Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Drumbeat to Boot Geithner Gets Louder, on Eve of Hearings on Disastrous Economic Crash

Editor's Note: Published below Danny Schecter's article is Dylan Ratigan's 5-point takedown of Geithner and why it's time for him to go.

When a pitcher gets tired, starts throwing walks or being hit, most attentive managers take him out of the game. When policies break down, as in the case of the security system that failed to spot the alleged Christmas bomber, the president starts talking tough about the buck stopping here and orders to straighten out a failed system.

But when tens of thousands of workers, once again, lose their jobs, the people responsible get winked at, not wanked. The president is contrite, his rhetoric subdued, even as the recovery he keeps talking about goes south.

Yes, there needs to be a cabinet shake-up. It’s time to yank Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner from the game, along with economic adviser Larry Summers. Their pro-bank, pro-Wall Street policies are failing. Isn’t it obvious? According to an AP investigation, their road construction projects have had no impact on the jobs crisis.


  1. Not Christmas Bomber, the Cia Plant Bomber, get it right

  2. Take him out, put him in, place Citibank instead of Goldman Sachs in charge, really what does it matter? It's all doomed to fail anyway. If ten thousand conservatives, neo-cons, neo-liberals, and democratic faithfuls couldn't solve the puzzle, neither can one career politician without a clue. So here's the thing... realize this government is broke. Let it fall apart. Don't pick up the pieces and try to put it back together because that is a doomed venture. Go about our merry lives--broke, sure--but without the stupid problem that was the dark shadow in the first place--the US Government.

  3. Give states the right to cancel their elected US Senators and US Representatives. If all they're doing in DC is pandering to lobbyists, then bring them back to their states and let them work in nursing homes or supervise homework. They've proven to be useless in representing the people in their state.

  4. 9:23--5:01 Both well put!! --- On the money

  5. Anyone with an IQ above 2, can see that no airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11. There is plenty of video footage that would prove it... footage we'll never, ever see.

    We have still yet to see who the "well dressed man" is in underwear bomber case. We'll likely never see the video or know who the guy is that taped the whole thing from a few rows up in the plane. This whole thing was just another False Flag incident.

    Geithner is just another well cared for patsy. He'll go down, but he won't go away.

    5:01 - I agree. I thought to draft a letter of termination for Feinstein and Boxer. They are both as worthless and a bag of rotten apples.

  6. People, where do you get the idea that either Bernanke or Geithner are incompetent or have no clue. These are professional robbers and they know their jobs really well. Who has no clue is the average American. That’s why they manage to fool you for so long. Changing Geithner is not going to make things any batter. You have to change the GAME and the SHILLS who run it. Don’t you get it? The average dork is no match to these people. See they do not brake into a bank at gun point and rob it. They come up with “derivatives”, sell it to the world, make money on these sales and then they bet against the companies and financial institutions who bought the “derivatives”, since all these derivatives is just a bunch of crap. But for you to believe this crap they show a ShNoble Prise Laureate who supposedly has a formula that covers these derivatives and explains on TV how safe and sound this invest. How would you come up with a scheme like that if your families in generations were not training and preparing you to be a high class thief?

  7. That is the purpose of a Pawn in the game of chess. Geitner is just a disposable minion. The Oligarchs play the game must better than we do.

    8:56 absolutely; but sheep believe what they want to believe and that is rarely ever the truth. It is in our DNA to follow authority and leaders.

  8. 9:37, that was my point regarding changing the game...

    The game is the government and the corporations. But you are silly to think geithner and his types designed the game. They are just game players. Derivatives and many other instruments are just the natural unfoldment in the specialization of corporate thievery tactics in an age of greed and every man for themself. You dont entirely understand this complex state of greed and coercion that has evolved over time so you chalk it up to some really smart men in a room who like to make your life miserable. Well, sorry ol' chum, the truth is that these people are NOT THAT SMART. They are just really good at conforming to the rules of the game and most of them lust money, prestige, and power. To think they all go in the room togeter with their secret clubhouse handshake to plot your demise like little red devils with pitchforks in hand is silly.

  9. @12:06pm
    I never said he designed the GAME. To see who the designers are and who runs the show, check out the link:
    Unfortunately, I could not find the scheme in English, but you can find a Russian friend to translate. And I think you a wrong about their smarts. They do not create GAMES, true, but they execute them very well. They fooled you country since 1913 and your are telling me they are not smart. Well then the Americans are exceptionally dumb. There are only two parts in this equation. In fact they fooled you this time around as well with Obama, didn’t they? Like lemmings. I was watching the inauguration and could not believe my eyes-so many dorks poring their tears. See they are always ahead of the game with you. While you are watching the next American Idol season, your president quietly signs a very suspicious executive order.

  10. Ohhh, I get it, the masters of the dark occult designed the GAME. Yeah boi!

    I'll get my russian friend to translate that right away. He knows about 24 languages so he should have no problem putting it into english. Gee, I wonder what would happen if the media or some english website got a hold of this? The GAME would be over!!!!!!!!!

  11. Barack Obama is no.9. Elmer Fudd is el numero 3.

  12. there would be no oligarchs without those little sheeple you always love to talk about.
    and yet i will bet you 5 worthless greenbacks that a) we put them there
    b) they couldn't last without us
    c) because we are just as greedy as they are and just had to have that house, sofa, car, riding lawn mower, bass boat, vacation to the beach, on and on

    Anybody who ever took out a loan is guilty and I'd say that's oh 'bout 101% of us.

    Our founding fathers were smart, smart people
    neither a lender or a borrower be - beware of foriegn entanglements - a man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle - if we do not hang together then most assuredly we will hang separatly etc. etc.

    But like a child that has to learn the hard way on it's own -- here we are --- and we are all guilty to some degree


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