Saturday, June 19, 2010

Golfing More Important: 28 Countries Offered To Help With Oil Spill

Just last weekend Barack Obama announced that the BP oil spill was like 9-11.
This weekend as President Obama went 
golfing and to the ballgame, the Obama State Department was STILL in the review process on deciding which countries the US would accept help from… 60 days after the disaster!
As the Gulf Coast shores continue to be coated with crude, the Obama Administration has only accepted assistance from 5 countries out of 28 who offered to assist the US with the cleanup.
The State Department posted this on their website.
28 countries have offered to help assist the United States with the worst environmental disaster in American history. Only 5 offers have been accepted the rest are under review.
After 60 days the Obama State Department is still “considering” which countries to accept help from.


  1. After 60 days the Obama State Department is still “considering” which countries to accept help from.


    Not unbelievable if you really don't want help, but would rather milk the disaster for all the political mileage you can get to support your bogus cap & tax agenda. A disaster this serious should have already brought together the best scientific minds from around the world to come up with a solution. Instead BP is just "dinking around" while Obama pretends to be concerned. Sickening!

  2. fail.
    such great hopes, such unpleasant results

  3. Just like NERO as Rome burns to the ground!!!

    If I remember, Nero even started that fire. it time to take back our birth right as sovereign beings before all of it is destroyed?

  4. I am pretty sure he should be out there mopping up oil... come on! It is a mile below the surface of the gulf. What would you have him do? There is nothing that will happen till the relief well reaches the well. Pray for that!

  5. Hey 5:13...Bite Me… Obozo could actually act Presidential visit one of the 57 states and pretend to care! But then you probably voted for this schmuck!

    Obozo avoids another catastrophe by playing a few rounds of golf… fly back to DC for a visit to the bath houses with Barney and friends. Acting totally Presidential isn’t he! Maybe you should live in DC and see what Obozo and Gang are getting away with…you would be shocked if you really knew.

    The Teleprompter in Chief has yet to act Presidential…why just yesterday he spent a million of our tax dollars for a ten minute visit & “nothing speech” to Ohio for what? Another day and another Poll loss…time for war to boost Obozo’s numbers. Can’t Brzezinski and Kissinger come up with a new play in the Old Game Book…come on…this Poll numbers are in the low 40’s time for war crap is way toooo predictable. With Obozo’s ratings so low they have to do something before the next False Flag don’t they?

    Time to warm up the Fed Bastille and start some true investigations into Sachs & BP, Obozo and BP, Hillary & China etc. Real investigations something we haven’t had in quite some time. It’s time for our Robespierre!

    liberte fraternite egalite ou la morte!

  6. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 19, 2010 at 9:24 PM

    You're some super-genius
    Magic multicultural hybrid
    Trim hips
    Nobel Prize just cuz
    And you aren't even doing as well as Bush
    Who was a documented legal retard
    Does that say a lot about Obama
    Or us?

  7. hey 5:55 he got $20 billion out of BP so far...but Repubelickins are against that, go figure, F BP and their cronies

  8. There is no solution according to Obama; experts say nuke it. Obama should encourage clean up efforts from any country, but apparently wants the gulf coast trashed beyond any hope, jobs gone forever, everything boarded up..kinda like Detroit with most everyone gone. Oil goes into Cuba and up the E coast eventually to Europe, BP will go bankrupt and lawsuits will fail.

  9. Oboner is only gonna pick the countries with the best golf courses...let his Girl Friday Hillary handle the real decisions and his bagmen Brez and Kissy handle the grunt work-Obie`s no fool!

  10. Pre-planned events do not instill panic.

  11. Our sock puppet is nothing more than a corporate controlled stooge. That is why he is acting just like his BP counterparts.

    BP CEO Tony Hayward has made another gaffe by going to a yacht race in England while oil continues to spew into the Gulf of Mexico.

  12. Conspiracy theories ? The government is in a lying cover up partnership with BP?

    Were Mini- nukes used in a desperate failed attempt to close off the high uncontrollable pressures?
    Mini -nukes as the cause creating structural damage to the sea floor and no longer an option as the solution to the gulf blow-out problem?

