Friday, July 29, 2011

The Rinse' Describes the Rainmaker's Dilemma Facing US Economy

Shathley Q

When the President of Pimco says to Tom Keene, host of Bloomberg Radio’s Surveillance, that it’s hard to restore a Triple A rating once it’s been lost, that is exactly too much to hear. Facing up to the idea of America possibly losing its Triple A and not recouping it within even the next generation is hard enough. Facing up to this idea while In the Loop host Betty Liu (the show that just crossed to Surveillance) interviews her guests with a steely resolve makes me want to hide out. There’s an even bigger economic collapse on the way, potentially. And it comes with its own countdown timer, one that marks the days and the hours, minutes and seconds until August second with the debt ceiling needs to be raised again, or…
It’s easy to escape into Gary Phillips’ first foray into comics, The Rinse. Courtesy of BOOM! Studios,The Rinse is a piece of ‘sunshine noir’ . . . . .

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