Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Many May Starve: Food Stamps To Be Cut

America's poor rarely catch a break these days. The Senate is expected to vote today for a bill that will cut food stamp benefits by $6.1 billion to help fund Medicaid and teachers' jobs, reasoning they were too high now that food costs are lower than predicted. Proponents essentially argued that poor people had too much money for food.
As the Washington Post's Ezra Klein explains, last year's federal Recovery Act increased the amountregistered for the program in the past year alone, so program costs boomed from $20 billion to $65 billion. Meanwhile, food prices have deflated from last year's high rates. Now people are able to get more bang for their buck, hence the Senate's idea to cut payments. It's frustrating not only because America's poor, working, and middle class are suffering at record levels and could use this tiny leg up, but also because it's a really stupid cut for the overall economic picture: According to Klein, food stamps serve as one of the best forms of stimulus money, to the tune of $1.70 of activity for every dollar spent. In other words, our economy desperately needs this. of money for food stamps, or the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), to about $80 more per household each month. Amid the recession and high unemployment, about six million more people
"This is also a question of priorities," Klein writes, explaining that the Senate voted against proposed cuts to oil and gas subsidies, and may continue tax cuts for the wealthy. "But food assistance for poor families? You can get the votes to slash those."


  1. Anyone else enjoying the stock market rally? Boom times ahead my friends, there's big money to be made.


  3. Sorry folks I've lived in poor areas most of my life and whenever I see people with food stamps they tend to have crap in their basket or cart.

    Not all but a large majority...I understand that somethings aren't allowed to buy with the stamps but I do see a lot of waste...On top of that most people on stamps all seem to have decent cars...So not really feeling bad for them.

    What they need to do is go verify all these people on aid...Just hit their homes and see who's lying or who's legal...I bet we could get rid of 30% of undeserving people right off the top...Then give everyone WHO DO DESERVE IT a 15% boost in aid.

  4. Forget food stamps. I preferred food banks. It is a better program than government runs food stamp program.

  5. They say your spirit comes here from somewhere else and that you have always existed. Think about that one for a minute. That means you inherently contain life energy that far outreaches the few years you spend trying to survive. Having said that sirvival is the name of the game. We must sirvive into the future or we will face the horrors of destruction that mankind is bringing upon itself. Filter is the key. We have to begin to filter that which touches us in any way. I can admit to being lazy about this fact. For example how often do you see a science show tell you without a doubt that tap water is as safe for you as lets say distilled water, and scientifically that can NEVER be the case. Then you ad some poisonous Flouride to the mix of ingestion and your body is sub-optimal into a state of decay. Do the ‘PTB’ know what they are doing to the water supply they pay TV to inform you about its great cleaness? Do you think they are dumb about the consequences of continual ingestion of this sodium flouride that is actually listed as a poisen on the bag (constantly poured into your water supply)? Of course they know, they wouldn’t be caught drinking it, they know at the very least it lowers your IQ. So now your dumb and your body is in decay, welcome to the new ‘Death by a Thousand Cuts’ method of weeding out the less intelligent.
    Also, Nothing like going into WalMert and seeing all the smiling faces hooked into security systems like the Borg (can I help you=what do you plan on stealing), waiting to bust you for stealing the latest electro gizmo they advertize for Millions of dollars a day, artificial life support until we all wake up!

  6. Just so we do not get too American centered ..
    Here is a view from another “freeworld” that loves and rejoices in the problems of the “Anglo Saxon finance” dominated “ west disease” and the perceived collapse of its military backed dollar system.
    It is not so well mannered .
    This blog delivers a regular summary of what is happening to the west economy and society .
    Are there people in the world that actually view America and the “Anglo Saxon” West like that?
    How much is real in this humorous celebration summary of the real extent of an ongoing economic and military collapse of the ‘Anglo Saxon dominated economic and cultural “disease”.

    .World News as west comedy ?

    Yes, the "quantitative easing" will be back soon in full blast by popular demand of the bankrupt ruling elite of the murderous “west disease” and its criminal wars of aggression against the worlds peoples, against life and the human species itself, from Hiroshima to depleted uranium ,to oil wars against the human environment for profit as seen from Iraq to the Gulf of Mexico a journey to its own hell.


