The economy has about six months to live. Especially the part that consists of swapping paper certificates. That’s the buzz I’ve gotten the first two weeks of 2010, and forgive me for not presenting a sheaf of charts and graphs to make the case. Just about everybody else yakking about these thing on the Web provides plenty of statistical analysis: Mish, The Automatic Earth, Chris Martenson, Zero Hedge, The Baseline Scenario… They’re all well worth visiting.
Bank bonus numbers are due out any day now. The revolt that I expected around the release of these numbers may come from a different place than I had imagined earlier — not from whatever remains of “normal” working people, but from the thought leaders and middling agents in administration (including the prosecutors) who, for one reason or another, have been diverting their attention, or watching and waiting, or making excuses for a couple of years now. When Frank Rich of The New York Times starts Calling for Robert Rubin’s Head, then maybe the great groaning tramp steamer of media opinion is turning in the water and charting a new course for the port of reality.
Anyway, the grotesque carnival of rackets and lies that the US economy has become — held together with the duct tape of stimulus cash, gamed accounting, mortgage subsidies, carry trades, TBTF bailouts, TARPS, TALFS, shell-game BLS reports, and MSNBC “green shoots” cheerleading — gives every sign of tipping into collapse at a moment’s notice. There are just too many obvious things that can go wrong, and that means there are many less obvious, hidden things that can go wrong, and isn’t it tragically foolish to tempt Murphy’s Law, since it operates so well without any help from us? The call is even going out lately for criminal prosecution of the current Treasury Secretary, Mr. Geithner, for Engineering AIG’S $14 Billion Credit Default Swap Payoff to Goldman Sachs as part of the AIG bailout. Okay then, why not Paulson, Bernanke, Blankfein…?
More Here..
U.S. Treasury Secretary to Attend G-7 Finance Ministers Thousands Of Miles Away From Any Major City
Link Here
6 Months ! Oh My what will I do first.
ReplyDeleteSo much to do So little time
and the sheep say "obaammma, obaamma, obbbammmma" send us some more money!
ReplyDeleteThe speed used to pursue ACORN abuses should be the same speed used to pursue banker abuses. For everyone het up about ACORN, bankers have billions tied up in their casino.
ReplyDeleteI see the Obamabot is still here - I guess Acorn still does have a litle money to spend...
ReplyDeleteNot 6 months but I bet we are in a depression in the next 2 years no matter how much QE the fed does...
ya i dont buy 6 months. Nothing would surprise my anymore. This dog has at least a couple more years to run.
ReplyDeleteAnother f'ing date. Enough with the dates already.
ReplyDeletePeople get ready, the train is coming, you don't need no ticket to get on board. Get food, water, guns and ammo. All aborad, the depression train, again you want need a ticket to get on board.
ReplyDeleteKinda like the old Cat Stevens Peace Train song...
ReplyDeleteCause out on the edge of darkness,
there rides a FEMA train
Oh FEMA train take this country,
come take me back to the Gulags again
Everyone dragged upon the FEMA train
Come on now FEMA train
Get your bugout bags together,
go bring your good friends too
Cause it's getting nearer,
it soon will be with you
Now come and join the living,
it's not so far from you
And it's getting nearer,
soon it will all be true...
This is better than Nostradamus ~!!~!
ReplyDeleteOr the Mayan thingy
Or thr y2k Gig
Now we got a fuckin' Cat Stevens flunkie on board
( oh I'm sorry muhammad abdullah )
Oh brother - It's a good thing I have lots of bourbon
They said the same thing in Oct 2009; now, some are saying by spring. Many are slacking off on preps because of predictions that didn't come to pass..when the oil is shut off because of war, etc. then things will slide. The so called flu came and went, predicted bank holidays never happened. The "round ups" will happen first; when folks disappear, then it's not far off, and what will set it off may be several events at one time.
ReplyDelete4:54 LOL!! That Cat Stevens remake is the best! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWould this have not worked BETTER than the Stimulus ( political slush fund for Dems...) ?
