Friday, December 11, 2009

Copenhagen Climate Conference: Redistribution of Wealth, Its A Big Tax Grab

The bottom line at the Copenhagen Climate Conference is the same bottom line found in every Obama proposal -- the redistribution of wealth from you to anybody else the government designates.

"Redistribution of Wealth" has been the holy grail of one world levelers for over 150 years.

At Copenhagen, the same folks who failed to impose a "New World Order" through international communism, and who have also failed (so far) to impose world government through the U.N., believe they have the right formula at last.

The plan is simple. Hijack the science of climatology; hype evidence that the earth is warming (or cooling, doesn't matter); predict imminent disaster (Florida will be underwater!) to frighten enough people to justify trillions in reparations from developed nations whose standard of living now threatens the whole planet with destruction, to undeveloped nations who are the "victims" of the success of free nations.

Bangladesh, for example, with its socialist "workers paradise," has no plan to relocate its coastal population or in any other way mitigate the effects of "warming" but nonetheless now demands 15% of any Copenhagen money.

Other countries have not adopted the welfare entitlement mentality. South Korea has raised its per capita share of GDP from about $400/year in 1953 to over $30,000/year by allowing a free-er market than North Korea, which started with the same poverty in 1953 and is in about the same place today.


  1. You mean this is just another TAX (carbon tax) scheme amd fraud to make everyone poor. And turn the USA and others into 3rd world countries.

    Yes the World Bank and the IMF will run things not the UN like all the poor Countries thought. And it is DEBT to the World Bank and IMF that keeps the poor Countries as SLAVES.

    This is not about CLIMATE but fooling people into thinking that being in CARBON DEBT is good. This is all a scam and we will wind up paying for air and water the same as we now pay for oil.


  2. Yes, it is all a scam. We contribute well below <1% of the Earth's carbon.

    A natural needed element that they are trying to make out as a pollutant/poison so they may finally have their worldwide tax system.

    The global bankers have a lot riding on this scam though and will use everything in their power, including their puppet US president to push through Carbon taxes to enslave and stiffle individuals and countries.

    Not a big Alex Jones fan, but his recent videos are very well made and especially the ones about the Global Warming Swindle/CarbonGate.


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