    “ It's funny, while west has printed over 40T DOL/EUR to sort of stay afloat, west banksters are now fearing "deflation". The west cretinism and lying is so off scale that it's increasingly impossible to even comment on these west barfs.
    It's a bit like trying to comment on Ted Bundy or Jack The Ripper or Hitler's bizarre whims and behavioural quirks.

    But never mind this tot. Enjoy this one instead... Pour a pint and let's have a laugh.

    So the yank monkeys have crossed the 23T threshold in printing cash to maintain their ridiculous appearance that they're still there.
    The mad printing began sometime in the second half of last Busch II year, so it's not quite 2 yrs.

    Now, that's nearly half a million dollars vanquished each and every SECOND around the clock -- no weekends!

    Ave baboon hovel now apparently runs around 250K USD (which is also a lie since near 3M EMPTY ones litter the USA "deflated" baboon real-estate market) but imagine 1 or 1 and half a house vanishing every single second, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.
    Picture a block of houses, say 20 houses a block. Now, delete in your mind 3 such blocks every minute and you'll get the burn-rate of the west pretense. And some might add that the pretense is pretty shabby to boot. After all, despite this insane ocean of cash, Detrot is a ghost town, west manufacturing is dead, and west unemployment has exceeded 20%. A house vanishing each second is what west calls "economy" and what fiends endlessly dissects in their BBCNN rants.”
    Etc Etc.country by country world news..

  7. 12.07
    ...Just hit their homes and see who's lying or who's legal...I bet we could get rid of 30% of undeserving people right off the top...Then give everyone WHO DO DESERVE IT a 15% boost in aid."
    economic Austerity Pogroms are the way to go.
    Cut Cut Cut!just like in the third world!
    There are clearly too many people in America than what can be profitably employed by capital. They are a burden on productive capital and the better off and therefore the America system itself.
    Liberalism and its fake socialist humanism is behind all this sheer waste of food stuffed in useless mouths that do not have even have the intelligence to select proper food.
    That is where America is at today.

    But,I feel sorry fot the rich myself, they have a real human suffering from the vice of gluttony one of the seven great sins.
    Imagine the sheer boredom of the taste buds and of life itself that comes from an excess of too much food and a luxury of endless variety of the best and it becomes so tiresome to choose .

  8. "food stuffed in useless mouths"

    ah, yes, the 'useless eaters' argument...easy there, Hitler...

  9. This saddens me. I actually know poor people who lost food stamps and had to get off their fat ass and work! Can you believe it?? They actually had to work! Of course as soon as they were eligible they got themselves fired and began collecting unemployment. But that will only last 99 weeks!! How can anyone live on a mere 99 weeks of unemployment?? It's enough to make you want to go back to your nice section 8 house and cry. If I didn't have to stay up all night doing drugs I would go to the city hall and protest. Where is the city hall, anyone know? I know where the welfare office is and where the unemployment office is and, oh yeah, I know where the police office is. Oh well, doesn't matter. My friend bought a bunch of steaks with his food stamps and I bought pot with mine so we will party tonight!! Hey! Will you working guys be quieter in the morning when you leave for work all us poor people are still sleeping. And keep paying those taxes!!!

  10. 11:16 there is a boom time headed your way unfortunately for you it will not be profitable and you will likely not survive the booms.

  11. Um um um, wezzz having a good time. Um hum.

  12. If black bush would pull out of Iraq, Pakistan and close most of the military bases this county would recover very quickly. It's all there to keep us poor.

    Let those lazy fat volunteers get real jobs off the taxpayer roll. We can draft if a "real" war starts.


  13. alot of these people really are a drag on society. Call me Hitler I don't care. Don't tell me the man was never right. If all u want to do is sit in your lazy chair at your apartment, scarf doritos, stare at your Big screen TV, and wait for your welfare check and food stamps courtesy of the middle class, then you need to be cut off and thrown in the street until you learn what it's like in the real world.

  14. to 12:07 and other idiots:

    You liars never tried to live on food stamps or a limited income. Plus, each state has different levels and requirements. I am elderly and on Social Security; my yearly income is about $13,000. Because my house is paid for, my food stamp allotment would be $25 a month! Thanks for nothing. Oh, and food stamps can only be used for food, not for toilet paper or toothpaste, or anything else you need. Plus it takes time to get approved while they check out your claims.

