your heads and in your hearts how you will handle things as they get progressively worse for those around you if you have no choice of where you live.
One of the best ways is that if you have family scattered about then gravitate towards uniting them together in these upcoming perilous times - when the chips are down your own blood will know you. They are your greatest societal shield when it all comes down to it. Not foremost friends. Not foremost members of 'clubs' either. But family. Everybody else will have to stand in line. That's the way it's going to go down for many.
So while I hear many here pretty much relishing telling family off in the future - to pound sand - because they didn't listen or didn't prepare like they did is stupid and shortsighted. That's why you're family to begin with - to get through the hard times when strangers and friends won't do for you what family will do for you. Your still blood.
In the first Great Depression it's families that made it through the best even it was still terrible times for them too. But the poor bastards that had no family or had cut off their ties fared the absolute worst because few strangers gave a damn about them because they weren't their own blood.
So start figuring it out now. How will you work it so your immediate and extended family can be your greatest asset and not something you completely forgot about nurturing for just these times because you thought going it alone is the best way.
It isn't.
ReplyDeleteThat's right 11:26, I'll be lined up at the food bank in rags just like the rest of them to avoid being profiled.7:06 says wealth is never lost, but i'll
ReplyDeletesay there's a hell of a lot of pieces of paper making a hell of a lot of people think their wealthy.
"Don't let this morally bankrupt Investment stock houses and Bankster institutions and the free spending politicians sodomize you out of every penny you got."
ReplyDeleteBest advice I have seen here yet.
I disagree about the family part. Bottom line is members of your own family will stab you in the back. People are people. Pick the ones that will support you the most, disregard family. This is hard line survival I am talking about.
ReplyDeleteYES! Not sticking out is a lesson I learned late in life. Not bragging about guns or PMs or food stores.
A friend of mine has a brutal tactic. Every tenth or so container of his survival food is laced with cyanide. Surprise for the people that every steal his stuff. Creative. Craftfully marked.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shoddy lesson in economics, 8:00 pm. I love the condescending tone even though you dont know what the hell you are saying.
ReplyDeleteThings like art and houses are notionally valued. The same house in a similar neighborhood is priced differently in a different city. A Picasso painting has no more real intrinsic value than a painting by Bob Ross. When economies implode, and the values of these things often-times with it, no real wealth is destroyed. There is a reason why it is called a bubble: because values are inflated (and will eventually come down). Are you following along yet?
There is more tangible wealth, that being the natural resources from which we derive our "capital". Money is just a respresentation of capital, again a notional value, but traded for that something more tangible. But by itself money has no value, no real use except to wipe our asses and to use and kindling in winter when that time comes.
It is no wonder that you pick up and believe any idea that comes along. You sound rather confused.
And how does that tactic help you survive. 2:25? It is unnecessary and doltish. What if you forget or a loved one happens to come across it without asking? Risk with no real reward.
ReplyDeleteI swear, you guys really need to stop watching A Team reruns and Rambo. I can imagine you now in your bullet proof vest sitting at the computer eating your dehydrated food packs, cocking that shotgun by your side at the slightest noise rustling outside. Way to be prepared!
7:06, please dont teach our kids your upside down views of an economy. Try basket weaving instead. It will show you how the govt is weaving into your life and when your basket is finished, you can fill it with whats left of your cash and hand it over to the wealthy. Great lesson.
ReplyDeleteIt amazed me to hear Obama say that we are experiencing deflation and not inflation when speaking in Ohio. He also said the cost of living was going down not up. What an idiot. He is definitely out of touch.
ReplyDeleteWhen stocking up on things for when the SHTF better find a place to hid all this stuff. When they (the government or whoever) start raiding homes etc... don't have it neatly organized and setup for them to take easily. Might have to have a hiding place in the woods or a secret chamber under the house. Don't put things in an obvious place.
Medical supplies will also be importat to have.
Now it is great to be prepared but there is no assurance that you might not be drug out of your home and corraled into a concentration camp some where.
