Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Internet 'Kill Switch' Proposed for US

A new US Senate Bill would grant the President far-reaching emergency powers to seize control of, or even shut down, portions of the internet.
The legislation says that companies such as broadband providers, search engines or software firms that the US Government selects "shall immediately comply with any emergency measure or action developed" by the Department of Homeland Security. Anyone failing to comply would be fined.
That emergency authority would allow the Federal Government to "preserve those networks and assets and our country and protect our people," Joe Lieberman, the primary sponsor of the measure and thechairman of the Homeland Security committee, told reporters on Thursday. Lieberman is an independent senator from Connecticut who meets with the Democrats.


  1. I think those in power are reading too many books from North Korea's dear leader.

  2. Even the Democrats can't be stupid enough to trust Obama with this power. Oh sorry, yes they can.

    November can't come fast enough.

  3. 1220 what will happen in november? No matter who gets in office this same stuff will continue, wars, taking away of rights, actually I think it will get worse if a repuke gets in, they will go harder and faster on these things, they will do it on steroids, remember no matter who wins, nothing will change, that is the beauty of the system, I dont know who said that but it is the truth.

  4. It was only a matter of time before this happened.

    In fact, I'm a little surprised they've waited this long. The internet is perhaps the last bastion of free speech and source of alternative news, and the PTB certainly could tolerate it much longer....

  5. I think it is more possible that they have been siphoning material on the internet to become more hidden or targets for shut down while everyone is too busy working, drinking, arguing over Obama versus Bush, or taking care of other shit.

    I doubt they would just in one night shut all of the honest stuff down. They probably will be black marking conservative material, far out conspiracies like Alex Jones, anything warning of economic destruction, patriotic sites, sites that sell things to be prepared, NRA type guys, and of course people speaking out against politicians - these kinds of sites will be deemed "threatening".

    They can't create an uproar, so what they'll make it appear as is that those sites are having a "connection problem". With that they will have to disguise the Socialist material and some of it as being patriotic in order to not draw suspicion.

    As for the other link there about the Creation of Hell, that belongs to a hardcore Bible thumper. I don't mind people who love Churchianity, but much of it is not too good for predictions because those kinds of people take the word of the Bible literally and don't have Eyes that can See to interpret the metaphor of what the ancient masters encoded in writing to those with Gnosis and who would carry a higher truth vibe to understand it more.

    Who knows...

  6. Good points 1:29, I didn't think of that (I'm 1:06).

    I suppose they let sites such as this exist (at least temporarily) for three reasons:

    To give the 'appearance' that free speech still exists in the US.

    To identify/ track 'subversive' persons, theories, and activities.

    To provide a forum for shills to discredit unapproved ideas, create distractions, stir up internal arguments, and disseminate misinformation.

  7. On the shut down of the internet; this will cause some cable co's and phone co's to go broke. People expect only short internet interruptions (bad storms, etc) and they won't pay/ or cancel service. Phone co's will be hit harder than cable co's. But if this is a martial law situation, most will be too distracted and trying to head for their retreats, etc. They will shut down cell communication and cut the phones off if shtf.

  8. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 16, 2010 at 5:14 PM

    Didn't know the
    in EA
    Stood for

    Don't go thumpin
    On us now

  9. 129 I dont like bible beaters either and I dont take much stock in it, but what he says about the natural gas underneath north america is a Fact and must be taken seriously, dont let his bible ranting ruin the truth about the natural gas thing disuade you.

  10. When you hear that screeching emergency test signal coming over your TV at 2am that is what you can look forward to across the board.

    Sheeple don't get it. When SHTF you will not have a cell phone, landline, TV, radio (maybe shortwave), nada, nothing.

    A trembling, uninformed populace is the best thing since sliced bread to a government.

    Exec orders will seize all grocery stores, gas outlets, transmission towers, EVERYTHING.

    When you have an enemy, and make no mistake about it in the fake war on terror YOU are the enemy, the best strategy to take is to cut off the enemies supply lines, food, and communication. Then wait.

    I hear all this nonsense talk about fighting back, they'd pushed us to far, etc and have to laugh.

    American males are effeminate pansies that should all get a purse and high heels. We are a populace of mind-controlled weakling zombies.

    They have already won, just accept your servitude and bend over.

  11. 308 have to agree on most everything, except for power, get a solar generator, unless an emp attack you will have power with it, I have one and use it everyday, works great. Freeze dried food for 2 years will solve the food problem, 55 gallon barrels of water will solve that problem. And if you run out of water, Get a firehydrant wrench and then filter the water in a berkey system, filters out all impurities, Dont take any vaccines for any reason.

  12. 3:54 - what solar generator do you have that works well?

  13. Amen @ 1:40, I would be careful what you say / type on here, there is already 1.3 million americans on the "terrorists" watchlist, and judging from what I have read / heard about the Patriot Act, you might be "detained" for a few years, tortured, ect until they deem you acceptable and not a threat to the rest of the herd! I would have to say that this website will be on the chopping block very quickly once the prez power kicks in. Oh, and @ 3:08, don't forget the exec order of Clinton's to "hand over" our military to the U.N.'s Peace Keeping forces when we go N.W.O. ! Whooopsies, I found this digging for that particular exec order, check it out!!

  14. 441 Nrg Solar they are located in Hurricane, Utah you can look up their number on the net, I dont have it available.

  15. Bye America. Was nice knowing you.

  16. BrianWilliamDotyIII, I nominate you for Poet Laureate!

  17. Hey 3:08, it's not the men's fault they are pansies. With all the plastics in the environment, testosterone levels are way down.

    They are down 50% in some instances! That's cause plastics have synthetic estrogens in them. And don't forget - plastics are derived from oil. So I guess a lotta fishies will find their voices a little higher pitched with all that oil.

  18. Plastics I doubt. More like deliberate social conditioning. Just turn on your TV. Every man is portrayed as a bumbling idiot that somehow got lucky enough to spend time with an all-powerful and wity female. Same theme constantly repeated.

    The Rockefellers funded the womens lib movement not to enlighten and empower women, but to neuter American males. That, and to get women into the workforce so they could start paying slave taxes.

  19. 3:08, etc: Yes, even educated men with executive type jobs, other prof. jobs, etc are whimps; If there were real men (few now days) this country wouldn't be in this mess. They'd stand as leaders in the home, churches and community. Majority of politicians and preachers are on the take. They're so few honest preachers with small churches in general. Pastor Chuck Baldwin in Pensacola, FL, Greg Evensen retired St trooper, Jack McLamb ret Chief of police..these are real men now days. Myself at retirement age as Greg and Jack are, I can not believe how fast this country has slid into the pits of hell in my lifetime as I look back to the 60's on. Younger people will fall for this NWO crap way more than older folks. But many retirees are too busy on the golf course, etc to stay informed.


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