    One month I ran short of money and I remember standing in a supermarket, trying to figure out how to buy a week's worth of food for $20. I checked all the sales and all I could have was grilled cheese sandwiches, hot dogs and soda. If you wonder why the poor are fat, they can't afford anything healthy--the prices of the fruits and vegetables are out of sight.

    And everyone I know drives a used car, poor or not. As Barney Frank said, "On what planet do you spend most of your time?"

  15. That simply isn't true. You can get a weeks worth of bananas, bread, milk and cereal, for $20. I've been there. Fat and unhealthy is a lifestyle decision. You can eat healthy, cheap.

  16. 1116 is enjoying the down stock market today, tomorrow and soon to be forever, when it crashes before 2011 gets here.

  17. Anon 12:07 I have no car, no job and I get food stamps and thank god I do. But I have to tell you it is easy to think that people are gaming the system. Sure the illegals come here for free everything, but let an american be in need and cuts are what we get. What about wall street cuts?

    Do you really want people like like me to be hungry? Early in the morning knowing you may have some food in your house? Is that a better answer?

  18. 10:02 what do you spend 13,000 on if your house is paid for ?

  19. I am 12:07...I didn't say all but from my EXPERIENCE...I've lived in the poor parts of San Diego, Sa Benardino and Los Angeles...Hell my mom and I lived in garages and a tool shed for awhile so I speak from inside the glass house not just as some guy tossing stones at it.

    I'm telling you there is a SH*TLOAD of abuse and fraud...I pray for those that need it and deserve it but how many times have I seen:

    1. Some fat 18 year old with 2-3 kids?

    2. Some lady with rings, bracelets use the stamps and get in her car?

    3. Some woman buying anything that was semi-expensive, unhealthy instead of buying potatoes, rice, beans, eggs, pastas, corn tortillas etc?

    4. Or lets be honest I even knew some people that would trade the stamps and get say $0.50 cents on the dollar from liquor store owners so they could buy cigs/drugs/alchol etc.

    There are people who need our help but there are also too many "Mouth Breathers" who have not...Will not ever contribute.

    Lets be honest...What's wrong with recertifying the people who have NOT been checked on or verified EVER?

    People stay on aid till they get caught...Not all but a large chunk...People who abuse the system count on the governemnt being so overloaded that they don't check...I would love some Section 8, Wic, Food Stamp sweeps.

    ANNNNNNNDDD for the record I want the people on them to get their friggen GED, DL and take some nutrition and parenting classes...ANNNNDDD I would support that as long as they want aid they be on birth control...If you need to be on aid then STOP HAVING KIDS YOU CAN"T AFFORD.

    Not that it will happen BUT the way I see it BIG changes are coming...None of them good...Nothing wrong with being "Poor" but there's plenty wrong with being "Stupid Poor."

  20. "I was there, going up against Charlie, fighting it out, while all of you were sitting at home, getting high, listening to your goddamn Beatles albums."

  21. I have not seen a decrease in food prices. Just the opposite. As gasoline goes higher, food must rise as well, since it's trucked in. My only frustration with the food stamp program are the people in expensive cars getting them. You know their car payment is at least $500 per month and that would put a lot of food on the table each month. If it's paid off, sell the darn thing and get something more affordable to your new place in life. If you are carrying a designer purse with salon pampered nails, have more then one ring on your hand and in a vehicle that costs more then 25K, it is shameful to take food stamps. You are a burden of your own making.

  22. Abuse of the system is one of many, many reason why I don't like people.

  23. This is the weirdest mix of people out of any blog I've ever been on.

    I guess America is a degenerate microcosm of the globe. This blog is a degenerate microcosm of the current collective consciousness.


    I think some people could use food stamps. There are people who work incredibly hard and still need help. There are also those that don't deserve it like 12:28 mentions.

    I can think of about five people I know this past year alone who decided to have another baby or got pregnant. All under 35, make less than 30K, can not afford it! Each already have a baby (a few have several kids).

    People are fucking dumb.