ReplyDeleteStimulus = 787,000,000,000.00
No. of Households in USA (as of 2007 census bureau figures) = 111,162,000
Simply dividing the stimulus dollars among those
households evenly would have given EVERY household in America $ 7,079.00.....
I believe 7000.00 in the hands of each and every household in America would have done more to bring back the economy and jobs than what the politicos have done....
I know, i know.... stimulus is a joke to begin with... im just saying!
6:58, would be a HUGE boom in hookers, bars, strippers, booze and porn. Did I miss anything?
ReplyDeleteIm Canadian.The tragedy in Haiti is incomprehsible to most North Americans.I pray they get the relief they so desperately need.
ReplyDeleteCanadian Banks have stepped up to the plate in providing financial aid.CIBC one of the country's largest banks have donated a whopping..are you ready for this $100,000 cdn in disaster aid.A multi billion dollar Banking insitutiion donates $100000 I think this says it all about Banksters scumbags.Generous and compassionate beyond belief.These shisters are pathetic
7:01 & 7:15
ReplyDeleteRoger Waters warned us: What God Wants Pt.1...
What God wants God gets God help us all
What God wants God gets
The kid in the corner looked at the priest
And fingered his pale blue Japanese guitar
The priest said
God wants goodness
God wants light
God wants mayhem
God wants a clean fight
What God wants God gets
Don't look so surprised
It's only OBAMA
The alien prophet cried
The beetle and the springbok
Took the Bible from its hook
The monkey in the corner
Wrote the lesson in his book
What God wants God gets God help us all
God wants peace
God wants war
God wants famine
God wants chain stores
What God wants God gets
God wants sedition
God wants sex
God wants freedom
God wants semtex
What God wants God gets
Don't look so surprised
I'm only joking
The alien comic cried
The jackass and hyena
Took the feather from its hook
The monkey in the corner
Wrote the joke down in his book
What God wants God gets
God wants boarders
God wants crack
God wants rainfall
God wants wetbacks
What God wants God gets
God wants voodoo
God wants shrines
God wants law
God wants organised crime
God wants crusade
God wants jihad
God wants good
God wants bad
What God wants God gets...
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ReplyDeleteRobin Hood maybe you missed it. Canada has A TOTAL OF 50 BILLION in cash floating around the country. 53 BILLION in DEBT. 4 BILLION in the banks VAULTS. 1.6 Trillion in outstanding public loans. CANADA HAS NO MONEY!
ReplyDelete7.38 we have printing presses too.Banks here can basically create money out of thin air so there..I fAIL TO SEE your point re the generosity of our banksters.
ReplyDeleteBanks do NOT print anything. They lend out air at a rate of 1.6 trillion dollars to the sheeple. They make the payments on the debt thats why CANADA is the biggest subprime bubble in the WORLD.
ReplyDeletefair enough but still doesnt explain the pathetic donation amount
ReplyDeleteI am willing to pledge $10,000 for every man, woman, and child in the USA for the Haiti!!!
ReplyDeleteJust put it on our national debt tab; we're good for it.
I love the hatei, just give them our worthless money
ReplyDeleteYes people six month, not a lot of time left to see not economic doom but economic boom. All recent economic data are pointing to an imminent economic boom.
ReplyDelete950 has the best crack available, he is hallucinating!
ReplyDeleteWeekly INITIAL CLAIMS These are the actual numbers of UI claims as reported by the states. Soaring in the past four months!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete801,086 IN THE WEEK OF JAN 9
645,571 in the week ending Jan. 2
557,155 in the week ending Dec. 26
561,902 in the week ending Dec. 19
555,344 in the week ending Dec. 12
664,865 in the week ending Dec. 5
460,989 in the week ending Nov. 28
543,926 in the week ending Nov. 21
479,295 in the week ending Nov. 14
529,446 in the week ending Nov. 7
480,178 in the week ending Oct. 31
492,456 in the week ending Oct. 24
460,449 in the week ending Oct. 17
503,973 in the week ending Oct. 10
449,375 in the week ending Oct. 3
443,694 in the week ending Sept. 26
434,358 in the week ending Sept. 19
407,869 in the week ending Sept. 12