Sunday, February 7, 2010

Get Rid Of Health Benefits: Downgrade from Full Time To Part Time

In an apparent effort to reduce the expense of health care and other employee benefits, a Target employee reports that he has just been informed that Target will down-grade as many as 8,000 employees from full-time to part-time. He is one of those full-time Specialists and Team Leaders who are being demoted.
The employee, who goes by "Michael," wrote an extensive missive to The Consumerist, stating that Specialist and Team Lead positions are being eliminated in all Target stores over the next several months. Those who hold those positions will be demoted to part-time status, being assigned under 32-hours per week and paid on a lesser, hourly basis. Target representatives dispute Michael's reports

Michael also claims that many of these full-timers will be expected to train the part-timers to do their core jobs, before they are demoted. Some speculate that they will be so angry about this that they will quit, and entry level employees can be hired to replace the higher paid workers.

For the Target shopper, this could mean less experienced and knowledgeable customer service. Those familiar with Circuit City's demise note that the same tactics were attempted with Circuit City employees in order to save a buck, but shoppers became frustrated by the lack of customer service and expertise and began buying elsewhere. It took less than a year for Circuit City to declare bankruptcy after that move.
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  1. I say its time to abandon the “Big Box” stores and throw our support behind local small town stores...yes they will have higher prices but we need them now more than “Wal-o-china Marts” or “Missed-Targets”.

  2. 8:52: Seniors and other lower income folks have to buy at stores with lowest prices in order to meet our utility, car and prop. taxes, ins., and medical bills..younger folks: just wait until you retire on fixed pensions or annuities, SS,etc. We watch every penny! those making 80 gran and up, you can support local biz.

  3. We are past the point now of doing the right thing as individuals. The nation is toast, there is no looking back or trying to fix things now. Start thinking selfishly now about what can help you as an individual. If someone is .05 cents cheaper at Walmart or Target, go there.

    If your best pricing for storable food is Costco, go there.

    The time for doing the right time has passed. That ship has sailed. The Oligarchs did a number on America. We are the Titanic right now with the stern sticking up out of the ocean. In not too many moments from now we will plung to the bottom.

    The majority of Americans, over 50% will die within 30 days when that happens. Most will simply starve to death when their 3-4 day food supply is gone and the stores are boarded up.

    Is this some crazy paranoia? No, unfortunately it is not. It is what the Oligarchs have wanted for a very long time.

  4. That is why talk of some sort of rebellion or revolution is futile nonsense. They pull the plug. You die. No fight. That is exactly why Exec orders already give them the power and advanced planning to seize all food, stop all highway travel, control all TV/radio except for government gibberish, kill your cell phone, shut off your water.

    The revolution will not be televised.

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  7. here is how f ed we really are, they are showing peoples in new orleans how happy they are about the saints winning and in the backround their houses are in shambles, if the saints win, their houses and communities will just be all brand new, awesome

  8. 11:45 and 11:52 you're so right! Live for self and family, stay low key, load up on preps and buy a camper or motor home if you can and stock it with preps. Also, have land out a ways; or get with a small group with land. but sooner or later the NWO gestapo will use helicopter gunships to kill off patriots or use bio/chem agents. This country is over and done!

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  10. I agree with 11:45 that the present condition of America can be likened to the titanic with the stern rising up out of the water.

    We're pretty close to the final monumental plummet.

    I don't agree with 11:45 at all about be selfish, think for yourself, bla bla bla.

    I am a Christian, and I know that I'll be OK.
    There's been times in my life when I went hungry for weeks and I'm still here, and a better person for it. Poverty ain't so bad.
    Being alone is much worse. 11:45 already lives alone in a world full of people they'll never know and never understand. They will die in darkness just as they lived their entire life in the abject poverty of intellectual darkness.

    No thanks.

    When the SHTF I will hunt and put food on the table for many.

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  13. I think the more government shills (or if you wish Cass Sunstein's shills) show up on blogs like this the more idiotic their point looks, which basically exposes those clowns right away. It is more and more difficult to convince even an average patriotic Joe Blow that things are "as usual" when he sees all of his friends are unemployed and he gets part time hours instead of full time and a question arises whether to pay ever more unaffordable mortgage payment of save the money to feed the family in the future then the proverbial SHTF. So, Sunstein's shills, we welcome you here since you are doing a brilliant job of exposing yourselves, and, in addition, may be the switch in you head will turn ON and you will begin to use the content.

