Thursday, January 21, 2010

U.S. States Are 3 Trillion In The Hole

Jan. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Everyone seems to know the current path of federal fiscal policy is a deathtrap over the long term. What’s peculiar is the relative inattention to the balance sheets of state and local governments.

Hidden behind accounting fictions, the politically unspeakable reality is that public employee pension systems are under-funded by more than $2 trillion. Add more than $1 trillion in unfunded health-care benefits for retired public employees, and state governments face protracted structural deficits ranging from challenging to insurmountable.

Unfunded promises are the equivalent of government debt. The burden of promises made by state governments to their employees -- effectively an invisible wealth transfer from future taxpayers to current and prospective public-sector employees -- amounts to about one quarter of U.S. gross domestic product. The strength and durability of the current economic recovery are unknowable; that state and local governments, which employ one in nine workers, will be a drag on that recovery is certain.

Ultimately, mathematically unsustainable trends must reverse. As with New York City in the late 1970s, eventually the federal government may get involved in redefining the services state and local governments provide, the benefits paid to public employees and the burdens on taxpayers. States cannot kick the can down the road ad infinitum.
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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Alex Jones's Step-fatherJanuary 21, 2010 at 2:38 AM

    Hi guys, I am writing from a FEMA camp on my laptop. It's not so bad. They give you three square meals a day and they even allow you to talk and write about conspiracies,e ven about them! Word has it that even the President and Vice President will be in a FEMA camp, followed by Hollywood and the 7 dwarves. I loved my job as a gold and silver pawn broker back in the civilian life, but I have to say it: I love this life even more. Tomorrow I am going to go dig some holes and then afterward send some NWO greetings cards to all my relatives. We had a great big turkey feast over the holidays.

  3. chicago green, talkin' 'bout Black Lebanese
    A dirty room and a silver coke spoon

    Give me my release, come on
    Black napalese, it's got you weak in your knees
    Just seeds
    and dust that you got bust on
    You know it's hard to believe

    30 days in the hole
    That's what they give you
    I know

    Newcastle Brown, I'm tellin' you, it can sure smack you down
    Take a greasy whore and a rollin' dance floor
    It's got your head spinnin' round
    If you live on the road, well there's a new highway code
    You take the urban noise with some Durban Poison
    It's gonna lessen your load

    What you doin' boy?
    You here for 30 days
    Get, get, get your long hair cut
    And cut out your ways

    Black napalese, it got you weak in your knees
    Just seeds and dust that you got bust on
    You know it's so hard to please
    Newcastle Brown can sure smack you down
    You take a greasy whore and a rollin' dance floor
    You know you're jailhouse-bound

    30 days in the hole

  4. Right On 11:29!

    Look at knowledge like that tree, the one in the garden. It was called the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil. When you take of bad fruit everyday, it starts to get in the belly, then those seeds of despair and horror and misery just set in. Its like a FIX or something for all these fire flys. Sucking all the time on that negetive crap. Meanwhile after awhile this stuff sets in and in reality is no more than PROPOGANDA for an agenda of some hippy dude that wants to sell us some SEEDS MAN!


  5. What is there to lose by stocking up on food? But you know you have to use common sense. Rotate the food. Use and replace and rotate just like they do in grocery staores, etc... Food prices keep going up so you will at least save money. When hurricane Rita hit southeast Texas I experienced how it was like to have the SHTF. Water was like gold food was scarce. Gasoline could not be found for a hundred miles radius. Communication was down. I felt as if I was in a Mad Max movie only all to real. I ran into a woman asking for just a few slices of bread for her children two weeks after the storm I gave her a loaf she couldn't thank me enough. People were bathing in swimming pool water and creeks and streams. Water was very precious. I'd rather be prepared.

  6. I don't think so these strategies 'll help the goverment. Gov't need to check their policies.

  7. For the first four posters,,, keep dreaming of your Government Pensions and you;ll keep seeing with those rose colored glasses.... Your Gov paid for medical plans probably pay for some good happy drugs to keep you dreaming of your Gov pensions... Good luck with that...

  8. Do you not get it? All 4 posts are from the same PERSON (TROLL).

  9. Anyone who has so much free time in the middle of the day that they go to websites they hate and write annoying comments every single day - well, they don't appear to be intelligent enough to be independently wealthy, so they are probably unemployed, living in their mama's basement, or both. Either that or they are working for the government. Just ignore them.

  10. No they arent from the same person douche. And I cant believe the host deleted the first one. Yeah, it was a more mainstream viewpoint and I disagree with it, but this is outright censorship with what doesnt jibe with the prevailing view.

    Shameful. A troll's opinion? No, but if they makes you feel better.

  11. If you guys didn't act like such paranoid simpletons maybe people wouldn't be so tempted to make fun of you.

  12. 12:31 has it on the dot...Problem is among the Prepper Community we have:

    1. Braggers..."I have this and that and this and that."

    2. End of the worlders..."The sky is falling and we'll resort to canabalism!"

    3. Militia type..."I have a flame thrower and a gattling gun and will die fighting against the NWO etc etc etc."

    4. Simple preppers like myself that see some BS coming our way...Figure why not stock up cus it's only going to get worse FOR YEARS.

    What we need is to keep religion and 911 out of it (Even though I do believe the government let it happen for various reasons)because then all our advice or arguement points become moot since to them we become "Tin Foil Hat People."

    On the whole I've stopped recommending things to people because most people are living on the edge and don't care about anything till the sky falls...My Christian Spirit is pretty much gone to those people and I wish them well if the bad times come but the reality they had plenty of time to prep but didn't or refused to heed to anything but what they wanted to believe.

  13. Wow, a voice of reason among the fray!

    That is pretty much the gist of it. Take 1-4, put it in a blender and hit mix.


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