Sunday, January 24, 2010

Taxpayers Getting Fleeced Daily By Government

From an extra day's hotel stay so military officials can fit in a round of golf to federal workers who fly business class instead of coach, questionable travel expenditures have remained a persistent problem across the federal government in recent years.

At the State Department, for instance, nearly 80 percent of the more than $300,000 in airfare reviewed at one little-known office in fiscal 2007 and 2008 went to pay for business-class airline tickets, and many of those purchases violated federal travel policy.

One senior manager at the National Science Foundation took or extended taxpayer-funded trips totaling more than $10,000 to facilitate liaisons with women in Paris, Tokyo and Vancouver.
And a former deputy secretary at the Pentagon repaid more than $17,000 after investigators said he extended official travel for personal reasons on more than a dozen trips, a finding the former official said he strongly denies.
More Here..


  1. Fleeced for $10,000, or $300,000?? How about $45,000,000,000,000,000?? Adjusting any of these numbers to post-crash valuation produces $0 for every amount. AMERCIANS ARE FLEECING THEMSELVESS by sanctioning the debt-based Federal Reserve Note, known to them as the US Dollar, as a genuine currency. Stated another way, they are busting their asses to accumulate as much worthless Ponzi paper as possible. There is a plan at work here - a strategy: to bring the foolish sheeple to the point of desperation, where they will give up their last freedoms in exchange for access to the "new fiat money" that replaces the "old fiat money". Then the game restarts all over again. If you want to know "the name of the game" and how it is played, then read this book: "Creature from Jekyll Island" by G Edward Griffin.

  2. It is a common habits for Federal employees (not all, but the majority) to fleece their travel expense by 75 percent or more. Believe me, I know what I talking about.

  3. When federal employees are banging whores America is safe, it's when they are working we are at risk.

  4. The people running things have fleeced people out of much more than money.

    They have stolen your dreams and goals.

    Of course most people have NO GOAL IN LIFE.

    Their goals are the ones they have been given mainly be a consumer.

    Sit down right now and THINK about what GOAL is important to you in life ...and... will make you a SUCCESS is your own personal definition of SUCCESS.

    Note it is important for your SUCCESS to also be of SERVICE to others.

  5. 5:49 - watch his video World Without Cancer also. If you can't do much about the Fed you can certainly do something for yourself on a personal level.


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