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  25. Well ammo is sold out in most places, or it's at a premium. By the way the other article regarding down grading target workers for pt workers... they can't compare circuit city employees , becase we needed good advise on electronics, but who needs advice from a check about clothing or food at target. target won't go under.
    I think the financial system is going to take another big hit soon, so many empty homes everywhere. The banks have not written the loss off until it is resold for pennies on the dollar.

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  28. The largest investment banks don't take big hits. They just use the taxpayer base to cover their losses.

  29. he really does, he messed with weak minded sheeps heads really well

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  42. Dummies arguing about religion.

    Look, whatever you believe in, there are people who will always criicise you. Just ignore them and move on.

    As for those who are attacking others' religion -- let them believe what they want.

    All I ask if that all of you stick to the subject.

    What are you guys doing?????????

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  44. What was the subject?

    Oh yeah. There is an easier way to handle the costs of health insurance. Educate people about our corrupt medical system.

    Cancer was cured in the 50s. Eat 6-12 apricot seeds a day and never worry about ever getting cancer.

    Worried about viruses, even herpes, AIDs, H1-N1? Get MMS Miracle Water and blammo it is gone.

    The Oligarchs want you sick and tired and running to a corporate FDA fraudulent medical system for help.

    Everything you believe is a lie.

    Start with G. Edward Griffins video World Without Cancer. Same guy that did Creature from Jekyll Island.

    You don't have to be fearful, just knowledgeable. Anyone that dies of cancer does so out of ignorance.

  45. The lie that hurts America worst than any other defended via deletions. Oh well we are done as a nation anyway.

  46. This site is an economic forum. I cannot spend hours and days deleting religious stuff back and forth or I will just close this blog, it is getting tiresome. Thanks!

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  48. I agree EA but when someone starts posting that the aren't worried about the collapse because a cartoon will save them it gets old fast. Like the idiot above me here. "The ruling elite authored Christianity." The ruling elite AUTHORED it.

    Oh well, I guess we need to just ignore the idiot sun cult people and stick to the subject at hand. I agree to do so.

  49. Let's all focus on the subject at hand.

    Some Celente or Schiff videos would help :).

  50. ea's censorship is as bad as the communist chinese

  51. No. lol. We were wrong and went overboard with the comments. Apologies to the Blog.

  52. This place really attracts trolls. I frequent other sites and I've noticed that for some reason this place seems to get picked on by religious zealots.

  53. Sorry OT but Larry David asked who has more freedom? A married man in America or a single man in Communist China?

    I'm going with the single man in Communist China!!!

    Just lightening the mood at bit.

  54. 5:59 that is because the vast majority of people that are 'truthers' are also Christians, which is ironic.

    Live and let live I guess.

    Looking forward to the next article here as always.

  55. As for the poll, I have a hard time believing 31% of the people here have enough food to be self sufficient for a year.

    If that is true, it is excellent news. Most people I ask say 3-4 days is all they have at all.

  56. I have about two months of food and water. I have a year's worth of coffee though!
    I really bought a lot of supplies about two months ago, but I have slacked off recently.

  57. I do not think that majority of people are prepared for what is coming.

    I fear for those who have prepared because those who have not will be desperate when times get tough. Better keep your supplies a secret and keep your supplies in a secret room or something.

    The cities will be worst off. What I also fear is that the city people will go into the suburbs and start attacking people for any of their remaining food and so forth.

  58. The layoffs are becoming more staggering. I find it interesting that most people are beginning to believe we are in trouble, but so many believe that if you prepare for hard times you are a nut. And if you talk about the possibilities of hard times you are a bigger nut. Myself, I believe that within the next 6 to 18 months we will see the prices of groceries go through the roof. Hyperinflation is fast upon us. I think there will be plenty of food it will just take most of the money our low to lower middle incomers can budget for it. States will not be able to keep up with unemployment and food stamp obligations. When the poor cannot get food they will raid the stores much like happened in New Orleans during Katrina. Inner city folks will suffer and our police, fire departments, and hospitals will be strapped with the larger part of the social problems incurred by the social unrest from empty stomachs. I do not fear the poor to much. Mostly it is the people who are afraid of the poor with the empty stomachs that are the really the scary people. They have bought guns and ammo and are prepaired to defend themselves. I will defend myself and my family as well, but not out of fear, but out of just trying to survive.

    There will be a shortage of vegetable seeds this year because of all of the Victory Gardens going in back yards... there will be raids on these much like there was during the depression. My grandmother shot at people all hours of the night trying to keep them from stealing from the garden. If they would have asked she would have given them food.

