Thursday, April 29, 2010

Family Denied Medical Treatment Because of State's Debt

WILLIAMSON-- A Carterville mom says she was denied medical care for her children because the state isn't paying its bills.

As the Illinois budget crisis drags on, it's impacting more and more people.

Now, some doctors in southern Illinois are limiting services for patients employed by the state or is asking those patients to pay up front.

It is a vicious cycle. The state isn't paying the insurance companies, so insurance companies aren't paying doctors, and the doctors are forced to make changes some families don't like.

Ashley Wright of Carterville says one of the main reasons she and her husband decided to work for SIU was for the benefits.

Now it seems the most important perk - health insurance - is being compromised. 

"On one point, I want to be mad at the doctors because I feel like they have a moral obligation to hang in there and not bail on us when times get rough," says Ashley.

During a recent check-up, Ashley's four month old son Noah was denied immunizations by his pediatrician.

The doctor said Ashley's insurance provider wasn't paying its bills. Ashley doesn't know how to fight back.

"We can't go after the doctors, they're not being paid. We can't go after the insurance company, they're not being paid. But how do we fight the state?" she asks. 
At one nearby doctor's office, they're now requesting state employees pay out of pocket to later be reimbursed.

More Here..



  2. Hmm, wonder what the state has been doing with the portion of the health insurance premiums collected from their employees?

  3. Don't these health insurers have an obligation?
    If they can't meet their costs close shop and stop bilking the public.
    And so much for OBAMACARE...
    You are guaranteed the right to the delusion you have health care.

    Makes ya want to puke.
    Govt and scam artist insurance rake in & launder
    the cash to pad their nests and the citizen is left holding the bed pan.

    Something stinks!

  4. I have the sneaky suspicion that the $$$ pilfered from public service budgets is being used in a backroom somewhere by govt to keep the crooked roulette wheel called Wall St. spinning into
    positive territory.
    That's why there are no audits and the $$$ vanishes without trace or explanation.

  5. hahahhahaahha
    i havnt had health insurance for 20 years
    my taxes are 10 thousand a year
    im in my 40 s
    cant afford kids
    all illegals got food stamps health care kids
    fu state workers how does it feel
    to get screwed over and cant fight back
    shes proably a raceist or a bigot
    or a terroist wanting the state to follow the law
    dont worry tell her its going to get worse and the riots will be the fun part
    for 20 years all these goverment peopl never opened there mouth for the working class
    how do you fight back
    how about opening your mouth and yelling treason
    weres the jobs who sold our technoilgy to china
    bill gates is the biggest bigot ive ever seen
    were all ungrateful americans
    the media with its reality tv
    the only thing real is treason

  6. well they just reduced her childs risk for autism.maybe she should thank them?

  7. well if the childs life or limb were in peril the doctor would have done something but just goes to show you even a doc doesn't think immunizing a 4 months old is prudent(by the way any vaccine before 6 to 8 months is useless).they have no immune system at that point 1 reason they are breast feeding sheep to the tenth degree..

  8. ha ha today its shots fools
    tommorow no stiches no pills no money for drugs
    did you read the article the docter was just paid for last july
    4 to 8 weeks thats 9 months ago and the docter will be droping her insurance
    how stuid americans have become
    faceing loss of a whole country
    most people remind me of the grinch
    they all stand around the christmas tree as america is raped
    tell her to sak the docter if he would take gold or silver i bet you the kid would be living like kingthey day will come were a bag of cash
    wont buy you a gallon of milk
    thats when americans will riot
    but we earned it

  9. sorry for my spelling
    left the great american schools at 16
    and as i got older told how lucky i was that i got to compete with illegals as my wage went to ten dollars an hour

  10. I'm sure the judges and prosecutors are getting their checks though, that's the important thing.

  11. The problem with allowing the insurance industry to prepare for the administration of health care, it that the insurance industry is in business to make money, so essentially that costs money...and the free market capitolism that our country was founded upon is eliminated from the equation (the insurance company has taken all of the profit). This method is fundumentally against the first sworn duty of a health care professional: "First do no harm", but somehow by having a private agency administer, the "first do no harm" statement becomes null and void.

    I have seen again and again with a family member that has good "coverage" that the medical professionals have required unnecessary visits (and a 600 mile round trip that is taxing on my ill family member) sometimes twice a week, when many of these "visits" could be completed over the phone, to me this is evidence that trained medical professionals have given over the ethical belief of "first do no harm" to their insurance billing counterparts who have never made any such oath.

    It truely sickens me that our justice system has become so entangled with corporate sponsors that individual rights are decimated because those who are ill, or too involved in caring for an ill family member to follow up, fail to bring to light the fundemental breach of constitutional right this activity entails.

  12. what ive seen happen in america is the biigest thing since ww2
    the line is in the sand
    who are the traitors
    the people who sold out our technoligy and jobs and wealth
    or the people that worked and payed there bills
    and threw inflation wacth there money become worthless as the rich and the people in goverment lied and got fat off of deciet
    and evil
    hell obsama bin laden is a side show of a side show
    we need change the republic will stand
    but people have to stand up and demand
    good patriot people
    like ross perot was
    and ron paul true americans
    brave and have not yet begun to fight
    arizona hip hip hurayy i salute arizona
    im done with the bs politican

  13. Anonymous said...
    "sorry for my spelling
    left the great american schools at 16
    and as i got older told how lucky i was that i got to compete with illegals as my wage went to ten dollars an hour"

    Acording to capitalist economics you are being overpaid at $ 10 an hour.
    At that overpaid rate of pay american capitalism is unprofitable.
    That why even $10 an hour jobs are drying up and getting hard to find.