Get to know your neighbors, find out where they stand. It will take whole neighborhoods to be able to fight.
The more land you have to fight on the better.
I think whole neighborhoods will fortress up.
I live in the woods and I know all my neighbors and we are tighter than family.
this wealth everyone talks about where is it we started with nothing but food shelter. We will end with nothing but food n shelter for those of us smart enough to be ready for this collapse
ReplyDeletehi friends. cant we just all get along. lets pledge right here to help each other out if and when things get a little bad. i will share what little i have with each of you. will you do the same. lets all be nice and share what we have and be really nice to all. i really believe eveything will all work out and life will be good again but we must be willing to help and share with all. lets all pledge now to do this. okay? i have a littel food and silver to give to any of you who needs it. thank you. love to all.
ReplyDeleteFrom BigEdMac ...
ReplyDeleteTell me ..Why is India & China buying up all
the Gold that they can find ...
Why is China allowing its People to Buy Gold ..
For the last 16 months .. On TV and Bill boards
saying "Cash 4 Gold" ... and Tupperware like parties where you can sell your Old jewelry and
gold pieces on the Cheap ???
The corrupt shadow eliteists are Buying up all the Gold that they can .. Before the Collapse ..
So .... Its Going to Be ... The 3 G's ...
... GOD, Gold & Guns ...
Prepare for the Worst .. Hope for the Best ...
God Bless You All .. God Bless America ...
i have 100 oz silver bars for sale if you live in the Toronto area for $20oz or best offer.
ReplyDeleteemail me if you are interested
ginotyper @ hotmail.com
707 its going to be gays gold and guns, those are real and can be held in your hand, god, that is just a myth, can you hold him physically in your hand? NO
ReplyDeleteLOL - GREAT ONE!
I think I have this site figured out.
buyer BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!
7:07 screw the fake man in the sky God crap, but I am all for Gold and Guns.
ReplyDeletePeople will look back a year from now if they are still alive and see this as the good old days. Jesus H Christos it is going to get ugly.
ReplyDeleteJasper, bring the truck around!
I will be placing another order for silver with my broker buddy tomorrow AM. He orders from Ampex, my name stays out of it, I toss him $50.
ReplyDeleteWhen TSHF I kill him and the trail ends there.
Just kidding, really.
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ReplyDeleteDid I forget GOD?
ReplyDeleteYou know whats Ironic? No matter what any of us believe, we all die BROKE. No one takes anything with him when its all done and said. THAT'S THE REAL IRONY NOW ISN'T IT?
ReplyDeleteLet that "end" usurp all other ends, for that is the fact of all facts! Some people on this page want to fear and relish in pessimism rather than optimisms AND FIST FIGHT SO HARD AGAINST HOPE AND THE AMERICAN SPIRIT! These are the true trolls and traitors! Hopeless Ravaging Dogs Even! Every looking to shred up any truth they encounter. Their view is so FRAMED UP, arguing with them only makes them postulate it all the more in defense.
Wealth is never lost, it just exchanges hands, even in death.
~ touche to all the cynical antagonist who say the sky is falling! Your sky is and its sad, that's obvious. Reach out and take my hand if you can hear our voices!
Me and many more on this site are calling to you. Snap out of it! Go out and take a walk, buy an ice cream, enjoy your family and friends. Take time to look up and quit looking down into the abyss of fear and despair. My God Man Snap Out Of It!
I will not be returning to this site. The delusion is heavy and the perpetrators in it are strong bent on spreading a virus of despair, fear mongering, hopelessness and sorrow. Cheers my fellow man. May you find faith in your darkest hour.
Ah, that is a shame. Now I will be alone in the struggle to spread light onto the encroaching darkness. I know that times ahead will be difficult. It is an inevitable reality that will eventually come to pass. However, this lot has already written their own script for it has even had time to arrive. I think they will be just as confused as the sheep they love to loath.
ReplyDeleteGo in peace and light.
"before", "loathe".