Wednesday, June 15, 2011

TSA “Security Exercise” Covers 3 States, 5000 Miles

Paul Joseph Watson June 15, 2011

If you’re still living under the delusion that the TSA is just restricted to airports then think again. A joint VIPR “security exercise” involving military personnel has Transportation Security Administration workers covering 5,000 miles and three states, illustrating once again how the TSA is turning into a literal occupying army for domestic repression in America.

The TSA, in alliance with a whole host of federal, state, local agencies as well as military personnel, is currently conducting a massive “security exercise” throughout Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia.

More Here..


  1. @8:10 pm Wait till the random revolts and shootings start against the TSA. The poster @6:34 pm is going to crap in his pants and hide in a trash can.

    ....Wild man, wild...

  2. 11 reasons stocks will storm back soon

  3. 1 Reason why 918 is wrong and is a shill. This country is fucked! USA is Broke, Borrowing and kicking the can down the road, when it stops the pain will make the first depression look like a lollypop in a kids carnival.

  4. Why is everyone worried about the GSA they are just a bunch of fat,low wage earners that pretend to have power. If it got serious those fat tsp women would run for there lives. They don't even get guns the avg citizen has 2+ guns. Everyone is worried about the military taking over first most would go AWOL and the rest would be so far and few that they couldn't hold a small city. If you have any military exp you will know that keeping control of a city just like Chicago,NY take your pick is next to impossable. Then throw in the fact you evey every other citizen armed it's just not possible. The country would consume it self and brake off in factions. They have the power and we have to deal with it for now there will come a time when we have no jobs, no food and no hope and then god helpem cause thats all they will have.

  5. Spread them !

    And ---------------------------------------

    Say aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  6. 5:07 you make a lot of sense despite some grammatical errors. As far as the TSA goes, those dopes should be serving ice cream, not being security. Either way, this is so far past the ability for the ruling class scum to pull us under military fascism.

    If you take note how Nazi Germany was able to become a Spartan state, they succeeded for two reasons. The first is that the population was small, dense, and lacked diversity. The second reason is that they tricked the people into it early on. Only the intelligent type were smart enough to leave in time. The rest sat around believing all the racial propaganda and praising the idea of military conquest. Most were quite complacent at that point in handing in their guns.

    That brings me to my next point. "Military training" is something you hear so often by people claiming that guns can't save you. This was largely propagated by those who are against guns so they could make people think only cops and soldiers should have them.

    The truth about modern warfare is that whomever has the best firepower wins. Military training only gives soldiers one advantage over a mob - unit cohesion! This of course goes back to the ancient era when professional armies first began.

    The Greeks and Romans for example, utilized men in a way that would come to render the barbarian/warrior fashion obsolete. The idea was to have everyone tightly packed together and follow only the commanding officers orders. The best disciplined unit was largely the most successful. No man would try to recklessly do his own thing in a battle or attempt to steal power from his king.

    As weapons changed, moving into the 18th century, the sword and pike were becoming ineffective. The Europeans were the first to comprehend how guns should be used best in battle. The line infantry became the standard of every European army. A bayonet was fixed on the musket, which made units carrying only a melee weapon worthless. The Ottomans for instance, didn't yet understand what to do with muskets. They were still trying to fight as they did in the Medieval Age.

    If you can see what made unit cohesion so critical in having, more so in the 1700s, is so the weapons could be used properly. An unorganized militia, as in the early days of the American Revolution, each man tried to shoot on his own and could never hit anything. British infantry were trained to mobilize as a column, then you'd spread into 2 or 3 rows, the officer would say when to fire... this is why mobs/guerillas couldn't win head on.

    This same concept is still alive however. But this doesn't say a lone soldier will be any different than a civilian. If a civilian knows how to shoot a gun, they'll be just as proficient as any soldier.

    An army is a different story. A group of physically fit men wearing full gear with the best weapons, information regarding the place they are infiltrating with head counts, and being covered by artillery will easily destroy a bunch of out of shape people with mediocre guns.

    A simple maxim would be to say military training only applies if you're still in the military. In the real world, "trained" cops get murdered all the time, where 3 million "untrained" civilians defend their homes each year using a firearm.

    A crazy gunman is best prevented from killing when a bystander has a gun on him or her. But if those civilians aren't allowed to have guns, you can always wait for the shooter to run out of bullets, or for someone with military training to ask if anyone has a gun...

  7. the usa govt developed al cia da and bin laden, this is all false flag terror by our own govt, dont beleive the msm they are all lies and propaganda especially beck, limpballs and insanity the worst of the lot, wolves in sheep clothing for sure!

  8. 8:44 - yep.

    As for the TSA, worthless;

    "Here is what you do. You hand out guns to everyone getting on board a plane and then you collect them when the flight is over. Problem solved." - Archie Bunker (he rocked!)

  9. No bomb has ever been put on a plane without a government putting it there.

    TSA is useless.

    Like the last stooge with no ID/password that had a Spook in a suit escort onto the plane.

    There are ZERO real terror threats; only false flags.

    A corralled group of sheep waiting for the next "boo!"


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