    Stock up... you are down to just a few months.

  59. I remember when JC Pennys moved masses to Part-time to save on benefits and full time salaries. They are still here.

  60. As people wake up to reality there is more traffic. I really think the blogger works hard to keep us up to date on issues. I visit this site 3 times per day to see what's up.
    Trolls are just idiots that want to upset us, I ignore them myself. I do see things that have me puzzled about the economy.
    There are no jobs, but I see that people are bonding more with family. I took my kid to chuck E cheese and all the tables where taken, I have never seen this before. We also joined a family bowling night league and there are 38 teams, the guy announced it's the highest amount of teams on record. So with the country falling apart there are some families that are growing closer. I will say that I do not feel we have hit bottom as of yet. I think the stats are lies and I m a bit scared of what is to come. Don't expect old days to return. I'm not even sure the high home prices will hit the peak numbers for 20 yrs or more. Some area's have taken a 80percent hit in prices, of course that is where I have invested in rentals and have a 22% return on my investment.
    Again, I love this blogg, lets keep it real. Life is puzzling at this point in time. Let us that are concerned have a safe place that is honest ,,,, to share. Cheryl in ca.

  61. 8:13 I presume you think you are not one of the wicked, or at least you think you're not.

    You guys need to get off your high horse and realies we are all in this mess together.

  62. wanted to comment again. We are all anticipating what, a slow kill of the american ways and monitary system and job losses ???
    we speak of " it's coming soon", is it soon and sudden or a slow death, the knife in our back slowly turning. Everything is in slow motion. Do any of us think it's going to be a sudden collapse ??? or just more of the same ole which will eventually lead to a depression? I get so confused. I have before over paniced in life, but I just want to know others views on a collapse or deteriorating situation.
    My tenants I worry about paying, their jobs, the money in the bank, can FDIC fail,
    where is safety, anywhere. I have tons of seeds and am stocking up on some stuff, I just don't have a direction on which I feel solid in.
    The dollar has rebounded a bit in past 3 weeks or 3 months, and euro is down. Also we have no more room for rates to go down and I fear major inflation ahead, but not in this envirnoment. Some items have went high and some things are dirt cheap. major confusion. I do follow Schiff and Celente, not sure about freedomwatch. People tend to have short memories, so they can't see things getting much worse. It's a big bad twilight episode. If I had told anyone that the homes would fall 80% in value off 2006 prices for the
    Antelope valley , ca. I would have been laughed at. I'm sure many think Im nut, ( not here) but the planning and seeds and that. There are more beggers on the streets and I live in a very affluent area. I think many have issues and they never reveal them. My neighbor just lost their 5700 sq foot home and I use to envy their catering and parties etc.........obviously used their home as an atm and recently foreclosed. Ok enough for tonight, please chime in. for those honest with an opionion that wanna share it privately and publically.
    Cheryl in Ca.

  63. Yes, things are moving fast now Cheryl. But everyone did say that after Christmas we would see more layoffs, and the layoffs will continue.

    I think the people who are mostly holding us back are people who are still working and are complacent. Now, I understand they are tired of working and probably taking on more responsibility and multitasking, but it's the complacent people who are holding us back right now.

    Eventually though, those still working part-time, even those working thirty hours or more, will get their hours cut, or will be laid off too.

    Government jobs are in trouble as well. Even police and firefighters are being laid off.

    Lots of prisoners are being released. With this, more prison guards and workers are also being laid off.

    Watch as this year unfolds. It will get worse and worse.

    Let's hope our friends who are still complacent will wake up as I fear it is already too late.

  64. 9:00, I am not on my high horse. I am a survivor. Been that way most of my life. I don't hide behind guns. I have been in front of them many times. In fact chief I'm not afraid of much of anything and that includes death. I have a garden, I can and dehydrate foods. I can create a meal out of stuff growing in most peoples front yards (minus the dog poop)... I have scavenged for food more times than most folks... I don't have a high horse bone in my body. That is all you will get from me you pussy. Folks like you hide behind anonymity and would never have the balls to face a man without a gun.

  65. The only thing in most people's front lawns ARE dog poop and fertilized grass. And maybe a few pink flamingos here and there.

