Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Europe’s Media Warn of Global Social Unrest

When Karl Marx wrote in the Communist Manifesto that “a spectre is haunting Europe,” he did so on the eve of the revolutionary eruptions that began in Italy and France in 1848 and engulfed much of the European continent.
In recent days, a number of media commentaries have predicted a similar eruption of social unrest of revolutionary dimensions as a direct result of the worsening economic crisis. These warnings are accompanied by dire predictions that Europe will suffer the return of nationalist tensions, the emergence of fascist movements and even war.
Writing in the Financial Times May 24, for example, historian Simon Schama stated, “Far be it for me to make a dicey situation dicier but you can’t smell the sulphur in the air right now and not think we might be on the threshold of an age of rage.… in Europe and America there is a distinct possibility of a long hot summer of social umbrage.”
Schama notes that there is often a “time-lag between the onset of economic disaster and the accumulation of social fury,” but after an initial period of “fearful disorientation,” there comes the danger of the “organised mobilisation of outrage.”
This outrage will be directed against the super-rich and those seen to be responsible for the crisis, he writes, comparing “our own plutocrats” with the financiers so memorably targeted during the French Revolution of 1789 as “rich egoists.”
In the Observer of May 30, Will Hutton, its former editor and now an advisor to the British Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government on cutting public sector pay, declares, “The future of Europe is in the balance. The potential disintegration of the euro will be a first-order economic and political disaster. Economically, it will plunge Europe into competitive devaluations, debt defaults, bank bailouts, frozen credit flows, trade protection and prolonged stagnation.


Celente explains, “What’s happening in Greece will spread worldwide as economies decline.… We will see social unrest growing in all nations which are facing sovereign debt crisis, the most obvious being Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Iceland, the Ukraine, Hungary, followed by the United Kingdom and the United States.”
Calliol states, “This crisis is directly connected to the end of the world order as we know it since 1945—and even earlier since the European colonisation process. Therefore, the whole global fabric centred on the US for 60 years is slowly collapsing, generating turmoil of all sorts.”
Asked where social unrest will end, she replies, “War. It’s as simple and as horrifying as that.”


  1. A serving wench shall bring me a glass of wine and my sword. It is time to battle the uprising.

  2. We need a bonafide medium to channel Nikola Tesla.

  3. It wouldn't matter. JP Morgan's heirs would just screw him out of his patents, make his life hell, maybe kill him. Then they'd tell the world we need oil and such nonsense; for profit.

  4. We called it on this blog first. The oil gusher was started deliberately and the 'fixes' are a bad joke. Profits galore! In the months ahead, maybe the sheeple will figure that out.

  5. The Bilderberg Nazis are meeting in the morning to decide our fate.

  6. You WILL EARN every single cent of donation you receive.

  7. More and more crappy predictions, answer these first idiots:

    Where is the Stock Market Collapse?
    Where is the collapse of the US dollar?
    Where are the Collapse of Cal and other states?
    Where is hyperinflation?
    Where is Gold price at $6,000?
    Where is the collapse of commercial real estate?
    Where is the collapse of derivatives?
    What happened to economic collapse due to swine flu?
    What happened to economic collapse due to oil spill?
    What happened to the second wave of mortgage default?
    Where is Martial Law?
    What happened to the web bot predictions?
    Where is the credit card collapse?

  8. The answer to the above is simple:

    Unemployment rates fell in April for more than 90 percent of the nation's 372 largest metro areas as hiring picked up around the country.

    The Labor Department says the jobless rate dropped in 346 areas last month. It rose in only 12 and remained flat in 14.

    That's much better than March, when unemployment fell in 257 areas and rose in 89.

    Much of the improvement was seen in Midwestern regions with significant manufacturing operations. Manufacturers, who added 44,000 jobs nationwide in April, are benefiting from increasing overseas sales and efforts by retailers and other U.S. companies to restock their warehouses.

    Chrysler LLC said last month it will hire 1,100 new workers at a plant in Detroit to help build the new Jeep Grand Cherokee. Ford Motor Co., meanwhile, said in May that it will add 170 jobs in two factories near Detroit to make parts for its hybrid cars.

    Ford said Wednesday that sales jumped 22 percent in May from the previous year. General Motors said its sales rose 17 percent from May 2009.

    The National Association of Realtors said its pending home sales index, a measure of sales contracts for existing homes, rose 6% in April after climbing 5.3% in March. The jump beat the 4.3% increase economists surveyed by had expected.

    The Tsunami of good and strong keeps coming, the next economic boom is on the horizon and coming fast

  9. 11:09,

    All of those are interlinked and it will become evident to people who can see everything happening now (which it is) and how they pull each other down when one gets effected negatively.

    I don't believe there will be Martial Law from your list but that's it.

    Notice how things happen now such as the Volcano, which costed a huge amount of money by stealing many people's time, then pile up with other things like this oil spill which is far worse?

    Watch now as other things happen spontaneously and multiple things, since everything is interconnected, will all be weighed down as a result until finally a major source of 'POWER' will be lost (the Euro or dollar) which will cause the entire global structure to die.

