Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oil $200 By March 20th?

With the facebook revolutions having claimed virtually every other country in the region, the time may be coming for that most important one of all. And if Facebook is to be relied on for its revolutionary calendar, a job it has so far done without reproach, the revolutionary wave will come to Saudi Arabia on March 20.That will also the day crude passes $200.
Also, instead of just announcing their rallying call, future protestors have listed their 12 demands:
1 – a constitutional monarchy between the king and government.
2 – a written constitution approved by the people in which governing powers will be determined.
3 – transparency, accountability in fighting corruption
4 – the Government in the service of the people
5 – legislative elections.
6 – public freedoms and respect for human rights
7 – allowing civil society institutions
8 – full citizenship and the abolition of all forms of discrimination.
9 – Adoption of the rights of women and non-discrimination against them.
10 – an independent and fair judiciary.
11 – impartial development and equitable distribution of wealth.
12 – to seriously address the problem of unemployment
Since none of these have a chance of going through in an absolute monarchy, things are about to get really hot.
More Here..

Homeland Security Urges Americans to be Ready


  1. Gasoline will cost an average of $5 per gallon by Memorial Day. The Facebook Revolution will come to the United States real soon.

  2. Wow very interesting! It looks like the sleeping giant is beginning to stir.

    It's kind of a domino effect. You saw the ripples with Greece, then Tunisia and finally Egypt. And now it's beginning to spread. I can see the US shutting down the internet, they made sure to pass the bill to do so, so that we stop getting the news.

    I just hope they fail and can't shut us all down. The sheeple have hope yet?

  3. Homeland Security article is from 2003 WTF?

  4. That is what I am thinking-homeland security article was from 8 years ago so no use riling people up.

  5. Yeah, why are you posting an article from 8 years ago?

  6. 11:11 and 11:01 (the same people) I guess you missed what's happening around the rest of the WORLD? HELLO! Is it "different" here?

  7. yeah have some preps, but don't fall into the fear tactics and give away freedoms for "safety"


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