  66. cheryl in Ca up late :)February 8, 2010 at 12:45 AM

    People are desperate. The middle class man has had a real wake up call, no longer making 6 figures, can't even find a job making 40k, if even that. Educated people don't automatically get a job either. I say at this point being self made, or creative in other ways is easier than finding a job. There are no jobs near me, not even crap jobs. I feel so bad for the age 16-25 group, they won't even have a chance. I see a poll asked about money in the bank, and I'm like, where the hell do I put it ?????????? hide it, if the dollar bombs it's worth nothing, then some say buy " things , no debt " so I bought a few homes for cash, so when we crash I won't lose since I own them. Strategies are hard to find at this point. Who is worse off, the elder age um lets say 60-90 , or the kids age 16-25, or us 40s ish folks who have to now worry about our kids lost opportunity and our parents lost pension. I see no way out, there is no money, and the pensions, well need I say more. Half the time I don't know if I'm coming or going, but I know I"m one of the lucky ones. I'm working on pass ports next, incase. How sick is it to have to think about passports, storing seeds and food and ammo, it's insane. oh well,
    sounds like a horror story. Again, restraunts are slow, but if it's family related I see more action, families bonding is big.
    Thanks for ur comments . Cheryl in ca.
    ps... no one is on a high horse. I just see idiots talk about things off topic and think it's cute. Instead of talking about Flamingos, let us know, hows work, hours up ? over worked ? busy malls ? what's going on in your town ? Thanks in advance.

  67. Cheryl, I live in a Middle class neighborhood and I am seeing a lot of families moving in together. Children who have lost jobs moving their families in with Mom and Dad. I know of a lady and her two kids who moved in with her Mom because her husband went to prison because he was one of the slimy Mortgage brokers that was fudging the paperwork to get people bought into homes. He will serve 2 years thank goodness. Homes are foreclosed all around me and houses are starting to pack with children and grandkids. Our schools are suffering as people from other cities are moving in with other folks here. We have had small grocers close up as well as restaurants, and chains are closing up locations in our area. At church we have a lot of unemployed and our pantry is empty all the time.

  68. Cheryl I have bad news for you, Properties are going to be used as drug houses or flop homeless houses, I would get rid of them now, except for where you live and fortify your house now, bar jam locks, door jam locks, 3m bulletproof window tape so your windows cannot be crashed in on. Million Dollar homes here in vegas are now, Methlabs, Whorehouses, Illegal alien crack fiends using them, they are all over Vegas, Real estate will not come back in our lifetime, that is over now. I lived in La for a long time and sold at the top in 05, I did really well, they guy who bought my condo for $480,000 is losing it to the bank as we speak. Buy Freeze dried food, Lasts for 30 years if stored in a cool dry place, 55 gallon water drums to store water, Lots of Ammo, Guns etc and Wind up everything, Flashlights Radios, Heavy Clothing, Plant a garden in your backyard and get ready for a long bad ride, Look up nazi germany and you will see where we are headed.

  69. Also watch utube for the green police video commercial from tonights superbowl, it will show you just where we are headed, I did not know what the commercial was about until the last 5 seconds of it, that is where we are headed, stone cold police state.

  70. 9:38 I think the comment about the wicked being "washed off the planet" or whatever was just offensive to some people. You may want to rethink next time you make a statement like that. You have your right to freedom of expression, but please remember there are other human beings on this planet who are good people and may not necessarily believe in your religion. I don't think such people are wicked just because they are not Christians. Christ would never want that to happen to any good human being.

    Take care.

  71. Cheryl, it seems like my wife and myself just feel ostracised right now.

    Those of us who are aware of what is happening are feeling very alone right now.

    Many people I know are hiding behind drinking, partying, television, and one of my relatives is even involved in what I could best describe as a cult. These people will not wake up and do not want to. I think that is why many of us feel alone, like we are crazy deluded prophets or something.

    It is too late aleady to save this country. Those who have not become involved in doing anything are at fault for where we are right now and all we can do is just wait as their jobs also get cut and they get laid off so that they finally wake up.

    But by then, it will be too late. It's already too late.

    As for passports, moving to another country will not be easy when times get tough. Unless you're a born national of another country other countries are going to get tough with immigration as things get more complicated.

    Americans are mostly stuck here and have no way out.

  72. If people wait too long to move to another country, do you really think airlines and cruise ships are going to be functioning when the sh*t really hits the fan?

    If there is chaos and turmoil going on, travel will not even be permitted and borders may be closed.

    Gerald Celente said that immigration will be curtailed when things get worse and that there will be worldwide movements against immigration.