    If you're in a room full of addicts, the healthy, sober person will feel the sickest!

    Now imagine all the people in this world, imagine all the suffering, that is a lot. Poverty notwithstanding, but think of the self esteem damage, the loved ones of people who have died, having to work our entire lives and collect stress, all the mental disorders, physical illness, violence, and of course having no difference with that between the wealthy and the starving.

    Naturally-happy people in the world, a decaying group of people, will still only be able to get so happy because of the emotional sewage they have to breathe on this planet. What this world could be is unbelievably fantastic, what it is however is a swirl of fucking chaos and confusion.

    Think about it, you see the animals running from humans in cities to find shelter? Watch how a person can come across something great and then get killed in a car crash. Someone can also walk into one's home and just shoot their child in the back of the head while they sleep (a story I read yesterday). Any moment you could catch a disease or virus and die within no time. I can't control anything or even know anything.

    Everyone as well without knowing believe in things or ideas, all thoughts are hypnotic states or delusions/trances, but people believe them to the full extent thinking they are real whether it is religious or scientific - it all eventually terminates.

    What the fuck? There most certainly is something abnormal about this world. I feel fucking weird, I would blame the above on OCD but why the blame?

  10. I seem to remember a 1000 point drop recently, shill, it will continue to fall, Liar

  11. 12:10 as long as the market buys it who gives a shit about what you think.....

  12. martial law is a virtual certainty, go look at the big cities, I have been to LA recently and Las Vegas and the Jackboot Police are Everywhere in their star wars getups, there are military and police drills all the time now, desensitizing all who see them, it will happen soon so prepare.

  13. Whatever 1239....currently Dow futures are in the GREEN and and you look more like a loser.

  14. No idiot, 6 months ago it was 14000, now 10000 that looks like it is slowly collapsing Loser

  15. SSSS TTTTT OOOOOOO PPPPP!!!!!! Nobody knows the future ok? We all might be wrong, this is no time to fight! We need to stop arguing and start working together to fix this crazy mixed up world! Please guys!!! We can do this, were strong enough, smart enough, and by golly we can take on the oligarchs who enslave us by finding solutions, real solutions to the problems of the world today. Don't you see? They want us to fight and riot and implode, if we play the game, by the rules, and use our massive intelligence, we WILL WIN!!!

  16. 101 is right lets stop fighting and help this current strong recovery get stronger and set an example for the world.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. I actualy beleive the Dow will and is likely to rise to more than 14,000 driven by manipulation of the Banksters and government management of "confidence " in order to suck value from the investments and speculations of people like todays speculative foolish shrill.There will likely be more "Flash Crashes" and instant recoveries. This has its historical precedents in earlier crisis and depressions .
    Is the Dow higher or lower than it was before the last 'flash Crash Shrill?
    What is the actual non inflationary gain on your shares say over the last ten years?
    So you still feel rich?
    The stock exchange is not the real economy,especialy the manipulated markets of today backed by the "liquidity"of mad printing of paper money.
    tHe markets may not fall steadily down and volitility may be the rule ,economic reality not become apparent till the speculative stead has had its full run.
    But the bubble fantasy will end badly for those who beleive in the magic of numbers on the stock exchange fictional valued and in unlimited paper for supply for debts and speculative shrills.

  19. will the "confidence" in capitalist share markets shrill also tell us about the great gains being made the English who had substancial ammounts of their pension funds savings invested in BP?

    They may lose the lot if BP goes Belly up along with the dead fish!
    (and some American investors will lose billions $ too)
    What will the carcase of a "belly up shrill look like?

  20. Listen up guys. We can overcome these challenges. Ask yourself 3 simple questions. What if you had to go down on Brock Lesner? What if you had to go down on Screetch from Saved by th Bell? What if you had to go down on fat black lady Mo'nique?

  21. All good news is false ,there is no hope we are doomed,including the 19 old shill who lives in mommys basement.

  22. im in ny construction
    its the worst its been in 20 years
    and it aint getting any better
    its actually getting worse
    soon the delusion of wallstreet will catch up with main street
    what eles is mainstream media going to say
    that we are fucked and our leaders are traitors that sold america down the tubes
    ww3 is on the table as well as full colllapse with 50 percent uenployed
    yes hewlet packard is up layed off 9000
    sooner or later there will be no one lft to fire
    all construction jobs are now skeleton crews we call them
    the shill is a fool
    i have a computer and wright 100,000,0000
    in my bank account its not real a delusion
    like this recovery
    where the fuk are the jobs
    obama has failed better get use to it.

  23. SSSS TTTTT OOOOOOO PPPPP!!!!!! Nobody knows the future ok? We all might be wrong, this is no time to fight! We need to stop arguing and start working together to fix this crazy mixed up world! Please guys!!! We can do this, were strong

    wrong thier will be a full collapse prepare your family mentally physicaly
    it will come overnight
    obama will be useless to stop it
    the sock puppet will call it illegal
    to cause inflation because the money will be worthless
    wake up ! knows the time prepare!

