Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We Have A Few Months Left: Oil Currents Into The Atlantic and Coast


  1. SockpuppetdetractorJune 16, 2010 at 3:44 PM

    There is no way this leak will be stopped anytime in the near future.The oil gusher is probably a hell of a lot more than is being disclosed.Bp knows it the Feds probably do too.
    I wouldnt place much credibilty in what the sock puppet and his handlers say.Judge them by their actions and deeds not rhetoric.

    After that speech last nite you really have to wonder about this Guy and who's really the true master in this affair.Personally I think Obama has no balls..fuck BP and the elites the future of our planet is a stake here.Do the right thing Obama mobilize all resources to mitigate this disaster regardless of potential political block back from the powers that really control Washington.The current ad hoc approach is looking more and more like a good ole dog and pony show orchestrated and controlled by yours truly Bp and various other Big Money iNterests who dont give a fuck about people or the environment.

    Me thinks this will undoubtably hit the eastern seaboard in the near future then things get really scary.The possible scenarios are devastating.

  2. bp will agree to pay 20 billion to payed buy 2012
    2012? hahahhahahahah
    obama will be long gone
    while you in florida will be pukeing up your lungs

    obama will never be voted a second term.

    just seen wrren buffet gives 90 percent to chariety!
    yea well anything over a million goes to estate tax as of 2011.
    these people make me laugh.
    warren a day late and a million short

  3. Ill bet anyone on here Obama wins a second term, the pukes have no one to run who is credible, look at mclame and sarah the quitter, the pukes are not for real

  4. nim, its in plain English, are you dense? We Have A Few Months Left: Oil Currents Into The Atlantic and Coast.

    .meaning the oil will be in the Atlantic currents and up the coast in a few months..Hello, anyone in there?

  5. We are nearing what I fear is a level of violence that will not be controlled. There is not enough military short of using nukes to control 100 million owners of firearms. The day they declare martial law all hell is going to break out. Liberman writing a bill to shut down the Internet. These guys are I really believe smoking pure crank and shooting it with Everclear. Those idiots in the Senate and House believe the American citizen is the real danger while the skin flute player from the House denies allowing a full audit of The Fed. You'll have military killing citizens, military killing military, citizens killing citizens. FEMA will try to open some camps and it will be door to door war. We're going to get what we deserve for allowing all these idiots to run the country the way they have.

    We're out of time and luck....

  6. buy silver now if not your a moron mm certified that is ..just look and see whats going down you dont need a crystal ball to know the outcome.

  7. to make more sense I asked myself the same question, What if the oil hit the gulf stream.
    To collect all info regarding this topic on one place I decided to collect it blog style.
    To understand the topic, see Black Pest - Eurotrip at:

  8. The oil is already been in the gulf current for like two weeks. I don't speak Plains English, you midwestern huckster idiot.

    I speak NEW YORK SOPHISTICATE ENGLISH you proclivate reprobate tree swinging wannabee American.

    Yall are way late to the party.

    You might want to read up on how that oil volcano in the gulf is going to blow.

    You might have a few months indeed.

    Not that anyone cares.

  9. 18 months from now, it will be in ALL oceans.


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