Wednesday, December 23, 2009

While You Were Sleeping… The Economy Collapsed

One of the most powerful forces in human psychology is the force of habit. Consistency, apathetic comfort, ties men to the ocean bottom to squeeze every ounce of oxygen from their last breath until it is gone, and we wake up at 50 or 60, only realizing then that we have done the same things and thought the same thoughts for decades without err. Repetition makes us easy to startle and easy to control. Any sudden break in daily routine can cause most people to freeze; animals gripped with terror at the very possibility of necessary individual action or adaptation.

This same repetition induces a type of “sleepwalk” in the average person, a zombie-like reanimation of brain functions that shriveled up and died years before, giving the impression of “life,” but in reality, it is merely a life on autopilot.

This is what makes catastrophes so catastrophic. It is not always the events themselves that reap such destruction, but people’s delayed reactions and dulled senses. The more ignorant the populace, the more magnified and painful such events become. Our lack of knowledge and reasonable action sets our own house ablaze, brings economies to ruin, and murders civilizations. Others may tip the problems into motion, but in the end, all of us, each and every individual, is responsible for the final result.

It is nearly Christmas, 2009, and the dangers of routine are never more blindingly obvious than they are at this time of year. A dangerous economic storm looms, its effects culminating most likely sometime in 2010. Many people know its there, they can feel it, but the chains of routine drag them back. “Our world will remain the same tomorrow as it was today…” they tell themselves, “…how could things possibly change?”


  1. This is a good article; however, "Many people know its there" should actually go as follows: "Many people know it's there" . . .

    it is = it's, as in "It's raining outside"
    its = possessive, as in "the cats licked its paws"

  2. Yes, and I agree, the American people are asleep and still dreaming. I would fall under the same spell, were it not for the fact that I am awake and quite aware of what is going on. Still, I have seen the "sheeple" as they are called, and they have no clue . . .

  3. Everybody Photocopy MoneyDecember 23, 2009 at 2:41 AM

    of course america will change


  4. Bla Bla Bla

    I have preps, some pm's and other goodies, bla bla.......nothing to see here. I don't think the S will ever HTF.

    I don't know why the hell I even stock up on stuff, wife thinks I am coocoo for cocoa puffs and I am wondering myself WTF I do this stuff for. Everyone has been saying this crap for years now, and still......NOTHING

  5. i am coocoo bird
    i shoot sheeple

  6. As kids, we are taught to respect our police and our "leaders". Whatever they say is gospel and good for us, after all, they are, our leaders and they know what's best for us.

    The sooner we break that bad habit, the better for all of us.

  7. 5:36 ... you can do things simply to save some money like buy food before price goes up then rotate and eat it. Gold and Silver can be bought on lows and sold at equal and higher price to beat the interest rate you get at the bank. Even if nothing bad happens you will still be ahead.

    People do not realize the UD dollar has been losing value ALL the time. So it is always wise to be smart how you buy things.

    Also make sure to take care of your health I get my herbals and vitamins from

    Make sure to drink good quality water that helps.

  8. I would not get too upset about the sh%t not hitting the fan 5:36 anon. Just look around the world, for a good third of us the sh%t has been hitting the fan for a long time now. So don't worry everyone will get their turn ducking the sh%t.

  9. Sleeping? WTF? I don't sleep that much during the day, while watching CNN. Besides, the CNN financial babe said the recession is over and the good ole USofA economy is prospering!

    Go Cowboys!

  10. Where did you find that picture of me????


  11. I understand why everyone is angry and scared.

    If donuts were in danger of going up in price and I was an addict I would be blaming the Illuminati and anyone else I can get my hands on, too.

    Drug addictions make people desperate.


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