US House Rep. Ron Paul says the CIA has in effect carried out a "coup" against the US government, and the intelligence agency needs to be "taken out."
Speaking to an audience of like-minded libertarians at a Campaign for Liberty regional conference in Atlanta this past weekend, the Texas Republican said:
There's been a coup, have you heard? It's the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military. They're the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on countries. ... And of course the CIA is every bit as secretive as the Federal Reserve. ... And yet think of the harm they have done since they were established [after] World War II. They are a government unto themselves. They're in businesses, in drug businesses, they take out dictators ... We need to take out the CIA.
Paul's comments, made last weekend, were met with a loud round of applause, but they didn't gather attention until bloggers noticed a clip of the event at YouTube.
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Ron Paul is correct. He's also very brave to publicly say it.
ReplyDelete100% agree with Ron Paul. I now worry about his life. I hope he knows what he is doing.
ReplyDeleteWe need Ron Paul and others like him.
I meant distribution. One of the reasons we have to take out the Taliban. They stopped the drugs.
ReplyDeleteTruth like this is why in the Homeland Security handbook is states to look out for the terrorist signs. People with a camera. People with a map. People with camping gear. People with any literature referencing the Constitution. People with any DVDs or literation on 9/11. Most of all though, people with a Ron Paul bumper sticker.
ReplyDeleteThe Oligarch's media marginalized the man but in our fake political cesspool he is the closest thing to the real deal.
The sheeple in their ignorance harp about spreading freedom and democracy in Iran. Well, they had that in the 50s. Then the CIA squashed that. Too bad sheeple can't study real history.
ReplyDeleteWe don't give a shit about freedom or any such bullshit. It is all about who we can put in charge in another country that will generate the most profits for us. If that is a murderous dictator, fine.
Our clandestine Empire is all about profit and power for our masters at any cost.
The sheep are now going to start throwing around the CIA as the go to word in critiquing the collapse, not just the Federal Reserve. Don't get me wrong, I agree with all the problems of the CIA. But many of the same things can be said about the White House, the Pentagon, and the whole military industrial complex: they are all thugs. It's a trend that goes all the way back to when they were handing out diseased blankets to the Indians. It's called state-sponsored terrorism and every great empire has it, that's what makes it so great!
ReplyDeleteI know. It would be nice if the sheeple would accept that though and kindly remove the flags from their car windows.
ReplyDeleteWe will head into great depression at the end of 2010.
ReplyDeleteCongress approves another 1.7 TRILLION to raise the budget deficit that now makes us at what 14
ReplyDeleteand change ???
By the end of 2010 my ass - we're already there brother; we just don't know it yet ( they do though ).
The funniest thing thru-out this whole fiasco has been watching these 'officals" from the state level on up just spending money like the drunk sailors they are - they just cannot stop.
maybe the world is really going to end in 2012, so they're livin' it up.
ReplyDeleteThey've been living it up ever since Ceasar raised his chalice of wine, which was really the blood of every slave and mortal conquered, to toast kings and religion.
ReplyDelete8:18 they're debt back then was 2 coins and a goat..not the entire world like today
ReplyDeleteMy friend, economic systems have come and gone. Read the old history of Europe, just as an example. In the time of Charlamagne (700's AD) he took his empire off the gold standard in favor of a new coin and consolidated different currencies, in favor of easier transactions and simplicity, very much what is happening today. No, it didn't lead to a new world order, though im sure you would have been screaming the same thing back then. Some credit him for being the father of Europe. I credit him for being just another extension of empire building and the conquering of people who had been peacefully inhabiting the lands, and that is what civilization is today, just a continuation of the spirit, albeit in more modern "civilized" clothing.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is a NWO shill sent to dupe the masses.
ReplyDeleteEvery president we've 'selected' since John F Kennedy has been a CIA asset. Lyndon B Johnson hated Kennedy and wanted him dead. Johnson started the Vietnam 'Police Action' as per Kissinger/Brezinski. Peaceful born again southerner simple man peanut farmer Jimmy Carter allocated the largest expenditure on nuclear weaponry in the history of America. Ronald Raygun moved to deploy the Carter buildup leading to the collapse of the Soviet union.
ReplyDeleteRaygun was talking too much and Bush Sr stooge Hinkley shot Reagan with an exploding bullet as per Bush Sr but the damn thing failed to explode leading to Raygun's survival, but damn was he quiet for the rest of his presidency.
Then Bush Sr threw a Dessert Storm killing well over a million people. Saddam Hussien , his old buddy, no longer needed.
Obama is a CIA asset. His first job was for a CIA front company. His momma was a CIA asset.
Bush Sr was the Head of the CIA for christ's sake.
His son is a druggie. His son was the president?
Bush Jr was the president. That's how low america has sunk. Daddy puts his asshole son as the president. Oligarchy deluxe.
Now they put Barry Soeto. He hep appease deh black folk. It's ridiculous. America is being run by a bunch of evil bastards.
Everyone knows it.
ReplyDeleteI believe that is what was already said, but yes they are all criminals and thugs to one degree or another. That's what you get when you give up your right to be free for a little "security" through governance.
ReplyDeleteThat's where they live, not in underground bunkers in Afghanistan.
ReplyDeleteSucks that the sheeple trust mass murderers and psychotics with their future.