Thursday, January 14, 2010

Who Was The Buyer: Arizona Sells The State Capitol and More

Question: Was it the Private Federal Reserve? China?

PHOENIX -- The state sold more than 20 properties Thursday, including prisons, the state Capitol and both legislative chambers, for $735.4 million at a targeted interest rate at just over 4 percent.
That means the state should be able to make it through fiscal year 2010.
Ironically, the money has already been spent.
It is a sale-leaseback deal. The state will continue to lease the buildings and in 20 years should be able to buy all the property back.
Link Here

Economic Stimulus Funds Went to Climategate Scientist
Funds Should be Returned to U.S. Treasury, Says National Center for Public Policy Research


  1. The state is now become a renter in its own home,,, if that doesnt wake you up, nothing will!!!

  2. Whoa you talk about the old saying " don't mortgage you future" this takes it to a whole new level.

  3. 20 properties found buyers..........hmmmmmmmmm and some here say we are collapsing. Our assets still have value.

  4. 4:25 you are delusional, the state sold an asset, probably for half of what it was worth AND into foreign hands. If this is not a DEPRESSION I don't know what is.. That is CALLED A COLLAPSE and a TRANSFER OF WEALTH!

  5. Well we know they are going to send funds to push global warming to further their NWO socialist agenda...

  6. 4:29 I agree wholeheartedly. As a STATE; you only do this sort of shit as an absolute last
    resort ( and I ain't talkin' Coca Moe Resort).
    Damn Buddy - we are in deep do-do

  7. Everyone should stop paying their taxes, etc. Just issue IOUs...tell the Government if they don't like it, they can wish in one hand and shit in the other...see which one fills up first.

  8. Move to Chicago. They do it all the time. Sold the parking meters on a 75 year lease for a fraction of their value; sold the Skyway; working on selling the airport....Gotta have money now and worry about the long term consequences never.

  9. yep 5:23

    They just went to the pawn shop, thats all. It still belongs to them, they just have to make intrest payments... then they can get them back out of hawk. One level up from desperation.

  10. I'll give you a hint: it wasn't China and it wasn't Russia. It was probably the mob!

    Anyway, we all know that the states are busy writing IOU's and getting money however they can. It isn't the UN taking over your backyard, so get your peter back in your pants and just realize we are still in the early stages of the collapse. Other countries are following suit. If you think the Fed caused everything you need to go back and take intro course into what's going on.


  12. The money is already spent.


    They sold the state buildings to some foriegn entity in order to pay debts.

    The level of mismanagement of this country is unprecedented.

    The ENRON'ing of America.

    All of it.

  13. There was an article in Drudge a week or so ago that AZ was waiting for China to seal the deal for its Capitol, so, yes, I believe it was China that bought it.
    At least AZ can now pay most its political employees.
    Shy III

  14. I guess Arizona figured nobody would buy their bonds so they put up their buildings.


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