Wednesday, May 5, 2010

80 Percent Of People Jobless Last Summer Still Out Of Work

Just one in five people who were out of work last summer have found jobs since then.
Of more than a thousand unemployed people surveyed by Rutgers University researchers last August, just 21 percent had landed a job by March, a followup survey reveals. Two-thirds remained "unemployed" according to the government's definition -- the rest gave up looking for work altogether, either going to school or retiring early.
"It's a pretty grim study," said Cliff Zukin, one of the authors of the report at the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers.
Here's how grim finding looks graphically:
Of the people who found work, only 13 percent found full-time jobs, and 61 percent said their new gig was just "something to get you by while you look for something better."
Seventy percent have been looking for work for longer than six months, the survey found -- up from 48 percent in the summer. (In March, the number of people out of work for that length of time increased by 414,000 month to 6.5 million, representing 44.1 percent of all unemployed.)
To cope, 70 percent dipped into retirement funds, 56 percent borrowed money from family or friends and 45 percent turned to credit cards. Forty-two percent skimped on medical care, 20 percent moved in with family or friends and 18 percent visited a soup kitchen.
"The cushion's completely gone," said Zukin. "I think we're looking at more cutting the core... It's a much deeper economic gash this time."


  1. May someone take pity on you when you end up unemployed, can't find a job and have no means of feeding your family. I hope you never have to feel the desperation of being without food/shelter/and money due to the loss of a job. Karma always repays, you should be a little more open minded.

  2. buy gold
    also someone attack my writing skills
    also im rich bich
    quit school at 16
    always attack you grammer because the dum asses are unprepared
    so many are deluded that we a will come out ok
    but look at greeks
    that will be you soon or your brother or sister
    fools deleuded into false hope
    may god help you for no man will
    all to easy
    oh and kid boo hoo
    you havnt seen nothing yet
    i have socks older than you
    you will care when your drafted
    who do you think is oing into iran not the over 50 crowd
    so have fun

  3. 9:23 I would have guessed you were 16 and haven't quite been to school in a while.

    Your writing suggests that you might be 21, (Most 21 year olds have a childish mentality), you maybe could be that stupid that you would be working at McDonald's flipping burgers saying to people, "I get around just fine people, you guys must be doing something wrong!" And yet you then have no clue that you are making minimum wage.

    I know this might sound hard to believe, that someone could be that stupid, but then again there are still people who like Obama. This world has gone to shit, in particular the gift humans were given over other animals...

  4. It's crazy out there. I'm still working and stacking gold and silver, though. My YTD gross is $85K. I'll have to ease up on the overtime later in the year, and I need to burn at least 160 hours of vacation by the end of the year (company won't cash out excess vaca, anymore). If I can keep this going for few more years, I'm done.

    Follow the lead of your leaders... LOOT.

  5. Does that mean 20% were able to find a job???

  6. The bankrupt Greeks are only fighting back to ensure they continue in their golden age without change , they put forward no progressive solutions for change and therefore the “left ”are bankrupt begging conservatives not revolutionaries.

  7. Great cleaning jobs are created at the gulf.

  8. The sad part is, this is likely to be the 'new normal' for some time to come, maybe permanently. I suspect many of these long-term unemployed will never work again.

  9. i was the first poster yesterday saying fuck you to all those who are suffering out of ignorance.

    i do not work at mcdonalds, i run a medical cannabis business. And i make 6-7 tax free figures.
    I know my place in this world. i am a brilliant person.

  10. 725
    the fed will come after you.
    when the depression gets worse.
    they the fed will take over california.
    confiscate your property.
    and put you on charges for selling drugs.
    cannabis business is illegal
    you will be arrested and prosecuted.
    you are to young to understand how the goverment works.
    this was all planned.
    why dont you think big buisness hasnt taken it over yet.
    invest in vaseline stocks.

  11. 7:25 My suggestion; Take some of that medical cannabis and smoke a bowl.

  12. thats what i find hilarious about u guys.. the truth is the fed has better shit to do like chase down car bombers and go after floyd blankfields and the fabs of the world.. not someone helping the sick.. no the bush administration was after me but there are already too many cannabis bussinesses around the country.. sorry but this industry is here to stay and to stay in the hands of 'ma n pa' type folks. atleast for now.. its pure capitalism.. its already hard to compete. But the funny part is, technically the feds could come after me, but they are not, and im not even worried about it.. yet some scared out of his mind nut case living on a farm thinks the feds are gonna come and lock him up for non compliance of some bullshit reason.. come on! u have all lost your mind. also. cannabis is a lot easier to barter with than gold. u can buy houses, cars food with a simple exchange of cannabis and knowing the right people, which there are plenty of..

  13. 7:25 is a fool innebriated on Northern Lights every day. Can't wait till he discovers starving hordes of unemployed brain eating Zombies smashing down his front door for some Ghanja.


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