Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thousands Of Sea Creatures Flee From Oilcano As Mass Die-Off Begins

GULF SHORES, Ala. — Dolphins and sharks are showing up in surprisingly shallow water just off the Florida coast. Mullets, crabs, rays and small fish congregate by the thousands off an Alabama pier. Birds covered in oil are crawling deep into marshes, never to be seen again.
Marine scientists studying the effects of the BP disaster are seeing some strange phenomena.
Fish and other wildlife seem to be fleeing the oil out in the Gulf and clustering in cleaner waters along the coast in a trend that some researchers see as a potentially troubling sign.
The animals' presence close to shore means their usual habitat is badly polluted, and the crowding could result in mass die-offs as fish run out of oxygen. Also, the animals could easily be devoured by predators.
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  1. The Oilcano and BP's criminal cover up are every animal lover's worst nightmare. Disturbing.

    Probably the only two long shots a year or two from now will be a nuke and the hope that the oil reserve will run dry.

    If our time is up, if it is all over in the next couple years, thank the greedy Oligarchs.

    Without them hoarding technology, oil would not even be a necessity.

  2. I had a dream about 2005 that all the animals in the everglades where crossing the inhabited areas to the east trying to get to the Atlantic Ocean.
    I knew it meant something big then, now I know what it was.

    It's the BP toxic oil spill and rain and foul gas.

    The animals are leaving. That's your final notice. May God's love be with you.

  3. Carbon Tax.

    Staged Problem (Oilcano).

    Reaction (deluded sheeple want more laws)

    Solution (what change is left in your wallet is taken)

  4. Well, you'd probably reloactae somewhere else too if there was a 20 square mile blob of Muckin' Oil floatin' around in your "front yard'

    This sonofabitch is so far out of control that even the unbiased experts are warning of major
    ramifications in just about every area you could dream up at this point - including the whole damn sea floor collapsing.

    Mama - what have they done !

  5. On mass die off article: me and everyone I spoke to know all hope is gone; no future for anyone on the gulf from here on. Younger generations will never enjoy the beaches, run a business, fish or eat in many restaurants that are or soon to be O.B. that we've enjoyed since the 70's. Land, housing values will tank, motels and condos will go busted and millions out of future on the gulf for decades. I never imagined this would happen with modern technology. Anyone on the gulf or several miles inland, best to pack up and leave now. There's no future there.

  6. Cap N Trade is not a Carbon Tax, and if the Repubs want to call it that, then perhaps the Libs should just pass a Carbon Tax and tax the Corporations rather than allowing Corporations and Bankers to create another Market with which to manipulate and concentrate their wealth.

    The Repubs think things could have continued as they were forever. Endless growth.....forever and ever. No, we don't live in a world of finite resources. God will always provide so long as we have faith. We must keep growing and consuming. It has been ordained.

    The Repubs are bat shit crazy.....whereas the Libs are hypocrites and in bed with the Oligarchs....doing their bidding and selling out the "Small People" for whom they allegedly care so much.

    Glenn Beck is a slimy, flabby duplicitous doughboy, as is Chris Matthews. I wish the two of them would finally marry each's what they want, afterall, so just get the damn thing over with.

  7. Here's James Hansen on Cap n Trade. It's another Goldman Sucks scam and Krugman and Annie Leonard are shilling scums.

    Cap n Trade will doing nothing to prevent carbon emissions.....but it will make the wealthy......wealthier.

  8. Correction.......Annie Leonard is critical of Cap n Trade. Good on her. Krugman is a shill scum.

  9. Beck said 9/11 truthers should be jailed. Enough said. He's a shill that is allowed to say certain things only. Worthless.

  10. What sheeple just can't seem to wrap their head around is the our government is in bed with the largest corporate criminals. They are one in the same. The game is rigged.

    There is ZERO hope from them.

  11. How to bankrupt BP:

    If everyone does this it will hurt their pockets.

    Go to your local BP use your Debit/Credit card at the pump and fill up .01 - The transaction fee will cost them more than the sale....

    Store owners are saying "hey you're hurting my business not BP", this statement is false they buy the gas from BP.

  12. I thought it read "Reid pushing BS tax before his ass is out on the street" Sounds more logical doesnt it?

  13. Here in Nevada Harry (Whore House) Reid, is running behind and I do NOT know anyone that supports that little rat. He killed off hundreds and hundreds of jobs out at Yucca Mountain, and he has very few friends anywhere, except in Washington DC. He WILL be out this November, but make sure all get ahold of your congress people and tell them if they support this "carbon tax" (gee you know human exhale carbon dioxide, so expect to be taxed on your exhales) that you will vote against them and get all your friends to do the same. Harry Reid is gone....and he is running scared.

  14. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 19, 2010 at 7:58 PM

    TV now say
    Don't hurt BP stations
    They don't even know where the gas comes from
    So ... all those years of ads
    Saying one was better than the other
    Was so much false advertising?
    My Chevron w/ techroline might not have

    I'm outraged!

    Tivo the revolution

  15. BrianWilliamDotyll, it's true. All refineries pretty much pipe their product to mass holding tanks. From there it's all mixed up and put in trucks to fill orders. Any "extras" such as Chevron's Techtron is added at the station tanks and doesn't actually do much. Used to work for a refiner/retailer way, way, way back when.

  16. another power grab and a nice shiney new nail in the USA coffin. continue to pray and prepare for the double dip depression. the second dip worse than the first. God help us

  17. Here's a mental exercise for you:

    Replace every instance of a corporate name or Logo you encounter in your life with the name

    That's who owns that.

    That's who you work for.

  18. Yes we pay this dreaded tax in British Columbia on all our Natural Gas, Oil, and gas at the pump. Never had a vote. It just got thrown down our throats....

  19. I have a solution to stop the oil spilling in the gulf.

    Take a big not ready made ship, or a old half wrecked ship, U need only the body, not the upper part.
    Make a hole into the ship and weld a big Valve Connector on it, to connect a hose.

    Pull the ship into the water, pull it over the leak, turn it upside down,and let it sink right over the oil leak.

    The hundreds of tons of steal will hold it proper over the leak. The oil is lighter then the sea water. So oil will be on the top of this "cup" ship. From there u can pump away easy the oil.

    Excuse my bad English. I am German.
    In Germany we say: help yourself, then god will help you.
    So Americans, do something, its a shame to see how helpless you act, its a same for human kind, if nobody can stop this leak..


  20. Yeah, the whole sea floor is going to collapse, that's the ticket. Because of one oil well. All the trees on the planet are going to get sucked down into the earth as well, like through straws, don't you know.

  21. First off, I don't work for BP or any affiliate.

    Folks, the oil gusher in the GOM is not a staged event. It is the result of gross negligence, nothing more or less.

    The big boys up North have fine properties in Florida. I'm sure they don't want them wrecked anymore than those of Floridians.

    Some of these conspiracy theories get pushed way too far.


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