    How long ago did the oil flows really start?
    It is becoming clear from congressional hearings that the Deepwater Horizen deepwater well had big, big, unfixable troubles long before the actual explosion made it impossible to cover up the existence of the oil blow-out any longer.
    We are told that any deep structural damage to the seafloor was only caused later
    and made worse by ‘Top Hat” and other quick fixes.

    Some of those “ in the know” appeared to have sold their shares and as with 9/11
    derrivitive bets were placed to cover coming losses and profit from the catastrophe.

    Washington's Blog; BP Official Admits to Damage BENEATH THE SEA FLOOR As I noted Tuesday, there is growing evidence that BP's oil well - technically called the "well casing" or "well bore" - has suffered damage beneath the level of the sea floor. The evidence is growing stronger and stronger that there is substantial damage beneath the sea floor.Indeed, it appears that BP officials themselves have admitted to such damage.This has enormous impacts on both the amount of oil leaking into the Gulf, and the prospects for quickly stopping the leak this summer ..”

    Or .. untill the pressures naturaly ceace ???
    Nukes ,as the cause, a far fetched story ?
    Well just one amongst many , as yet, ‘officially” unsubstantiated theories.
    *****The Most Shocking Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to be True*****
    by Eric deCarbonnel

  13. Yeah.

    The sock puppet is golfing and the President of BP is racing yachts. Think about that the next time you see a dead dolphin or pelican.

    They don't give a shit.

  14. Someone help me with the math. If the gulf leak is 60,000 barrels per day , times, 365 days that would be 21,900,000 barrels a year. That is about what the US uses each year.

    If we had the tech ability to capture it.

    What does that do to the Peak Oil idea?

  15. some said obama is muslim. true?

  16. It must really suck to have a coastline business in the Gulf and then hear about B.O. golfing and the president of BP out yachting. Holy shit. If that isn't the biggest FU statement ever made, what is?

    the video

  18. Guys you are being totally unreasonable on Obama. It's simple logic, to fix the gulf you have attend to the golf - what else would have him do? Take your vicious unreasonable attacks somewhere else.

  19. 9:13
    Whats is counted as oil "reserves" is only that oil that is economicaly profitable in the competition at todays oil prices.
    If oil can be profitably extracted at that Opec international Big oil "Free trade"
    rate, it is counted as an official reserve by that oil company holding it to boost its share price .
    For example American oilfield might be able to extract oil at $100 a barrel, but america might preffer to pay $80 a barrel to the Saudi kings. Rather than keeping the money in america.
    Such a field at $100 might not be counted as an explotable reserve.
    National interest be damned!

  20. Good informative source here:

  21. so what are you supposed to do? vote for the republicans? what a joke they are! Left for an early weekend, worried about providing unemployment benefits funding when they couldn't spend fast enough for their wall street crony friends.
    out with all of them. start over. no incumbents. if you vote for them again you get what you deserve. whether someone is an idiot, if they're new they can't be any worse than what we have now.

  22. I don't blame the CEO for going on a yacht trip! Our screwed up gov. won't allow foreign ships in to help. Our gov. is trying to stop/control the progress in the gulf. They tried to stop the barges. The gov. wants the gulf totally trashed, millions out of work and the whole region will be soon boarded up and vacant for years. Closed airspace..our gov. has illegally taken over the gulf, yet nothing is being accomplished.

  23. This is not surprising, these actors who are presented to the sheeple as President, Senator, News Anchor etc need their fun time. After all, when you lie for a living, you need an escape.

  24. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 20, 2010 at 11:00 AM

    Hey 6:44
    20 bn
    $1100 per barrel fine pending
    Possibly 2 bn barrels
    Not much left for Mami y Papi Gump Shrimp Co.
    Don't get too big a boner
    Over Sickcago style politics
    It's fun for that turdlin' town
    But sucks on a national scale
    REaL vato

  25. Bush was on vacation 33% of the time. 487 days at Camp David and 490 days at his ranch. He was probably on vacaton the day they figured out there were no WMD's and he went a head with the $2 trillion dollar war anyway. 4 hour round of golf, irresponsible....really HAHA

  26. 'Like 9-11'? Hmmm... Since we know that 9-11 was an orchestrated demolition, maybe Obama is privy to some information we don't have?

  27. "Just last weekend Barack Obama announced that the BP oil spill was like 9-11."

    Who would have guessed he'd take that comparison instead of the Katrina one?


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