Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nearly One Million US Workers cut off Unemployment Benefits

With 12 Democrats joining a unanimous Republican bloc, the US Senate voted Wednesday to defeat a proposed extension of unemployment benefits for workers who have been jobless for nearly two years. The bill would have extended unemployment benefits for those out of work more than six months, until November 30.
In the two and a half weeks since June 1, when the last extension expired, some 903,000 workers have seen their benefits cut off. By June 26, that number will top 1.2 million.
Meanwhile, the Labor Department reported that the number of new claims for unemployment compensation jumped to 472,000 last week, the highest figure in several months.
The result is that a Congress that rushed through a $700 billion bailout of Wall Street in October 2008 in a matter of days, and authorized a further financial windfall to the banks and speculators five months later, cannot bring itself to support even the most meager subsistence for the unemployed workers who are the victims, not the perpetrators, of the economic crisis.
More Here

 A 1930's Depression: The Odds of a Prolonged Slump are Rising By the Day.
More Here..


  1. This is a good thing. The unemployment figures will look better and the markets will continue to rise.

    Corporate profits will jump. Let the unemployed die as far as i'm concerned. The wealthy are the important people and will keep this country rich.

  2. gold land and gardens
    obama bush and depression
    taxes gulf and war

    who do we apreciate nobody

  3. Diane Feinstein, a multi-millionaire Democrat from California, complained, “We have 99 weeks of unemployment insurance. The question comes, how long do you continue that before people just don’t go back to work at all?”

    we are in the worst collapse since the great depression!

    these pieces of $het gave away our jobs and technoilgy!
    pushed our way of life around the world witch
    is why osma bin laden attacked us in the first place!

    thier are no jobs 6 people for every one!
    everything is 16 bucks an hour! in ny witch covers nothing for the cost of living!

    ive wasted so much time looking for work
    alot of craigs list jobs are scams
    fax your info then telemarketing!

    we have been lied to cheated poisoned and
    marched off to war open borders destroyed our healthcare bailed out trillions to big buisness

    and NOW called lazy no good bums

    congress is out of touch lunatics that in the end glorify the idea of dictaorship
    that will come not from the masses
    but from thier own. who sieze power
    and offer them up as the villians

    never think for a momment that these people
    wont one day be held accountable
    for treason when it gets ugly.
    to suugest people want to beg for work
    instead of making a living wage is insane!

    also they stablized some prices others rise . as your wage goes down! and goverment jobs remain the
    golden parachute jobs!
    land of the fee home of the slave is the truth

    long live the tea party

    extend uenployement because its the right thing.
    thats why its the hardest.

    know if this was new yachts for congress it would have past.
    robes pierre

  4. that is the best article ive read yet

    great work eu

  5. Let them eat cake!.... How about we leave Iraq and Afghanistan and take care of our own. Hope those unemployed rob some of those politicians to feed their families.

  6. This is it. The party's over.

    Get ready for a wild ride.

  7. Among the hardest hit in the current economic melt down are carpenters/construction workers.

    There are no congressional meetings on how to help the long term unemployed ex-contractors who are no longer in demand. Their unemployment check comes from selling everything they have to feed their families.

    Most people don’t want to be on welfare; extended unemployment sounds better.
    Here in TX. Food stamps are now called The Lone star Card. You can whip your card out with Texas pride rather than humiliation.

  8. NO questions ask when funding illegal wars. Billions approved for Iraq, Afghanistan, ____________ fill in the blank, funding that KILLS people, innocent children. SCREW the unemployed, HA, we can not afford to pay a pitiful small amount of money to the unemployed Americans?

    While I realize we can not afford to fund anything as this country is so far bankrupt it would be impossible to ever pay back the bankers the fake money they loaned us.


  9. Yep, they can pull off a multi-billion dollar bankster bail out in 5 days and then refuse to bail out the unemployed.

    So when 1.5 million go from "just getting by" to homelessness, you can expect fireworks, but not the 4th of July kind.

    Remember what Gerald Celente said about losing it...

  10. The Government & MSM continues to demonize the unemployed.

    This after allowing the dismantling of our manufacturing base and outsourcing 8-10 million U.S jobs.

  11. Family member works at local food 4 less here in Riverside, Ca. and says a staggering 7 out of ten customers pay with food stamps. The six year veteran says its getting worse by the month. Beer sales are on fire though along with rampant theft!

  12. it is only going to get worse, these thugs in washington are not done yet, they have hand cuffed only one of your hands, the other hand has yet to be cuffed. at that point we all be enslaved, only to answer to His Majesty. this november is our only and last hope. if the repubs (they are the lesser of two evils) dont take over 1 hopefully both houses, we are screwed. there will be no stopping His Majesty and his thugs, kiss your freedoms GOODBYE. a double dip recession is headed our way beginning next year and we think its bad now. start praying and dont stop, we need divine intervention.

