Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chinese Rating Agency Strips Western Nations of AAA Status

China's leading credit rating agency has stripped America, Britain, Germany and France of their AAA ratings, accusing Anglo-Saxon competitors of ideological bias in favour of the West.
Dagong Global Credit Rating Co used its first foray into sovereign debt to paint a revolutionary picture of creditworthiness around the world, giving much greater weight to "wealth creating capacity" and foreign reserves than Fitch, Standard & Poor's, or Moody's.

The US falls to AA, while Britain and France slither down to AA-. Belgium, Spain, Italy are ranked at A- along with Malaysia.

 Meanwhile, China rises to AA+ with Germany, the Netherlands and Canada, reflecting its €2.4 trillion (£2 trillion) reserves and a blistering growth rate of 8pc to 10pc a year.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, chief of the International Monetary Fund, agreed on Monday that the rising East is a transforming global force. "Asia's time has come," he said.
The IMF expects Asia to grow by 7.7pc in 2010, vastly outpacing the eurozone at 1pc and the US at 3.3pc. Emerging nations hold 75pc of the world's $8.4 trillion (£5.6 trillion) of reserves.
Dagong rates Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, and Singapore at AAA, along with the commodity twins Australia and New Zealand.
More Here..

OUTRAGE: Dems could have already Cut Unemployment by 50 percent


  1. I read the "outrage" article by that Canadian woman. She is obviously a confused conservative. It is the Republicans who like all those illegal aliens working in the U.S. The illegals accept much less money than an American, for no benefits, and can't complain if they are screwed, injured, or not paid.

    She lists no sources for her claims that green jobs are only temporary and hints that global warming may not be real. Sorry, but the corporations want you to think global warming is not real so they can continue to pollute the earth with impunity.

    In the next two years, just watch how the Republicans don't do a damn thing to help the American people. There will be no improvement in the job situation, and we'll see more foreclosures and bankruptcies.

    Meanwhile the Repubs will spend tens of millions of taxpayer money looking for Obama's birth certificate. They will not get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan. They will not do anything about the FED or torture or habeus corpus or the banksters. And in two years you'll be screaming about them the same way you've been screaming about the Dems.

    The only good thing to come out of putting the Repubs back in charge is that we'll be so fed up that finally we'll have the revolution we need.

  2. Yes .stop picking on the Brown shirt Messiah leading the bailot revolution .
    Play the 2 party fight fight game!
    Do not ask about what warmonger and bankster sock puppet Obama did in the last 2 years that was worthwhile just look at all the things that Obama would have done to 'save america" but will be prevented from doing by the repugs.
    1.03 says

    "In the next two years, just watch how the Republicans don't do a damn thing to help the American people. There will be no improvement in the job situation, and we'll see more foreclosures and bankruptcies.
    Meanwhile the Repubs will spend tens of millions of taxpayer money looking for Obama's birth certificate. They will not get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan. They will not do anything about the FED or torture or habeus corpus or the banksters.
    So, what then can you tell us did the black face actor Messiah even do well on that list you print, that was different to Bush or what McCain would have done?

    Besides talking about hope and change and a light at the end of the tunneln in Afghanistan and guantanomo bay and running up a bigger military deficit bill ?

    Are you realy trying to tell us the Repugs are different??

    Well at least Mc cain was more honest about expanding the wars.

  3. Only proper insider trading ,patriotic american ratings agencies ,can properly assess america and continue to rate its bonds as "AAA" in order to guide americans and their pension funds to safe AAA investment secuity !

    As we seen with sub prime ,fannie Mae bonds and maddoff etc.Their american word is our bonds are sound ..all AAA !

    This rating agency is an obvious spy outfit in the currency war.
    The next thing these Chinese ratings agencies ,if they were actualy allowed to look at the corporate books would be saying ,is that the banks are all stuffed and the US dollar value is being destroyed by money printing.

    They might even rate US treasury bills BBB!

    How insane would that be?

  4. Obama should help out america in its time of economic need and deficits.

    "Meanwhile the Repubs will spend tens of millions of taxpayer money looking for Obama's birth certificate."
    Obama could save the cost of any threatened enquiry like this if he had nothing to hide by simply producing his full long form birth certificate.

    Call it Patriotic Philanthropy!
    Think of how many extra charitable food stamps that would pay for for the 'poor
    americans he champions!

    while Philantropicaly bailing out the banksters.


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