Author, investor and longtime Wall Street observer James Dale Davidson says our government is lying to us: There is no genuine economic recovery happening.
“I think what we have seen ... is a simulated recovery which has been generated by the government faking it in a lot of different ways," putting out what he calls statistical falsehoods on economic numbers "to make it seem that the economy is stronger than it is,” Davidson told Newsmax.
For example, calculations for the recently released unemployment figures released failed to include the fact that the Bureau of Labor Statistics had undercounted the number of unemployed people in 2009 by 824,000 persons.
— Davidson: Obama White House Is Lying to You
“They’re supposed to be doing a benchmark adjustment ... and if they do, the unemployment rate will shoot up even higher,” Davidson says.
"A lot of the supposed improvements have been faked by the government," Davidson says.
Davidson believes the government secretly used quantitative easing as an excuse to funnel money into U.S. capital markets.
“It’s not a coincidence that the market started to rally in March at the same time they announced they were going to do the quantitative easing,” he observes.
“In my view, it’s all created by the government as a hoax.”
The whole administration is based on one lie after another, he says.
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I don't believe the government is lying. A government that sprays chemicals on us from the air. Pollutes out water with toxic waste. Poisons our food with ant poison. Sets off explosives in occupied buildings. Nah. Trust them wholeheartedly.
ReplyDeleteNaturally they lie. I was unemployed when Obama moved in to the Whitehouse and a year later I'm still unemployed. He campaigned on one promise to put Americans back to work. He spoke of converting medical records to digital to lower the cost of health care. Digital imaging is exactly what I've been doing for the past 15 years.
ReplyDeleteHe wasted this last year on health care reform. He has accomplished nothing... oh wait, he forced GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy and then fired the GM CEO.
Today I pasted by a now closed Quiznos Sub shop and a corner Florist. They were open in Dec.
Yep, things are gettin better all the time.
You guys are fearmongers! The stock market is going up, up, up!!! err...umm..wait a second....
ReplyDeleteEver since I watched the Watergate hearings, I lost all faith in politicians. Recently, two Ala. gov. went to jail for bribery, embezzlement (Seigelman and Hunt) We quit voting decades ago..since large corporations & banks run the gov. Since the polls are rigged, why would anyone waste time voting? It's a scam and anyone that votes is a fool.
ReplyDeleteWhat - exactly did 'we" expect from a community organizer who surrounded himself with an amazing array of like minded yum yums. 8% of his cabinet have ANY business experience whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteAnd to top it off you have these goobers like reid, pelosi and ole fudge packer Barney Frank.
Wow We
I didn't vote for him, but for that matter, the last time I voted was for Regan.
ReplyDeleteWe always say we'll vote the scum out of office and they always find a way to get re-elected. Barbra Boxer is worried that she may not get re-elected. I hope so. She needs to go. All of the worthless lying scum needs to go.
I find Rush Limbaugh to be a bit irritating, but I have to agree with him, this morning he stated clearly that Obama is destroying this country as fast as he can.
We are the masters and they are the servants. Some how it's all bass ackwards at the moment.
We will head into great depression at the end of 2010.
ReplyDeleteChina would like to claim your land now please.
ReplyDeleteIn 2011, by 9/11/2011 we will go into a depression. The only reason we will not go into a depression in 2010 is because of all of the government spending. But in 2011 the government won't really be able to help any longer. Get ready for hard times.