Thursday, June 24, 2010

Government Insiders: Get Ready for the Gulf "Dead Zone"

 Written by Wayne Madsen:   
Bad news concerning the Gulf oil disaster continues to come from WMR's federal government sources in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers. Emergency planners are dealing with a prospective "dead zone" within a 200 mile radius from the Deepwater Horizon disaster datum in the Gulf.
A looming environmental and population displacement disaster is brewing in the Gulf. The oil dispersant used by BP, Corexit 9500, is seen by FEMA sources as mixing with evaporated water from the Gulf and absorbed by rain clouds producing toxic precipitation that threatens to continue killling marine and land animals, plant life, and humans within a 200-mile radius of the Deepwater Horizon disaster site in the Gulf.
Adding to the worries of FEMA and the Corps of Engineers is the large amounts of methane that are escaping from the cavernous grotto of oil underneath the Macondo drilling area of Gulf of Mexico.
On a recent visit to the Gulf coast, President Obama vowed that the Gulf coast will "return to normal." However, federal officials dealing with the short- and long-term impact of the oil disaster report that the "dead zone" created by a combination of methane gas and Corexit toxic rain will force the evacuation and long-term abandonment of cities and towns within the 200-mile radius of the oil volcano.
Plans are being put in place for the mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Hammond, Houma, Belle Chase, Chalmette, Slidell, Biloxi, Gulfport, Pensacola, Hattiesburg, Mobile, Bay Minette, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, Crestview, and Pascagoula.
The toxic rain from the Gulf is expected to poison fresh water reservoirs and lakes, streams, and rivers, which will also have a disastrous impact on agriculture and livestock, as well as drinking water, in the affected region.
More Here..

The First OilCane? What Happens if a Hurricane Rides over the Oil Spill?
More Here..


  1. Oh, come, come! What's a little oil anyway. It comes from the earth and is very natural. You could put it on your skin and have amazing results. I say let it flow and flow. Then, we can just get our oil from the ocean. Invent a separator machine to separate the sea water from the ocean water and imagine! The price of gas would drop to hardly anything! Count all this as a great blessing. Okay, so we won't eat seafood anymore. It's overrated anyway.

  2. 8:52 I always wonder what lurks under the "stupid rock"..look what was just lifted and found!

  3. 8:52 I don't know who's ass your head is in... but sh!t ALWAYS smells like shit... no matter what view you have.

    Beyond that - BP (and their corporate conspirators) along with the Obama (aka Barry Soetero) Admin are deliberately incompetent with false promises of progress and capability. This is an EXTINCTION EVENT for the local ecosystems of the Gulf affecting life forms all across the spectrum.

    How much death will we accept at the hands of such 'human' beings in their path of unaccountable profiteering and political side-stepping!!!???

  4. Kevin Costner (the actor) has just such a fact he has 30+ machines almost ready to go-they are basically centrifuges and supposedly can do the job quite well. I was listening to the sheep news up here in Canada today and his partner said that BP is chomping at the bit to get them going; they cost@ $500,000 each. Stay tuned for this one-maybe!

  5. PS the Dannish said they could clean up in 2-3 months... I wonder if that time frame is still applicable with Costner's machines so late in this cluster mess???

  6. PSS it was the DUTCH Story Link:

  7. OBAMA refused help from 28 countries: HERE

  8. Pfft.. It's Obama's plan to turn the world Black!

  9. to those living in the gulf

    hope and change

  10. I have been seeing stories about evacuation plans, sending these poor people to FEMA camps up north somewhere. The gulf is now the dead gulf, and when the oilcano developing, go here to see its progress,, they are saying 70% chance of becoming an oilcano and heading for the dead gulf.

    And no one seems to care, the sheeple watch their tv's, world cup matters, screw the dead gulf, the millions being evacuated, brink of WWW III in Iran, collapsing economy, collapsing dollar, ____________________ fill in the blank.

    We get what we deserve, the sheeple will soon learn what it is to live in reality, NOT in their tv fantasy land.

  11. If cities along the gulf are forced to evacuate there will be civil war. People won't leave their paid for houses, biz, ties to the community. Several cities mentioned in article are large seaports and have ships coming down the Miss. river to export goods overseas. If nothing happens many web sites/talk radio shows will be written off as fear mongers and liars. If evac. were going to happen many think they'll wait for massive die offs first, to motivate people to leave. This will give the gov. powers to grab coastal land and condemn the area for residents.

  12. Obozo refused the help because he does not need people "helping" and observing and asking questions at the same time.

    - Closed and guarded beaches
    - Photography and video prohibited
    - No fly zone above the oilcano

    Gee, me thinks they got something to hide...

  13. 5:27 hits the nail on the head. The sheople just don't give a rat's ass. However, there will be a time when they'll care, but by then, it'll be far too late for the vast majority of them!

    The current financial/business climate is masking the true problem, namely diminishing, easy-to-access, cheap oil. We all need to do what we can to reduce our reliance of the black stuff as there's not enough for infinite growth. As a matter of fact, the entire infinite growth paradigm is passe. If we don't change the latter soon, everybody in the World will soon find out what happened on Eastern Island many centuries ago. And it "ain't" pretty.

  14. 6:08,

    The whole World is in a die off quandary. The endgame for what's left of "cheap" oil is on. In fact, it's been on since 2005. From this point onward, prices can only escalate dramatically, crippling the infinite growth paradigm for good.

    A sound economy must be based on "maintenance," not growth, where regions are bursting at the seams due to over-population.

    As for Gulf residences, they better hope that the massive, undersea, methane bubble doesn't surface all at once and start heading their way.

  15. Bush during Katrina = Genius compared to how things are run now

  16. Angry Unhappy YankeeJune 25, 2010 at 2:00 PM

    I love the south. Alabama blue skies.
    Let all the southerners come up North
    to refresh the blood of patriots and
    restore a true moral compass to this land.
    And bring all your guns.
    We're gonna need 'em.


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