    Their mentality is common. Their lives are empty so that's what they do with themselves. They aren't happy with their current children - another baby is needed! Their spouse isn't satisfying - let's have an affair. They just got through with a divorce - let's get married to someone else now. The big screen television isn't good enough - let's buy surround sound. Folgers isn't as tasty as starbucks, I can't afford the five dollars a day but who cares. Maybe I'll go back to school to get a degree and put myself in debt because it will pull me out of my misery - somehow I'll magically get a high paying job once I graduate...

    Congratulations United Sitcoms of Amusement, those kinds of people just helped fuck your country. They get one quarter of the blame. One quarter goes to celebrities, Hollywood, people who push drugs, stupidity, and sex. A third quarter goes to those who work in the education system. The final 25% of the blame goes to the politicians/mobsters.

  24. 1.39 says
    "This is the weirdest mix of people out of any blog I've ever been on.
    I guess America is a degenerate microcosm of the globe. This blog is a degenerate microcosm of the current collective consciousness."
    People are fucking dumb...
    "...Their mentality is common. Their lives are empty so that's what they do with themselves. They aren't happy with their current children - another baby is needed! Their spouse isn't satisfying - let's have an affair."
    Clearly this culture creates a population and money problem in a bankrupt america.

    Is this comment above a critisism of the mentality of the economics and lifestyle of the "west disease" spoken of in that blog above that laughs at america?
    The lifesyles and greedy consumption created by of the rich First World system 'west disease" that required continual war against the third world for cheap labor products and cheap resourses including cheap oil?

    But ,now after the costs of wars mounted up
    and the foriegn credit supply from the rest of the world is runninig dry, the US resorts to the printing press.
    Even so this temporary trillions of $ bailout of the investing class and for bonuses for the finance sector managers "stimulus" is expensive,but it is not enough to kick start jobs and "recovery" of the economy and its ponzi scams .To get an unproductive of real profits services economy functioning in the old way by living on credit.
    Everyone understands that creation of more debt like that by government is unsustainable.
    Some of the desperate rich and middle class now say in order to preserve their lifestyles, its time and absolutely necessary, for pograms against those unemployed made dependent on welfare .
    The federal state and state finances are in trouble. Its clear that the state cannot afford bailouts and wars for empire and support the useless eaters at the same time.
    So some say in order to preserve the past lifestyles and incomes of the middle class as well as the rich,its time for cutting back on the cost of unemployment benifits.
    Time for cutting back on foodstamps.and all that liberal/ socialist/ family values expensive stuff subsidising family life.
    How else can we afford the US terrorist wars for homeland security ?
    Our freedom and empire lifestyles are at risk !
    They say, "Something has to be done about these fat useless breeders and their huge families."
    Half of the americans do not even pay taxes but get income family support handouts from government.
    Maybe Deng in China had it right one child families for the ordinary people ?
    Backed by Enforceed strilisation of women.
    (The rich and the middle class with mistresses can dodge that law as they did in China )
    But , that sounds a bit anti-women sexist right?
    So ,I suggest government sterilise all lower class American males without a job or "high IQ" graduation certificate like the middle class has.The ordinary people are so dumb.
    As an added bonus, sterilising all males with population increase licences only by artificial insemmination by those who can afford it would probably solve all rape problems too.
    Sterilising all males is the best solution to save the capitalist American lifestyles from its overpopulation problems ,that are only caused by fat useless breaders with useless consuming mouths and with with unemployed non productive hands .
    There is no other real way to preserve the American way for the middle class consumers expensive lifestyles.
    Save the middle class and taxpayers from poverty!
    Sterilise all American men! ;)

  25. Pissed of employed AmericanAugust 3, 2010 at 11:16 PM

    You know what's f'd up? I a 37 year old hard working father who eats peanut butter and jelly for lunch at work 5 days a week and goes without breakfast every morning so my kids can eat a balanced diet, can't get even a smidgen of help through the food stamp system (I make too much between my wife and I working for peanuts.) But I can go to the local gas station to fill my van and watch a woman whip out her food stamp card and by 5 packages of twizzlers, 4 two liter sodas, 4 bags of dorritos and spend the cash she had in her purse on smokes. While I continue you to struggle year after year. But hey I guess I'm the rich. Even though I can barely stay above water. The system is broken! It's about time reform came around. Screw being pc, I've seen too many leaches on the welfare tit.

