The emphasis has shifted under Mr. Lampert. Known for ruminating over every expense, he is loath to pour money into Sears's crumbling stores, say people familiar with his thinking. He is far more bullish on Web ventures, with their small capital requirements and vast potential audiences. While e-commerce represents between 5% and 7% of U.S. retail today, many in the industry believe the figure might grow to be as high as 20%.
"If they can do this right, it may save the company," says Maggie Gilliam, president of the retail consulting firm Gilliam & Co. "There is a sea change happening in retail right now and it is not clear what stores are going to look like in 10 years, so why spend money now? It may make sense for some companies, like Wal-Mart, as a defensive posture, but that is not the position Sears is in."
On a recent morning at the flagship Sears in downtown Chicago, the youthful, caffeine-fueled team of e-commerce designers and engineers was abuzz. Among their latest projects: mobile applications that tap into smart-phone global-positioning systems and offer customers merchandise based on their location: Yankees sweat shirts in New York, Dodgers caps in Los Angeles.
To test their phone creations, the engineers descend into the department store with handsets and grab customers in the aisles. To obtain feedback on Web sites, workers take shoppers upstairs to a small laboratory that resembles a recording studio.
Inside, testers sit across a plate-glass window from the subjects and speak to them via microphone while a camera watches their eyes wander the computer screen. A recent quiz gauges shopper reaction to a new application that lets people check out shoes from every angle.
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Take a look at this video:
ReplyDeleteDon't Send Your Money To Haiti
It's a keeper!
Sears,Macys, Target....Wait till February, watch the announcements, there will be many more retail stores and retail malls/commercial real estate going under. Check out Gerald Celente and his trends reports. Celente's track record is 95+% accurate!
ReplyDeleteOf course you will NOT see this on Fox or CNN, their financial babes are telling you we are in a recovery. WE ARE NOT, WE ARE IN A HORRIBLE DEPRESSION!
Those of us who live in reality and have been following the economic collapse have known this for years.
If one has a fragment of a brain left, one would be preparing for a major collapse, government and business.
Time is very short, better prepare...
John I watched that video and read the comments. Seems like a White Racist cult.
ReplyDeleteWhat those people don't realize, while they waste time with name calling they could be doing something productive to try saving the U.S.
Those same people don't understand that it is the riches of White males that is ruining this country. Those rich men could care less about them. They have them where they want them: wasting energy while the American dream is stolen from them as well. While they laugh at Haiti they don't realize we're headed towards the same proverty as haiti. We will become a 3rd world country and when the earth quakes under our feet who will come?
Divide and Conquer is ages old and they still don't know how it works. While we attack each other our Govt rapes us and we do nothing, but fight each other. How does that help us?
They call it the American Dream
ReplyDeletebecause you'd have to be asleep to beleive it.
Having at one time been an employee of Sears, Roebuck and Co for many years, I could write a book about what they deserve to happen to them. I have no personal complaints to the way I was treated while working for them. However, knowing what I do about their practices, and policies, and ways and means, I am surely not surprised they are crashing badly, even bankruptcy. They certainly earned it.
ReplyDeleteDon't send your money to Haiti
ReplyDeleteSend it to Sears!
Do whatever you want with "YOUR" money, because it is: "Your Money".
ReplyDeleteWho will now fix my Kenmore dishwasher?
ReplyDeletebyby Craftsman
ReplyDeleteYou can learn to fix your own Kenmore. If you can get the parts, you cna fix them yourself. I have fixed all of my Sears appliances and never had a serviceman come to my house. You will need to develop a mechanical aptitude because there won't be many people around to fix your stuff.
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