As the world watches American Idol here is what's really happening:
Greg Kepferle, CEO of Catholic Charities, said a quarter of the population in Silicon Valley is now living in poverty.
“It’s no longer the cost of food. It’s the cost of housing, the cost of healthcare, the cost of transportation that really drives the federal poverty rate a lot higher,” he said. “In this county, it’s three-times the federal rate.”
“The reality is that people have to make those tradeoffs,” said Kepferle. “Do I pay the rent, or do I pay for my medication. Do I pay for the gas, or do I pay to get my kid into childcare. That’s affecting almost 25% of the population.”
He told KCBS even affluent areas of the city are starting to see the homeless.
San Jose City Councilman Ash Kalra has challenged residents to live up to the Silicon Valley reputation.
“With Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday a couple days away, I think it’s particularly important for all of us to engage in ending poverty,” said Kalra. “Certainly, in Silicon Valley, we pride ourselves on being creative. We pride ourselves on being successful, and energetic, and having initiative.”
Anyone wishing to give time or donations should contact their local shelter, food bank, or other homeless assistance organization.
I am always amazed at the high costs of living anywhere in CA. I am even more amazed as to why anyone would try it.
ReplyDeleteI have been to and all over CA, a bunch of it. I did not see anything there that would be worth the median costs of homes, etc. Plus the state will one day errupt into the chaos that Haiti is now in due to "the" comming CA earthquake. So why live there? A bankrupt state. Gangs, crime, drug murders, traffic in the big cities that would make you cringe. So what's the attraction that trumps all of the above? It can't be jobs as those are drying up like water on a hot sidewalk.
And the rest of the country is supposed to feel sorry for the wretched wicked ways of California why?
ReplyDeleteThis state has been the ultimate symbol of how not to run your government, businesses and lives for as long as I can remember.
The cost of healthcare? give us a break - over 50% of the recipents don't even have a damn green card.
This is the state that shuts water off to it's own farmers to "save a minnow"
This is a state that suffers massive wildfires because it's to stupid to allow conservative logging to control overstory and underbrush.
This is a state to stupid to allow offshore drilling which would reap billions for it's citizens
I could go on but why - if your that friggin' dumb - be gone already.
Greg Kepferle, CEO of Catholic Charities is spreading these false information just to get more donations to fill his own pocket. Everything is fine in San Jose.
ReplyDeleteAnyone wishing to give time or donations should contact their local shelter, food bank, or other homeless assistance organization.
ReplyDelete5:29 I don't see where he's asking to send money to an address?
Wasnt that the place that grew like crazy because of the last bs economic bubble in internet related stocks where stocks with a fundamental value of 10 cents a share were going for like 120 dollars a share and then finally went to zero a share wchich is what their true value was in most cases ? That was fake money in the first place just like the recent housing bust...
ReplyDeleteProblem: Endemic and growing poverty in America.
ReplyDeleteCause: Inflation, thanks to the Federal Reserve and their trash fiat currency, the US Dollar.
To Do:
1) Turn off TV.
2) Watch the free Chris Martenson Crash Course video series at www.chrismartenson.com
3) Read this book: "Creature from Jekyll Island" by G Edward Griffin
When a state has x people unemployed and living on food stamps, there should be a recall election. Bring homw both US Senators and all US House Representatives. If they're not representing their constituents and they're taking lobbying money, just stop sending them to Washington, DC. Don't worry about seceding from the Union.
ReplyDeleteThe slow death is interesting to watch.
ReplyDeleteCould you imagine what the 6:00 news would look like if all the media was not owned by the corporate banks?
It would make this blog look tame.
I have noticed that when the DOW goes up 29 points it makes headlines and there is all sorts of chatter about it.
ReplyDeleteWhen it goes down 50 nothing is said.
That is deliberate corporate news cheerleading.
I know that the price of the DOW has really nothing to do with the real health of the economy. Just an observation.
ReplyDeleteYou mean they don't produce potato chips?
Our future landowners, the Chinese, are really doing a lot of fast work in Haiti. Good for them. We, on the other hand, have a lot of paper work to fill out first.
ReplyDeleteThe vacancy in commercial RE in Sunnyvale is 50%. Overall for the Bay Area, the number is around 20%. Apartment Vacancy At 30-Year High; San Jose Leads Rent Declines. I know many people that are very underwater on their mortgages in SillyCon Valley; I tell them to walk, but they don't get it.
ReplyDeleteI lived in cali for 44 years, sold my condo at the top of the market as I knew bush would screw up everything, he did, I made out big time, the owner now is probably playing with himself as he has lost over $240,000. I knew cali was over then, and now it looks worse than ever. I talk to friends, tell them to leave and they look at me like I'm nuts, funny it is they who are holding the stinking bag.
ReplyDeleteThe trolls are entertaining. Like click, click, click of the window on the Yellow Bus, then a lot of shouting. Cali is doing great, lol, hilarious.
ReplyDelete5:29 doesn't even live in San Jose so how can he possibly know that "everything is fine" in San Jose? This jerk goes around posting "everything is fine" about every article when he doesn't even live in these places.
ReplyDeleteI agree with 10:58, these trolls are certainly entertaining.
“I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” -- Benjamin Franklin
ReplyDeleteWhose on Idol tonight.Cant wait for Helen Degenerate.Man that butch bitch is funny.Hope Cliff Roberston keeps his mouth shut about Helens sexual proclivities.I mean her mainstream appeal is a result of her taking a Pact out with the ole firebreather himself. "True story" according to Pat.
ReplyDeleteI just wish the man and others like him would just crawl under a rock and stay there until the rapture.
AAA*Shepperd of all scumbags.Maybe Obama,s response to Haitai is an insidiuos conspiracy between him and the Devil in order to win in 2010 mid terms and 2012.........Its good to see such a "decadent and selfish nation"show its true humanitarian spirit dispite the ramblings of a low life scum sucking hypocritical and santimonious bottom feeder like Pat Robertson of the CBN.
Ever thought part of the problem is a sub standard education? I'm of the Blue Collar type. When I graduated from High School I had hands on experience with:
Photography (develop and print)
Wood working
Metal crafting (machine shop)
Auto repair and body work.
This on top of all the required studies.
Every kid in my neighborhood can ID a photo of Hitler, but they are beyond clueless to tell me anything about the causes of WWII. They think the "Speaker of the House" is a 16" woofer.
Houston...we've got a problem.
16" woofer people I have found are quicker to accept that the whole political system is a fraud and they shouldn't participate in it, voted, etc.
ReplyDeleteIn taking to people about truth over the years I have learning that people who are really into understanding politics are dependent on that system and trust it.
It is really odd, like a cult of some sorts. I quess is that because it has been engrained in them that politics is real.
Of course it is not. It is a con game, a sham. It is only there to give the false impression that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have owners. They own you. (RIP George)
I’m living on dog food now; and I'm not talking about the good canned stuff. Ben was right! Tomorrow I am going to beat the pavement a little harder.
ReplyDeleteI'm living on dog food now, that is because I am a really cute Bassett Hound Puppy, I like it and I like when my owners give me different tastes so they do it often because they love me.
ReplyDeleteIf you are the in house bigot living on dog food, i say good for you, you get what you deserve, otherwise good luck!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to feel sorry for the grasshopper if you are the ant.