Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ron Paul: Obama's plan is for TOTAL COLLAPSE

Ron Paul, the popular Republican Congressman from Texas, is ripping into the president and Congress for what he sees as their “goal” with round after round of stimulus: complete economic collapse.

“From their spending habits, an economic collapse seems to be the goal of Congress and this administration,” he said in his June 22, 2009, weekly address.

He added that Democrats who voted for the president’s war funding request, which gave an additional $106 billion to military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq — among other, unrelated items — were actually voting in favor of the wars, not just authorization of the president’s agenda.

He called it an affront to everyone who believed a vote for Obama was a vote for a peace candidate.

The president’s insistence on including an additional $108 billion in asset exchange with the International Monetary Fund is merely “buying global oppression,” he said.



  1. I think Ron Paul is forgetting he's a politician. I'm starting to love that man! Still, I fear he will go missing, as it's clear he'll not be silenced.

  2. Ron Paul is my President.

  3. Ron Paul is the only policical figure that has it right. He understands what is happening and says it without mincing any words. Unfortunately in his run for President his organization got a little way out on conspiracy theories and that hurt his campaign. But he has it right - we are headed toward a financial collapse and it seems to the he agenda of this administration.

  4. Cynthia McKinney and Ron Paul could have saved us only if the Presidency meant something. It doesn't. It is a puppet office for the elite Oligarch banksters.

  5. The last real President was JFK and he was killed for attempting to repeal the Federal Reserve Act. Forty-five minutes after his death, Johnson stopped that action, just as his banker owners dictated. Then Johnson, under the control of his banker handlers in Israel, murdered Navy men (31?) aboard the USS Liberty when the Israelis attacked the ship, attempted to sink her, in order to blame the attack on Eqypt. Watch the 'attack on USS Liberty'.

    I mention that because Johnson was our first in a long line of puppet presidents since then.

    There have been hundreds of evil acts since the Liberty attack by the banker controlled presidents.

    The very latest is puppet Obama and the financial destruction of the middle class, fake/staged revolution in Iran by the CIA, and less recently the fake WOT.

  6. We HAVE to stop obamacare. Once they have control over our health care system, there really will be alot of people disappearing.
    I am elderly so they will be nice enough to give me "pain killers". Read Daschle's ideas on socialized medicine for the elderly.
    We are getting closer to Fascism every day.


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