Since the uncomfortably close attempted attack on Northwest Flight 253 last week, many have focused on why the alleged terrorist, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was not placed on a watch list that would have prevented him from flying, even though the government had received information that he was a potential extremist. We should focus on a more fundamental question: How can we keep explosive materials off planes?
The writer was secretary of homeland security from 2005 to 2009 and is co-founder of the Chertoff Group, a security and risk-management firm whose clients include a manufacturer of body-imaging screening machines.
More Here..
Michael Chertoff is also the co-author of the US Patriot Act.
Of course they are Judases and profiteers in the fake war on terror.
ReplyDeleteThe king had to be Rumsfeld, the second worse, Cheney. But do the sheeple care? No. To busy trembling in fear over the staged terror.
Donald pimped Aspertame in your drinks. Rat poison. How could that happen? That in America someone could actually put rat poison in soda drinks and get away with it? Bias and apathy march onward.
Just another elite (with dual citizenship) who the sheep believe is helping to protect them from the big bad Al CIAda imaginary terrorist group who has infiltrated into every neighborhood in the US. Name one person in the past few administrations that is NOT profiting from his/her position.
ReplyDeleteThe dumb downed idiotic mind controlled TV addicted sheeple will not object to anything the govt does or says,i.e. US invades Haiti with 15,000 troops. No problem there, of course we need 15,000 (it's probably more like 30,000) to ensure the safety of the people of Haiti (LOL), like I said, the sheeple will believe anything..
After all, the sheeple bought lock stock and barrel the underwear bomber threat, I mean come on, how stupid can stupid get?
I'm one of the 2% that are not sheeple. My wife is still one of the sheeple. We had a rather "difficult" discussion yesterday. She can clearly see I spend all my spare time on line, learning what's really going on on the world. I read books that will educate me, rather than entertain me. Every time I bring home an extra 25 pound bag of rice or beans for the reserve, she always has a stupid shit comment to make. I'm tempted to not feed her when the SHTF.
ReplyDeleteShe in turn spends her spare time watching her soaps and mindless programs of the Jerry Springer variety. She never reads anything. When she is on line, she's chatting with strangers all over the world.
There are shepherds and there are sheep. Ever notice that a shepherd cares for perhaps 100's of sheep at one time? It's no different with sheeple. You can't expect sheeple to fight for their freedom. You can't expect sheeple to expose corruption in government, that's the job of the shepherd.
Is this too hard to understand?
Thanks 7:43, excellent point. Unfortunately, we are short, very short of shepherds. 90% of my friends and family are sheeple, some being quite wealthy, and in total denial about the economy. They are lost soles addicted to their TV and will have nothing to do with reality.
ReplyDeleteThey live in their own little world of perceived reality, and they want nothing to interrupt their reality. I assume, when the crash comes, or TSHF, perhaps when they are starving, they will see the light, though questionable. They will probably blame Al CIAda, or the underwear bomber, or whomever FOX or CNN designates as the "bad guy".
There are 220 homes in my neighborhood. 2% of the neighborhood means 4 homes. I can think of 2 of my neighbors plus me, would qualify as shepherds. Even if the "big one" (earthquake) hit California, I could trust and expect these other 2 neighbors to take a leadership position in the neighborhood and Shepard the sheep in the difficult days after the quake.
ReplyDeleteThis is sad but true.
Boycott the airlines: poor service, charging extra for luggage/lost luggage, not worth the hassle for passengers and all the BS, etc. I hope the airlines go busted. High speed magLv rail is the answer. Plus most jets are outdated and unmaintained.
ReplyDelete7:34 - that is why I could never be married, but don't fret .... try dating! LOL You dare not talk about truths or if you do, plan on isolation and scorn.
ReplyDeleteThe person that pursues and learns certain truths wants to tell the world. The world is not interested. People want to hear what they WANT to hear.
No one wants to hear the our economy is completely fake; posed for an implosion. That the government is working day and night on camps to imprison any rebellious sheeple; that the war on terror is a fraud from day one, etc.
Yes indeed we are truly the 2%. Fortunately even with 2% that leaves many others out there that understand what you do.
Never before in current modern history has a population been to thoroughly separated from reality. One a scale of 1 thru 10, getting someone to see we are in the first stages of an economic collapse is a 2. WOT/9.11/false flags a 4. Oligarchs run it all a 6. The Jesus/Horus/myth/lie a 9.
Why does anyone care abou the sheep? Ever heard of survival of the smartest?
ReplyDeleteBin Asset now taking credit for underwear boy. I'd laugh if this wasn't such a sad comedy. Bin Asset was dying of kidney failure in the spring of 2001. Was in a Dubai hospital getting dialysis under CIA supervision.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great stooge to set up to be the bad guy. A dead guy.
But ignorance and fear marches on.
Hey 3:31
ReplyDeleteWe need the sheep to plow the fields and harvest the crops. The Shepherds can't do all the work...right?
I love fascist bigots, thats why I come here to read.