  24. buffet stands by rateing agencies cnbc

    its funny because hes out there by himself.

    paul mcartney
    mr revoulution nw is worth 500 million
    and is a knight

    the biggest self serveing as$ hole i ever seen
    i serve the queen ,now that he made his money hes a sock puppet

  25. Personal Bankruptcy Filings increase 9% compared to May 2009
    yea thiers the turnaround
    things are getting worse

  26. The social unrest will be exonerated because the US has an incompetent Socialist President.

    Bush did a fine job on Katrina in comparison to Obamas leadership on thru oil gusher crisis.

  27. DO people still believe the manipulated stock market is still an indicator of economic recovery? The market makes no sense anymore and there is no connection.

  28. Ohhhh the stock market is skyrocketing now up 11 whole points to the shill that means skyrocketing, what a loser

  29. All I know is that my friends, who are white-collar workers with college degrees, can't pay their bills. They just aren't earning enough money, can't find steady work, and are applying for early Social Security just to have a dependable income.

    What has happened is that the economy is crumbling upwards. The poor and lower classes are already squeezed, so big business is looking for ways to make more money off the middle class. My white-collar friends, for the last decade or more, haven't been offered a regular job with benefits. They are hired as "independent contractors" and paid for a certain job or length of time--but with no benefits of any kind--and who then have to pay various taxes afterward. It makes saving money very difficult and then you scramble for more money to keep the IRS off your back.

    I don't believe anything the media says about a recovery. There is no recovery. We are a banana republic but no one wants to admit it.

    If you want prophecies, here are mine: Things will not improve. Stuff you need (like electricity and heat) will get more expensive. Stuff you don't want, like toxic Chinese toys, will be cheap. Supermarkets will run sales to entice you to buy more but you won't because you can't. More kids will move back home--provided their parents still have a home. World War III is looking good--how else to keep people employed...or at least thin the population? And the government will be under severe financial pressure when all the people who can't find jobs take early Social Security.

  30. Social unrests will happen when sheeple cannot find any dirt to eat. Then sheeple will turn cannibals. Wow, this virtual reality game is starting to get real. I love it!

  31. where is the shill, pooping his pants righnt now as the stock market collapse continues

  32. Shill works the midnight shift

  33. Slooooowwwww crash people...Slooooooowwww Crash.

    Fast by other empire standards but will still take awhile for the chaos and hunger to hit.

    Want to know why?...Because too many people won't stand up till hunger is at their door here in the US.

    If this BP shit had happen in Europe there be burning riots against the company but here...Just sad scalding lil gay blog comments about how "We should..." or "Why don't we..."

    Even I seem to be semi-frozen and I almost have no outrage when I know I should...Flouride?

    I think I'm overwelmed with pics and stories of all that's going wrong and my mind just has no empathy left...I'm just burned out.

    The few that actually think, read and post are such a small percentage that we can't get anything done even among our own family members...The runaway train can't be stopped all you can do is brace yourself for the impact and hope you get by better than most...Luck to all I'm taking a break of these bad news for a few weeks.

  34. The "Spectre Haunting Europe" that Marx wrote of at that time, 1848 ,was growing class struggle ,revolution and the beginning of an organised Communist movement.
    That "Spectre" is not a real problem today YET.
    The spectre Haunting Europe today in the absence of class struggle is not Communism , but the financial crisis and depression imposed and caused by finance capital extracting its debt re-payments very likely under the Iron heel of corporate State Fascism .
    Either ,that deppression will be caused by
    A. the protection of the un-repayable debt/ profits to the Bondholders of Governments holding these states to ransom as with the Euro Crisis . With "Austerity" medicine for the Peoples to enforce dividend payments by the Eupopean Governments Or,
    B. A quicker economic collapse if the speculative "wolves" and "Vampire squids" bring the situation of the overvalued bonds to a head for their profits on derivitive bets. Euro Zone countries That have lost sovereign independence in the ability to create their own currencies or default on debts They have now lost their National Independence to a European form of a debt issuing cental Euro "bank" enforcer Authority .
    So, a "spectre" is indeed haunting Europe and America taday too.
    Unpayable Debt levels ,caused by the falling rate of profits on bubbles of fictional values in over -printed paper , inflated property values, together with overproduction of commodities that cannot be sold for a profit in a Globalised world.
    The Spectre Haunting Europe is the battle for profit between the old ghosts of establishments Shylock urury capialist banksters Elite That have the chits on pawned countries and the speculative wolves and squids of derrivitive bet finance casino capitalism ,Bets the bondholders will lose.
    Either way, whoever wins this battle of the Titans of finance, the People will lose, suffer loss of living standards and pay,pay,pay off the winners for decades to come.
    Unless they learm to organise and fight?

  35. Like I have been saying all along: this is the crumbling of the "world order" not the forced demolition for the new world order. We are passing the phase of global dominance. Global will be passe. Surviving and building local communities will be the future.

  36. The future is BLACK AND RED. The future is ANARCHIST. DEATH TO TYRANTS! SMASH FASCISM! SMASH THE STATE! Remember your forebares, the pioneers HELPED EACH OTHER. Your rugged American individualism bullshit will lead you right back to an oppressive Elite.


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