  73. Cheryl,
    Great questions and serious concerns.

    In response to the dollar showing strength, recently, watch this to put it into perspective:
    US Dollar Index

    And here is a tempered prediction of what is coming:
    Federal Reserve needs to cut US Dollar in half over next 14 years

    The last video is a single view, so use it as such. His perspective is a slow bleed, but he does express caution at 3:20. I tend to believe the slow bleed of the dollar and the population. My preparation is consistent with this:
    - Regular accumulation of gold/silver
    - Avoid stocks, bonds, ...
    - Gun and some ammo (why not?)
    - Working as much as possible
    - Some food, but I don't have space to stockpile

  74. We are definitely entering some dark times but our country has been through it before. This time does seem different because it is indeed an engineered collapse. Those that claim to protect us are destroying us on purpose.

    Seems like an extreme comment but do the research and you know its true.

  75. Engineered by whom, precisely? Berknanke? Jesus? Satan? I wouldnt mind names. Because most of these bozos in charage are working the printing presses overnight and blocking the truth just to cover their asses and band-aid this ill-begotten system which is FUNDAMENTALLY flawed. It's a ponzi scheme, not merely an engineered demolition.

  76. I only have one advise, relocate to Sweden, or Norway might be an even better bet. You will get absolutely free healthcare, free education for your kids, nice unemployment benefits and much much more. I spent some 7 years in Florida and I really miss it, the weather, the sun. But at the end of the day, it cant make up for everything else. So, I moved back to Sweden. Sweden has very limited debt compared to many other countries so they are in pretty good shape. Labor market is tight here to but not that bad. Find a Swedish employer and just move, try Stockholm in the first place for sweden and oslo for Norway. If you are on your own, get a fiance and get married, that takes care of all Visa issues.
    Good luck

  77. I have attempted this before and it always fails. If you have marketable skills and no job prospects...

    - MBA
    - CPA
    - Attorney
    - Engineer
    - Manufacturing Engineer
    - Machinist / metal worker
    - CAD/CAM
    - Insert Skill Here ______

    Why not put our collective heads together and do something? People are only buying what is necessary, so it must relate to food & water, shelter, clothing, medical & dental care, personal safety.

    Any thoughts? There are no jobs, so we'll have to create our own.

  78. I would like to address the "Christian Thing", first off Christians are not better than the populace, we are all equal in God's eyes, he will forgive all of us for our sin, but one thing you all have failed to remember, he did die for our sins and we are all saved by his grace (undeserved blessings) but, you have to come to him with a clean heart and as for his forgiveness. That is in brief,what a Christian should believe. (But not in entirety)

    Now to the problem at hand, I do beleive this country is in a terrible position, we have barganined with the devil, and LOST!!! Not just by dealing with these mongrel nations, but with our souls.

    Do I feel this country is in trouble, absolutely, from jobs, enviornment, economy, we are being pummeled daily without pause. If the minority are looking for hope, change and growth, you are really being duped.

    One thing I would like to ask all of our group, we keep hearing from some that their economy is doing well, prove it!

    I would like everyone to state where are they located, not street address or anything private or personal, but what state are you living.

    I will be the first to start it off, I live in the Shenandoah valley of Virginia, and beleive me, the economy in the Commonwealth is anything but stable. Locally, jobs in the manufacturing sector are beyond hurting, local hospitals are laying off and cutting hours. Resturants are doing very poorly, I have spoken to many of the managers and all have told me that they will cut hours of employees and operational hours.

    Construction is at an almost complete stop.
    Car dearlerships aren't doing selling either used or new to keep the light on, many have closed down. Just yesterday, the Gov. gave a news conference that the VDOT budget for snow removal for the year has used the stated budget plus the emergency budget. Also, our state has borrowed from the Fed's, over 2.4 billion for unemployment insurance. So I doubt very seriously if the remaining 49 states are doing any better, Oh, unless BHO can fin the other states.

  79. State coffers are suffering everywhere because of Unemployment insurance...

  80. Anaheim, Southern California.

    Several car dealerships are closed. Empty showrooms with empty lots.

    Several HUGE industrial complexes are vacant. When I say huge, I mean 4,000 or more potential employees.

    There is perhaps 100 acres near Angels Stadium that was scheduled for construction of Condos and Apartments, this construction has been postponed for at least 5 years.

    The land is ready in the County Seat of Orange County CA to build a "skyscraper", but this construction is on hold because the developer can't even get a 20% occupancy commitment.

    Downtown Anaheim has 3 or 4 Condo/Apartment buildings with retail space on the ground floor. I would guess 80% of the living spaces are vacant and most of the retail spots are vacant as well. These units were ready to occupy 2 years ago. Some of the Blockbuster and Hollywood video stores in my area are closing, Borders Books in Costa Mesa is closed.