  13. Drove by 3 different parks last tuesday, it felt like a memorial day or labor day. There were tons of people enjoying summer and the free meals the City of Riverside handed out. This is getting scary!



  15. What we need is follow the example of the "Bonus Army", but we will not allow things to end the way they did 1932. Read about it below and think about a 2010 "Unemployed Army".

    The self-named Rumors of Betrayl was an assemblage of some 43,000 marchers—17,000 World War I veterans, their families, and affiliated groups, who protested in Washington, D.C., in spring and summer of 1932. Called the Bonus March by the news media, the Bonus Marchers were more popularly known as the Bonus Army. It was led by Walter W. Waters, a former Army sergeant. The veterans were encouraged in their demand for immediate cash-payment redemption of their service certificates by retired U.S.M.C. Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, one of the most popular military figures of the time.

    The war veterans, many of whom had been out of work since the beginning of the Great Depression, sought immediate cash payment of Service Certificates granted to them eight years earlier via the Adjusted Service Certificate Law of 1924. Each Service Certificate, issued to a qualified veteran soldier, bore a face value equal to the soldier's promised payment, plus compound interest. The problem was that the certificates (like bonds), matured twenty years from the date of original issuance, thus, under extant law, the Service Certificates could not be redeemed until 1945.

    On July 28, U.S. Attorney General Mitchell ordered the veterans removed from all government property. Washington police met with resistance, shots were fired and two veterans were killed. President Hoover then ordered the army to clear out the veterans. The infantry and cavalry were supported by six tanks, and commanded by Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur. Major, later President, Dwight D. Eisenhower was his liaison with Washington police, and Major George Patton led the cavalry. The Bonus Army, their wives and children were driven out with fixed bayonets and adamsite gas, an arsenical vomiting agent, and their shelters and belongings burned. Two more of the veterans, and an unknown number of babies and children, died (accounts range from one to "a number" of casualties).

  16. 8:53

    I think it was meant or expressed ironically or facetiously.

  17. The unemployed need to spit in the faces of the employed technocrats who are enabling the know, the cadre of arrogant Corporate Sychophants. Spit on them in the street. Sneer at them. Refuse to sell to them or serve them in any way. Tell them they're scumbags and tell them their time is coming soon. Send the message loud and clear that they will have to pay for their injustices.

  18. also buy gold why its still cheap

    and yes that wont be for long

    trust is earned. and they have earned it all right
    as in get outtttttttt amytiville horror!!

  19. Vote out all incumbents in November! If spending tens of billions of dollars to help Iraq or Afghanistan is more important to them than Americans who lost their job because of politicians who voted for NAFTA IN THE FIRST PLACE, THEN these idiots do not deserve to serve the American People!
    America first!

  20. Voting is for suckers.

  21. 10:43 is right. Voting is fact, it was always Kabuki Theater to appease the Masses and make them think they had a choice.

  22. How long before serious trouble, when the 22% unemployes exhaust all benefits? 2 years?

  23. The corporate $ backed two party same-same Democracy system is a corrupt fraud.
    All Politicians should be subject to immediate sacking /recall by their electors by a referendum by the citizens/voters in their area.
    Without the stinking, fake, computor "counting" machines and the appointed for life by the Monarchy Supreme Court, deciding from afar the 'official" results ,after divining the "Peoples Will" by examining the entrails of birds or hanging chads.

  24. They might have meant it facetiously, or ironically, as the case may be, but I meant it purely SEXUALLY!!

    or else it wouldn't be funny.

    in bed.

    ~/ It's nice work if you can get it
    and you can get it
    if you try /~

    Also, I did know the G men would do this around now, seeing as the gulf oil catastrophe is the big diversion so they pass cap and trade and terminate bennies to millions while stocking up the femur camps for to house the homelessnesseseseseseses that'll be consternating to behold for the peoples.

  25. Another major issue, besides people becoming homeless after losing benefits, is that there is less and less tax revenue being collected after people are either on unemployment, and after they exhaust their funds. The USA is becoming the next Greece. Government workers, get used to "austerity measures."

  26. The economic collapse is part of a greater scheme. There will be no solution. The government will not help the unemployed. The truth is that the minimum wage is not going to increase, the jobs are not going to come back, and the unemployment benefits are going to be cut off ON PURPOSE. The middle class will be the new lower class, the lower class will die in the streets, and the financial elites will become richer. The tea party are the future brownshirt sturmabteilung for this nation's financial elites. The winds of change are coming and that wind it smells of death.


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