  26. Bring in another 30 million illegals that well solved all the problems.

  27. Simple math applies here. Too many people/not enough materials is a worldwide problem. The proposed fixes are horrific to the disadvantaged and will remain so. The rich run the country, so why are people even remotely suprised that food stamps would get cut and oil subsidies remain? Anyone with ideas of mass demonstration or revolution to stop the rich will be regarded as "home-grown terrorists". The choices are limited to packing up and moving to a self sustaining community, or throwing your hands in the air. At the end of the day when real crisis hits, there is no 911 to call. Crisis can be a welcome opportunity for Americans to try something new... like meeting their neighbors and learning to survive: together. The glass may actually be half full after all, even if it is tainted by oil from the BP spill.

  28. Pissed off employed AmericanAugust 4, 2010 at 6:35 PM

    "Well,your opinion might change when either you or ,your wife lose their job and you too hook up to the "welfare tit".
    but in the meantime you appear to be part of the problem too!
    A breeder with how many kids ?
    someone who beleives that they should have a right to a decent family life in america just because both parents are working hard.
    I suppose you would like a raise too.
    But I bet your not even in a union to get higher wages and just cop what you are given.
    American business needs its cheaper labor like you to make its profits."

    My point was I'm paying for these idiots to eat through my taxes and they're blowing it on junk. I should be pissed off. And I bet you're on the tit too, judging by your comment. Or just a misguided idiot. I said nothing about right. But why the hell should I be forced to contribute to the idiots that are too lazy to work and blow their money on crap? Get real man. And move to China if you want population control.

  29. Pissed off employed AmericanAugust 4, 2010 at 6:42 PM

    And this is the best post on this story:

    "Abuse of the system is one of many, many reason why I don't like people"

    Read more: http://thecomingdepression.blogspot.com/2010/08/many-may-starve-food-stamps-to-be-cut.html#ixzz0vgDAWgNQ
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

  30. Food stamps have nothing to do with helping the "poor". The word "poor" in America is a substitute for the word "lazy". I've been "poor" but I've always been willing to work. So, I wasn't "poor" for long.

    The fact is, many of the unemployment numbers and the "poor" on food stamp numbers are inflated because the stuff is available.

    My reality is that I pay more in taxes each month than I would get on unemployment. WAY more. I'm getting tired of paying all these taxes. Someone the other day (a big government progressive type) told me, "Don't you want to invest in your society?"

    Excuse me? I "invest" in my church then get raped by my government. The treasonous bastard thieves that use violence to steal my property (Money is property) deserve the punishment. Let the churches help the poor. They're a lot better at it.

    The best way to get rid of the poor is to make life uncomfortable for them so they'll go back to work. See, thats the thing, in the US, poor = uncomfortable. If you're starving in the US you're just lazy or very, very stupid.

    The sooner people realize that all those cushy hi-tech jobs are gone FOREVER, the better they'll be. Most are setting around whining that they made $15 an hour but can't find anything for more than $10. Well, WAAAAAH! Get your but busy.

    Don't get me wrong. I take home $22 an hour. But, I have my own unemployment fund. Besides all the guns I've invested in (They'll be worth way more than gold when THAT time comes) I've save $5000 in cash and $3500 in silver.

    Get your butts busy and stop wasting your money on pop and baseball games!

  31. "Congratulations United Sitcoms of Amusement, those kinds of people just helped fuck your country. They get one quarter of the blame. One quarter goes to celebrities, Hollywood, people who push drugs, stupidity, and sex. A third quarter goes to those who work in the education system. The final 25% of the blame goes to the politicians/mobsters."


    At first I thought, "Wait! You left out the financiers, the banksters and wall street cabal!" Then, suddenly, I realized, you didn't. They're covered. When you said "politicians", that covers them.

    I actually work in education. Its not actually the teachers and the administrations. I mean, they perpetuated it, but, the politicians and such have brainwashed the entire education industry to perpetuate it. So, really, the education system is part of that political cabal.

    Essentially, then, we have the entitlement/never satisfied bunch with 25% of the blame. Hollywood with 25% of the blame. An the politicians, which include banksters, wall strafed and educators with 50% of the blame.

    Got it? I think we really need to talk about and define this stuff. If you don't know whats biting you, you can't smack it!


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.