    No wonder America is in trouble and had to shift industry out to productive for capital workers in China and Mexico.
    Your kind of legal “ working class” ,47% of Americans pay no taxes and require subsidies and food stamps handouts from government, so you will continue to support and fight for American system and blame illegals for your problems.
    Patriotic capital has had enough of being taxed by tax and spend liberals to pay these subsidies and benefits , not only to “illegals”but your type too that are now over-populating America.
    Ross and Ron and Austrian economics would soon give you all the boot if they and gold and silver based non -fiat- dollar paper real caring capitalism were put in power, in order to solve your problems with a real free trade system you would get proper third world levels of pay , but in an American owned industry nirvana.
    A silver El Dorado .

  14. “any true american can see your comments are false and point fingers at the workers”

    Any “true american” can imagine or fantasise his /her labor is worth whatever they like and that they have a birthright to a higher standard of living in wages,or handouts than most other people of the world.
    But the vast majority of US workers no longer create new physical wealth in industry ,building or agriculture .
    They provide lickspittle services either for the government, in goods distribution ,or in providing services to each other.
    How much real new value can these services create , higher than the value the services are actually exchanged for?
    Pre-crisis the US economy/ GD”P” was 72% driven by consumption fuelled by foreign credit supply. Not new wealth creation. A ponzi economy.
    The old conditions of existence and wage levels cannot continue as foreign credit supply dries up. But, Capital would be happy to provide jobs at higher than 10 bucks an hour, provided it could make at least average profits. The fact that it does not provide these jobs and unemployment is growing is proof that workers on $10 an hour are overpaid.
    Pointing out the laws of capitalist economics has nothing to do with being an anti -worker shrill for government . Its tax revenues are being set aside for bailouts so workers will miss out!
    Government cannot create these jobs ,or continue make huge unemployment benefits payments on top of the bailout costs, without printing money if it does not have sufficient tax revenues incomes.
    Or force capital to employ overpaid workers without a profit.
    Only socialists might try that.
    So how much more than $10 an hour do you dream Americans should be paid per hour by capital?

  15. When all illegal immigrants are rounded up and sent back to their own country jobs and money will loosen up here in America. 100's of millions of dollars are wired via Western Union back to Mexico via the illegals. When they are sent home the jobs will be filled by Americans who are now desperate and will work for those jobs that pay 8 to 15.00 per hour. When these jobs are filled by Americans they will flood into the Walmart and buy Chinese made stuff like the illegals, but they will not stop off at the counter and wire money out of the country. American grown food will be purchased, taxes will be paid, and the IRS will breathe a sigh of relief as they will be able to actually find the people they hope to torture. Happy Meals would make the lower middle classes happy again and food stamp rolls would lessen. Wake up America!

  16. Illinois is one of the most corrupt Democratic Machine States in the crumbling Union. Even the Republican party has been stained by this corruption. Steal from the people, that is all they know. Like others have been saying, TIME FOR A TAX REVOLT AND GENERAL STRIKE!

  17. 2 13
    you are a shill
    we sold our technoilgy to china for nothing droped tariffs to nothing under free trade
    like ross perot said mind you.
    it destroyed america
    that big sucking sound
    we dont make anything here except idiots who want the whole world to make 10 bucks an hour as we fight all the wars
    and pay for all the intitlements
    we had unions good payin jobs in the 80s
    now there all gone
    because koombiya people like you wanted us to borro money from foriegn countries
    that mind you is treason because they hold our purse strings
    your a fool
    and one more thing supid because you are
    i have more money than you
    i gurantee it
    you are why i keep buyng gold
    a fool on a fools mission trying to sell the nwo as we cant compete
    you are a traitor a shill ad will
    be one of those one day making 10 bucka an hour
    an you fought for it
    so i luagh at you now

  18. “When all illegal immigrants are rounded up and sent back to their own country jobs and money will loosen up here in America. 100's of millions of dollars are wired via Western Union back to Mexico via the illegals. When they are sent home the jobs will be filled by Americans who are now desperate and will work for those jobs that pay 8 to 15.00 per hour. When these jobs are filled by Americans they will flood into the Walmart and buy Chinese made stuff like the illegals,”6.30
    And this NWO is available to Americans now?
    All they have to do is “wake up” And every American with a new $10 an hour job will have all the money necessary to pay off their American dream house ,their own car and plenty of money for gas and will life happily fat and content on their American home grown GMO food and coke ever after !
    And still afford to buy all the cheap labour Chinese Tvs and stuff they desire from Wallmart to boot.
    And all this from just from jobs mowing each others lawns and doing each others laundry and picking their own fruit and cleaning their own office toilets .
    .Provided of course that good “Patriotic” capital actually can create plenty of new profitable for capital jobs at @$ 10 to $15 an hour for the unionised in the future 20% of unemployed and underemployed Americans .
    All that’s required is a humane Pogram and a decent American corporate state and a rush by the jobless for the $10 an hour jobs
    for the American Dream future to be secured for real Americans.

  19. 654
    my taxes are 10 grand a year
    at 10 dollars an hour
    and gas going for 4-
    5 dollars with inflation
    how are yous suppose to pay for health care phone heat electric car insurance
    yopu tell of us living in a third world country you are an idiot traior
    welcome to nwo


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