    Attendance at Disneyland is way down. One day at Disneyland could cost a family of four, at least $600.00, between parking, admission, meals and merchandise.

    There is talk of adding speed sensors to the red light cameras, that way you get fined for the red light violation (at least $400) and you get an additional fine, if you were speeding at the time you blew the light. So with fines and penalties and assessments, your little trip through the red light could cost $1,000 or more.

    Yep... the economy in So. Cal. is just peachy.

    I'm nearing my 2nd year of being unemployed.

  81. 9:22 - First Paragraph just shut up with that drivel if you are too lazy to go any research and get over that mythology crap. Stick to the subject at hand.

  82. Las Vegas is destroyed, casinos empty during the week, weekends mild traffic, new 5 Billion city center with low foot traffic and $50,000 a month rentals. Stores closing down by the thousands, Homeless on north las vegas blvd growing with families with children that have dirt on their faces, Police state Growing police pulling over car after car to try and find violations to make money for the state as they are going broke. Gunshots at night many of them are a common occurence. Whores walking the streets Especially alot of them on Boulder Highway, drug dealers everywhere, fighting and screaming and family disputes at an all time high, no good news here.

  83. Where can Americans go? I am an online grad student at a Swedish univ. Does anyone know about opportunities/living in Sweden?
    PM me

  84. 12:17 well I walked through City Center and decided it will make for a good detainment facility down the road. It is a sure failure. Dreamland.

  85. 1223 city centre is as sure a failure as I have ever seen, I have a friend who opened a business there and a month later he is talking of closing it, vegas is in Huge Trouble

  86. Anaheim here.

    There is a mall across the street from Disneyland. The Garden Walk is owned by Disney (if I'm correct). It's been open about 2 years and even though I live less than 4 miles away, I have never visited the place. I just read that the IMAX theater at this mall is bankrupt. I guess people are just not into spending 20 bucks or so for an IMAX movie experience.

    I was at a mall on Sat. It was very busy. I looked very closely at the people walking by. Most of them were empty handed, as in NOT BUYING ANYTHING, others had small bags, as in small purchases.

  87. I really noticed that also. Remember ten years ago when you'd see 4-5 clucking hen housewives walking together with loaded shopping bags? No more.

    We need more hens out there shopping to get the spend and consume fake economy going a little longer.

  88. To 12:14,, look peanut brain, or less, if YOU do the research, YOU will find that the vast majority of all civilizations and cultures that have fallen from babylon, greek and roman were the direct result of debt, war and idol worship.

    We in America have fallen victim to all of these. Now having said that, I know you probably are not bright enough to figure that out, so I will tell you where to find the information, pick up the BIBLE, maybe, just maybe something will sink into that addled brain of yours.

    As far as the economy, yes I beleive we are in deep trouble, but the difference between most of us, we seek information not just from these blogs, but from many sources.

  89. Civilizations fall because of "debt, war and idol worship"? Unless by idol worship you mean celebrities and sports figures, I don't think you know what you're talking about.

    We are falling apart for two reaons: (1) For the last 30 years Congress has made it easy for corporations and factories to leave the country or to outsource jobs and still get tax breaks. (2) Workers' wages have remained stagnant for at least a decade. Nobody can afford to buy anything anymore, and when 70% of the economy depends on consumerism, it means there is no economy for most of us.

    At the same time, the rest of the economy is based on financial chicanery. The stock market is a gambling casino. The investment banks make money by collecting fees for pushing paper. None of this is actually productive for society, especially when the taxpayers get stuck with the bill if these companies fail. We've had corporate welfare for decades too, but politicians and conservatives distract you from the real problems by screaming about welfare queens--and about abortion, gay marriage, and by calling Obama a foreign-born Socialist.

    As for religion, things will get interesting when people start knocking on my door because I've amassed a huge library on alternative medicine and plants and herbs. Are you going to refuse my help because I'm not a Christian?

  90. I too have acquired some herbal and alternative medicine knowledge. If someone needs accupressure, I can show them the touch of god, if it makes them feel better hearing it that way. But if the internet is still around, or some semblance there-of, I think people will have a wonderful tool to help them become more self-sufficient, once that need presents itself more clearly and people get off their tv, shopping, and caffeine addictions. The problem is not people being unable to afford to spend but to know how to reduce their consumption and their self-reliance.

  91. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  92. 12:17 I hear that Thailand may be one good place to head to, otherwise you may be out of luck. Keep researching.

  93. no more donations for ea ever he is as bad a censor as the communist chinese


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