Saturday, February 26, 2011

1000s Die In Libya, Gaddafi Uses Poison Gas

Libya's deputy ambassador to the UN says thousands of people have been killed during protests, as unconfirmed reports have come in claiming the regime has used poison gas on demonstrators.
Ibrahim Dabbashi, who has turned against the Gaddafi regime, said the death toll is expected to rise as Muammar Gaddafi continues his bloody crackdown against the opposition.

"There are already thousands of people who have been killed, we expect more. They are gathering all the bodies and they are taking them to the desert or somewhere. No one knows where are the bodies of the victims," AFP quoted Dabbashi as saying.

His comments came ahead of a UN Security Council meeting on the crisis in Libya.

Dabbashi said the "psychologically unstable” Gaddafi has the choice between being killed or committing suicide. “He might seek to send some of his family members abroad but I believe he prefers to die in Libya because of his narcissistic character, he wants to act like a hero."

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  1. They always revise economic data when the people and media are not paying attention.

  2. Jeez...
    let Gaddafi do his job

  3. Gaddafi has no desire whatsoever to be on
    American Idol.

  4. Gaddafi: "See what happens when you're late getting those Christmas Cards mailed Out"

  5. yes it say's surprise..downward! oh that's funny
    ...maybe it was the snow

  6. The source of this thousands of dead ,Poison Gas story , is Iranian Press TV .

    This is only a little bit more of a credible news source than Fox or CNN news.
    Or a White House press spokesman reporting on WMD in Iraq , or reporting on drone deaths and the activities of “Davis” the “diplomat” in Pakistan .

  7. Sounds like propaganda to get America into another war for oil.


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